Inroducing myself and my son delivered at 27 weeks


Mum to a 27 week preemie
May 9, 2011
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Hi all,

My names Sam and I'm 24 from Glasgow. Yesterday I took myself to hospital with foot swelling, headaches, vomiting and flashing lights in my eyes. Turned out my blood pressure was through the roof and I had severe pre-eclampsia. They decided baby had to be delivered asap so at 2pm I had a c-section to deliver my little boy who weighed just 1lb 15oz.
I'm still in total and utter shock as is my hubby. I have been to see him where possible but I'm in massive amounts of pain. He's a little fighter and is doing as best he can be.
I'm hoping to meet some more preemie mummies who can give some experiences and positive thoughts...


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I'm hoping to meet some more preemie mummies who can give some experiences and positive thoughts...

You've found the right place for that - Hello, Welcome Alexander & Congratulations to you :kiss: You've got your very own firework :haha:

Everyone in here has wonderful tales to tell of their little fighters - our little boy is now 2 years old, having been born 11 weeks early weighing 1lb 6oz, an emergency c/s too. He's small but fantastic.

Please have a read around the threads in here, and ask any and all questions. A couple of our best posters are in Scotland and will welcome you with open arms :hugs:
Hello, welcome to the boards and congratulations on your little boy.

I had twin girls at 25+2. Sadly one of my little girls didn't make it but my other daughter is now 21 months old and apart from being small and she is doing great.

You are no doubt still in shock as everything happened so quickly and your hormones will be all over the place. Neonatal is a roller coaster journey with many steps backwards and forwards so do take sometime out for yourself.

We are all here to support you on your journey so ask any questions. There is quite a few of us living in Scotland including myself although I am in Edinburgh.

Keep us updated on your little man.

So sorry to hear of your loss and what a beautiful little girl and have x
Hi Sam I hope a wee surf here has helped reassure you a little. Alexander is gorgeous and looks like a true fighter feel free to ask ANYTHING here no matter how silly you think it is we have all asked it before xx
Welcome. Your little one is gorgeous, i had my wee by at 25+6 he weighed 2lb 1 and we spent 102 days in neonata he is home now 5 1/2 months old now (adjusted he only 8weeks)l, it is a rollercoaster of a ride but the staff are very understanding and become like family to you. Take each day as it comes. xx
Your little man is gorgoeus.

My boys were born at 21weeks and 24 weeks, Connor was sadly only with us for 2 and ahalf hours and Harry is now 18months old, running circles round us!

The whole NICU journey is scary and hard but the lovely ladies on here are geat and will help with any questions and always feel free to vent on here, dont keep it bottled up, you will have good days and bad days, just like Alexander will.

Message for Alexander the little firework, just like Katy Perry sings

'cause baby, your a firework, come on show em what your worth'

(i couldnt resist) xx

Keep us updated x
Welcome and congratulations on the birth of your beautiful wee boy. How is he getting on?

The girls here are a fab bunch.

My wee girl was born at 23+6 after pprom at 23+3. She just turned 1year old a week and a half ago. These micro preemies are amazing fighters. They have so much will and determination. We were in NNU for 19.5 weeks and got Anya home about 3 weeks after her due date.

Thanks for the lovely welcome girls. My little man is doing well. He's already breathing on his own and opening his eyes. He is just beautiful and looks so much like his daddy. I'm going down to change his nappy for the first time later :)
Hiya Sam, and congrats!!!

Another Edinburgh girl here, our first was born at 27+4 and has turned 2. There's loads of us here for advice!!

Congratulations and welcome to the forum. I gained lots of great advice looking through the threads and the Introduce your're VIP section was always a comfort to know I wasnt alone, always brings a tear to my eye to see how all the tiny babies have progressed

Sounds like you're little fighter's doing great, good luck with your SCBU rollercoaster
congratulations! And welcome, my little on was born at 29 weeks, he is now 7 months actual, 5 adjusted and wants to walk, he just holds people fingers.......preemies are determined little people.
Hi Sam, my name is Karen & my baby girl was also born on 5th November at 27 weeks 5 days, so I know EXACTLY what your feeling & going through right now as I'm at the exact same stage. I went into hospital to be checked over at 5pm on Saturday night as my baby hadn't been moving properly for a few days, although I'd had 1 or 2 kicks. By 10.30 that night I was having an emergency c-section as they did not like the tracing results. Isabella Grace weighed 2lb 5 1/2oz. She is still on the ventilator at the moment & we are yet to be able to hold her.

Not sure how your feeling but my world has been turned upside down!!!!! should you want to talk about things feel free to message me, I guess there's not many people who can share what were going through to the exact day!!!!!
Congratulations on the birth of ALexander, hes gorgeous.. Congrats to you aswell Kaziscool.

My little girl Amelia was born at 27 weeks. On our wedding night, totally unexpectedly. She came home from hospital at 36 weeks weighing just over 4lb 7oz and is now nearly 7 months old and continuing to amaze us every single day.

Stick around and keep us aupdated xxxxx
Hi and welcome, I had the same experience. Had a 28 week check and I hadn't felt baby move and my feet were huge and I had flashing lights in my eyes, mw checked and my bp was through the roof too, sent to hospital and they struggled to get my bp down, baby was taken out next day, they were hoping to keep her in but her bp dropped so I was rushed into theatre. 28+6 and 1lb 8.5oz. We're from Dunfermline. She's 6 months now.
This site has been fab for help and questions. Hope ur wee man keeps getting better and bigger.
Hi Sam, and welcome :flower: Alexander is gorgeous.

I replied on your other post but just saying hi here too. Sophie was 1lb 13oz when she was born at 27 weeks. She was in ICU for 7 weeks, HDU for 3 and SCBU for 2, and came home 6 days before her due date. She's going to be 20 months tomorrow and apart from being a little bit small, she's doing absolutely great.

We live just south of the border but Sophie was born in Edinburgh.

Please ask any questions you have, no matter how small or silly they may seem. I don't honestly know what we'd have done without the ladies on here - they got me through a very tough time!

Hello and welcome! The ladies here are amazing :flower:

It really is a rollercoaster ride. My own 27 weeker didn`t breathe on his own until practically his due date so that`s very good! Alexander will continue to amaze you and make you proud every single day. It seems like an eternity right now but sooner than you think he`ll be home with you and you`ll remember with mixed feelings that crazy blur that was the nicu :)

*hugs* keep us updated!
Hi there. Your baby boy looks perfect. I too had my son Archie at exactly 27 weeks. He weighed in at 2lb 6oz and spent 14 weeks in Simpsons. Archie will be three in Feb and is doing very well. He's hit all his milestones and will start school nursery next year. If you have any questions, just shout. You could also do a search for my journal on the the parenting forum titled Archie's journey to getting home and beyond. I completed this everyday until he was one. I'm an Edinburgh Mummy xx

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