'Intervention' after 9 month development check?

I agree with the other ladies that does sound rediculous!

In my area they do a 1 year check and a 2 year check. When DD2 had her one year check, she was weighed and then spent the rest of the time running around the room chasing DD1 while hubby and I sat and spoke to HV about if we had any concerns, how many words can she say etc. She wasnt put through any "test" at all.
When DD1 had her 2 year check the HV just watched her play with bricks and observed her building a tower, fitting pieces into a puzzle and then looked at a book with her (not for reading, just to check her eyes that she could focus on things etc). Then discussed things like teeth brushing, healty eating etc with me. All very relaxed and informal. I would defo complain and refuse the extra visits if you feel strongly about it. xxx
Honest question from an American here - where do HVs get their training? Are they like nurses?

We don't have them here, so I'm genuinely curious. All of our check ups are done by pediatricians (doctors). I just see a lot of complaints about them on BnB and I find the whole system very fascinating.
Honest question from an American here - where do HVs get their training? Are they like nurses?

We don't have them here, so I'm genuinely curious. All of our check ups are done by pediatricians (doctors). I just see a lot of complaints about them on BnB and I find the whole system very fascinating.


Health Visitors (HVs) are qualified nurses or midwives who have gone on to do extra training to qualify as a HV. So you would expect that they would be understanding and well informed with upto date and relevant information. While I really like the HVs at our doctors surgery, I have heard alot of parents complain (both on here and IRL) about their HVs giving out wrong info and generally being unhelpful and judgemental. xxx
I would speak to another HV, I would also be inclined to refuse the home visit. If you are happy with your child's development then continue what your doing, you know best.
That's ridiculous! Most babies put things into their mouths. What is she doing giving a baby something that she then has to take off him in case he chokes on it?! Has she no common sense? :nope:

I would speak to another health visitor if you can, as this doesn't sound common practice at all.
I wouldn't let these crazy people into my home if I were you.:nope:
Does she think mums can train babies not to put random things in their mouth? That sure would make life a lot easier.:haha:
Putting things into their mouths is a very very well-known developmental stage - it's part of how they explore and understand the world around them (and of course a good chomp helps with teething) - it's one of the reasons that anything used around babies DOESN'T have small parts FFS the stupid moo!

I'm still avoiding our check-up... fine with them doing it but I want them to wait till she's 9 months on her adjusted age so it's a fairer comparison as I'm not having her labelled "pass" or "fail" that early in life, and since I can barely walk at the moment - they can flipping well come out to me (hell if they wait a month or so longer they can double-head it with the new baby visits anyway).

As for what I'd expect the typical 9 month old to do - look suspiciously with a "who are you" then take a block, shove in gob, and chomp on it... possibly a bit of block-banging after having had a good chomp to establish it was hard and chompable and not actually food... and then no doubt pee on the health visitor (that marks them out as a very advanced baby)!

There's also no way on this planet the nursery nurse attached to our health visiting team will ever get permission to enter my house - she's the most utterly scaremongering, ignorant of anything other than handing out leaflets on weaning, no clue how to talk to parents without sneering at them or accusing them of neglect (for daring to ask for advice on over the counter stuff for things like nappy rash rather than running straight to the GP) waste of space going!
???? Mine coulnd't even do that at 9 months. She just started banging things together at around 12 months and I told the pediatrician at 12 month appt that I was concerned that she didn't clap, and he asked if she could bring her hands together at midline, and when I said yes she has able to do that for a while, he said she is fine. If everything seems fine to you I wouldn't think twice about what she said.
Sigh. I am going through similar now. Thomas was fine at his 9 month check but failed his 18-24 month check (he was teething and only 17 months for god sake!). He could not build a tower, colour or do a puzzle because everything went in his mouth (teething!!). My HV is very 'concerned' that he is not speaking at all so has referred him to an audiologist and a speech therapist. I'm very annoyed as I have no concerns. He's just started walking in the last month and is practically running now so I'd say he's doing very well!

I spoke to my doctor about it. Turns out she's a new HV is crossing her T's and dotting her I's. She clearly has no on hands experience (his words not mine). He agrees with me Thomas does not need any intervention but at the same time he doesn't think it will harm him either so I'm going all with it. I may even pick up some tips.

She wanted me to have someone from flying start come out to us every week too. I put my food down I do not need to be told how to raise my son. I've had flying start in the past. The woman had no personal experience with children, recommended CIO at under 6 months and just generally left me with a sour taste in my mouth so I'm not going down that road again.

Sore for typos I'm on my phone.
Honest question from an American here - where do HVs get their training? Are they like nurses?

We don't have them here, so I'm genuinely curious. All of our check ups are done by pediatricians (doctors). I just see a lot of complaints about them on BnB and I find the whole system very fascinating.

We have them in America. I still go to the doctors when she has a check up and stuff, but we had a HV (also called a VN where I am) come check Abby for her first few days as she was jaundice when she was born. Ours was Fab. But then again, if she wasn't I would be having a word with my MIL who is the HV supervisor around here ;)
Sounds like a quack to me. My daughter has been hitting milestones pretty early and always been healthy and happy. And she would fail that "test". She can clap, wave, and hits things together all the time, but only after she puts said objects in her mouth. Its what babies do. I'd be worried frankly if she DIDN'T try to put it in her mouth.
Guess what my LO did with one of the block at her 9 month check? She put it in her mouth! Our dr just laughed and said she's supposed to bang the 2 together. She did eventually but one block was still in her mouth when she was banging them.
If I were you, I'd ring the HV, tell her you have no concerns about lo's development and you'd like her to cancel her " intervention". If she refuses, ask her name and her superior's name and number, because you're going over her head to get this stopped.
I hope you get this sorted and they don't close ranks! Good luck, Hun!:flower:
Are you able to put in an official complaint about that? fair enough yes that's what they are expected to do - however if the baby is finding the situation stressful and then the HV spoke to him in a firm voice then I;m not surprised he got upset and you;d think a HV dealign with babies all the time would know this. And these community nursery nurses that come around are even more useless than the HVs - honestly we have the, at our weigh ins and I don;t even know why i bother asking questions they haven;t got a clue! I would see if you can put in an official complaint saying the HV stressed the baby out etc etc
Guess what my LO did with one of the block at her 9 month check? She put it in her mouth! Our dr just laughed and said she's supposed to bang the 2 together. She did eventually but one block was still in her mouth when she was banging them.
If I were you, I'd ring the HV, tell her you have no concerns about lo's development and you'd like her to cancel her " intervention". If she refuses, ask her name and her superior's name and number, because you're going over her head to get this stopped.
I hope you get this sorted and they don't close ranks! Good luck, Hun!:flower:

This. :thumbup:
And this is why I declined willows 1 year check....

If you're happy with his development (and quite frankly it sounds like he's doing great) then a one off assessment of his "skills" is worthless. Plus what on earth is she doing giving him a block that is, in her opinion, swallow able!
I'm going to have to sit down tomorrow and stick Erin in an extensive block banging milestone bootcamp as well now aren't I?

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