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Interview advice please *update*


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2009
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I've got an interview next Mon for a job which I desperately need right now, it's the first I've had since starting hunting a couple of months ago, it's hard to find anything that suits the days I can do. They've had so many applicants they're doing a group interview. I've never had one before, can anyone help me out on what I might expect?

I'm ok doing 1:1 interviews although havent had one since I got my last job 2 years ago. So I'm extra nervous!!

Also I don't really know what to wear, it's for a printing company based on an industrial estate doing admin/sales. I've got 1 pair of office type trousers but I'm stumped what to wear with them, I've got no shirts or smart tops. Plus it's a 20 min walk and I tend to sweat when I get hot/nervous so don't want to melt. My other option is a dress, a bit like the one below, just in black with small flowers on (or I've got one in green) with leggings. I'm not sure if its smart enough?


Any help appreciated.

Just thought I'd give a quick update, the interview went really really well. Was completely informal, he didnt even ask any questions just chatted about the job and wanted to see if we got on with him as it'd be working very closely together. Only 3 of us turned up and one was 15 minutes late with no apologies and she didnt say much, so I'm hopeful. The other girl had a few plus points over me in terms of transport and flexibility as she's got no kids, but I got on with him better and said a few key words which I think made him see I was more than capable of doing what he needed, so fingers crossed!
Sorry no advice, I have never had a group interview but wanted to wish you luck. I personally would wear the dress but without leggings as they can look a bit casual.
Thanks for replying :) I was thinking that leggings look quite casual. I'm having a slight dilemma though because I can't go bare legged (I'm a size 22 and haven't had bare legs in years!!) plus I've got a 20 min walk after the train journey so can't risk chub rub!! I could wear black tights if I can find any but was going to wear sandals for the walk (my shoe collection is limited!) maybe I could wear plimsols (haven't got any normal flat shoes) and change into heels when I'm near, and take a big enough handbag to put them in. Hmmm
I would wear your trousers plus a vest top with black cardi, you can take cardi off when walking and put it on for interview to look smart.

Re: interview, I would have questions ready about the job. Shoes your keen and interested in the position.
I would also be friendly and talk to other candidates ( even if your shy, force yourself too) shows your a team player/ worker. Don't be afraid to show your personsality.....especially if you'll be in sales

All best of luck I hope you get it :flower:
I agree with PP id say black pants with a vest top and a cardi, even without would be fine given the weather atm x
Thanks ladies, ill have to trawl though my wardrobe and see what I can find. I don't really have any plain tops, all my vests are patterned and I do feel more confident in a dress. Ill see if I can get something decent together, I've got a drawer full of stuff I wore when I worked in the city so something from there might fit. Actually I have got a lilac short sleeved cardi that's worn over a stroppy top, that might work.

ETA thanks for the advice about talking to the other candidates I hadn't thought of that. I've never done any sales work before, purely secretarial/admin stuff. Any tips on what to say about the sales side? I hadn't even thought of that :dohh: I guess knowing the products well, and what competition offer, that's off the top of my tired brain so any other ideas would be great!!
Group interviews are usually all about how you interact with others. They often involve a team building type activity to see who will show initiative and show leadership skills etc. Try and be outgoing and sociable because you need to be remembered out of the group. Try not to worry too much group interviews tend to be slightly less formal and intimidating the employers are trying to see how you are in a more natural way than sat in an interview room.

I think trousers is a good option if you find a suitable top or the dress with tights.

Good luck.
I prefer group interviews to be honest, they're so much more relaxed! you seem like an outgoing person who will be naturally good in a group interview :) make sure you contribute to the tasks but don't take over and be bossy, don't talk over other people - common sense stuff really! :)

good luck :D
I agree, I prefer a group interview. If you're given a task, do what you're told and not what everyone else is doing. Join in as enthusiastically as your can, try to get your point across without being argumentative. Basically act like the people you're interviewing with are already your colleagues, so be professional but friendly.

Are you on any benefits? You can see if the Jobcentre will give you any vouchers for interview clothes. My local Jobcentre give a £20 Matalan voucher :)
I used to do group interviews as a junior manager with a more senior and I personally would go with whichever outfit you think will make you stand out, for me I would go for the dress. Normal interview attire is all well and good but it's often wise to be the candidate who wore **** people will remember you more than if you blended in, if that makes sense (lack of sleep so waffling!) My job was more retail than sales and we tended to get to know a bit about each candidate and then the fun part (dreaded part) was role play where you sold a product to us managers (you might not have to do that though) I would say don't shrink into the background, make sure they will remember you but don't be overconfident (you don't seem that type anyway lol) also lastly make sure you have the answers to common interview questions, good luck :D
Thanks for all the advice ladies I'm definately going to read this again on Monday, might calm my nerves! Problem is I'm so used to more formal interviews (I was a temp before I had Ben so had them every few months) I have my standard questions down to a T and kinda put a confident facade on!! But I will just be chatty and friendly, plus I like the idea of treating everyone else as a colleague.

I tried clothes on today and I looked frumpy in the trousers and top so decided on the black dress with flowers. It'll make me stand out a bit more and it looks good. Fingers crossed I don't get lost on the way there!!
Thanks for all the advice ladies I'm definately going to read this again on Monday, might calm my nerves! Problem is I'm so used to more formal interviews (I was a temp before I had Ben so had them every few months) I have my standard questions down to a T and kinda put a confident facade on!! But I will just be chatty and friendly, plus I like the idea of treating everyone else as a colleague.

I tried clothes on today and I looked frumpy in the trousers and top so decided on the black dress with flowers. It'll make me stand out a bit more and it looks good. Fingers crossed I don't get lost on the way there!!

Good luck :flower:
I agree with what others have said. Group interviews are about making sure you get the opportunity to contribute and put your opinion across but not taking over and dominating the session.

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