Sorry I really hope this doesn't come off as being insensitive...because it's not supposed to, don't know what it's like to have a premie, but it must be terrifying, my cousin's girls were prematue, and saw the worry that the whole family went to, and it really is awful...think all of you are fantastically strong people!
I was 5 days overdue...and although it was uncomfortable, definitely didn't want it to be over! But during the last 2weeks ish of pregnancy, my baby grew quite a lot, he was too big for me, and due to complications from the delivery, he could have quite easily died or become severely brain damaged (that is the norm for the complication), luckily he was ok, but sometimes going over etc. isn't always the best for the baby.
That said..I had a scare at about 28weeks, where there was lots of blood and mucas etc., they never worked out why, and I'm grateful that it was only a scare, and he's ok.
Sorry if this doesn't come out right, understand why you find it insensitive etc. Not always very good at expressing myself!