Induction tomorrow - couldn't tolerate sweep. Now feeling very scared!

Milliemoo x

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2011
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Well I'm 40 +6 and went for my sweep today which I found completely unbearable. My cervix is still quite high and not really ready so I've been booked in for induction tomorrow. I feel really shook up by the sweep, I cried at the consultant! Has anyone else felt like this. Ended up on a feral monitor cos babies a heart rate was really high, just lay there on the bed for nearly two hours thinking all kinds of things.

Also scared now - if my cervix is not ready is the induction process gonna take days?

Not a good day ladies, plus did it on my own cos hubby was stuck at work :( x
I don't have a lot of advice for you, other than the fact that the more scared you are, the worse it is going to be. I would take tonight doing some stretches and squatting (trying to bring baby down a little), and just try to clear your mind and get in a better mindset for it. DON'T stress! You're going to be ok. It is a totally natural thing to have a baby (even if it doesn't feel natural with the induction), the pain isn't never ending and you've GOT THIS!
I'm sorry you are going through this. I wish I had some encouraging advice but i never had this issue. I am to be induced on Thursday and I'm nervous about it.

I know you can do this. Best thing to do is relax and breathe. Try not to get yourself stressed bc that might cause the baby to stress as well.

Best of luck to you!
When I had my sweep the pain was so bad that I cried pretty hard during it. The pain was much worse than the pain of contractions even!

I was induced at 40+6 starting with Cervidil, and that was enough to kick start me into active labor by itself. The contractions it caused was pretty intense so I got an epidural, but I had an otherwise uneventful labor (slept through a lot of it after the epidural) and had no problem pushing her out on my own. Took about 22 hours from them inserting the Cervidil to her being in my arms.

So if you get a choice in how to be induced, ask for something like that that is supposed to help get your cervix ready. It worked pretty quick for me! (and mine was not ready for labor at all when I arrived at the hospital) Every labor is different of course, but you still have a shot at a quick, easy labor! :hugs:
i don't have a lot of advice, but I do know that stress and being tense is worse on your body while trying to give birth.

my advice with as scary as it may be is like someone else said.. do some squats or birthing ball or something to just try to work baby down a little bit. take a nice relaxing bath and just think that you will have a baby in your arms tomorrow! One way or another they will do what is best for that baby and that is all that matters! You'll do great! good luck!
Relax! I had an induction for my son--first baby, and I wasn't ready at all either. They gave me cervadil to start and then pictocin the next morning. The whole process was about 24 hours.

Don't be afraid to ask for an epidural. Inductions can be pretty intense. I had one for both of my babies and don't regret it.
I'm sorry honey :( I was induced with my last baby since my waters broke before I ever had any contractions. After waiting 12 hours to see if they would start on their own they put me on a Pitocin drip. It took about 5 hours or so to really get into active labor and the contractions were VERY intense. I ended up getting an epidural at 10cm dilated because I literally could not take it and I have a very high pain tolerance.

My second baby I had without any Pitocin and without any pain medication or epidural and the contractions were way more manageable than they were with Pitocin. If my waters break again and I have to be induced I am going to ask if I can try nipple stimulation with a breast pump for a few hours to get things going on their own rather than going straight to the Pitocin. If the Pitocin is necessary I am going to not ask them to bump up the amount so often. They start you off slow and then increase until you hit a good pattern. I think they probably should have backed off the increases sooner and that would have helped with the pain.

I am not trying to scare you but I was very unprepared for the intensity of the contractions. I am very pro non-medicated childbirth and I think if I would have understood that the contractions were going to be much more intense that I could have made it without getting the epidural at the last minute.
You'll be ok hun :hugs:

To be honest, I find sweeps and examinations the worst part, it feels unnatural. Labour is painful, yes, but its a "healthy" type of pain. Its natural and what your body is meant to do. Sweeps are not natural. I hate them.

They will probably use a gel to help your cervix soften and then break your waters once it begins to soften and open. That is often enough to get labour going on its own. You might not need any Pitocin.

Keep in mind, just because your cervix is high now, it can change at anytime.

Thinking of you, you will be fine :)
Anything you can do at home to help widen your pelvis is going to give baby more room to move down. Babies head pressing on your cervix is what helps labour along.

Have you got a yoga ball? Doing hoola hoop motions whilst sitting on that can really help. Or sort of straddle the ball and do sideways rocking motions. Or walking up stairs two at a time (make sure you have someone with you for support though) are all good ways.

I'm just trying to think of things my doula taught me when I was trying to avoid induction.
I'm scheduled to be induced Monday night via a slow pitocin drip. I'm already 5.5cms though so I don't think it'll take much.
Buuut I was induced with my first and it was a long abortion and they had to use a pessary and cervadil and all of that because I wasn't dilated at all so I'm not sure what to expect this time.

However, I will say that it was a lot less scary than I thought it was gonna be and I wouldn't worry too much. You'll do great. Have faith in yourself, your SO, and whatever your religion is and youll make it through anything.

Good luck. :)
Im being induced monday if baby is not here by then. I have declined the sweep as a couple of my friends found it uncomfortable. You will perhaps feel better once your in hospital with the midwives and knowing you can get pain relief. I know i feel abit scared now. Sitting at home waiting. Not knowing how i will cope. You can get through it. I hope your ok xx

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