Introduce Your Babies..

Your Name: Steph
Your Babys Name: James Connor
Age: 3 weeks 2 days
Favourite Foods: milk
Recent Milestones: trying to lift his head, holds it up for a few seconds, also trying to climb up me.
Likes: milk and cuddles
Dislikes: daddy's cold hands and being changed. he dosen't mind baths as long as he's in the bath and not on his baby bath seat.


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Your Babys Name: Greyson Alexander
Age: Almost 10 months!
Favorite Foods: everything
Recent Milestones: Walking along all the furniture. Also, he can float in the water. Working on flipping back to floating position now
Likes: to smile, flirt, ice cream, attention
Dislikes: his nose sucked out, being held down for diaper change, being told no


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Your Babys Name: McKenzie Adyson:baby:
Age: 2 weeks tomorrow!
Favorite Foods: milk :)
Recent Milestones: umbilical cord fell off!
Likes: to smile, cuddles,and sleep!
Dislikes: dirty diapers,being hungry,and pooping LOL.:haha:

(she was in NICU for her first week of life (meconium aspiration) so i have included a few pics of her in there.)


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Your Name: Rebecca/Becca.
Your Babys Name: Lily Ella.
Age: 3 weeks.
Favourite Foods: Her formula.
Recent Milestones: Cooing! :cloud9:
Likes: Baths, food, sleep and mummy cuddles.
Dislikes: Being hungry, being naked or changing her nappy :haha:.
Your Name: Hannah
Your Babys Name: Jack
Age: 11.5 weeks
Favourite Foods: Milk!
Recent Milestones: Grasping things intentionally and holding them:cloud9:
Likes: Milk, cuddling, baths, lying on his back and laughing and smiling and kicking his little legs, sleeping, being naked, having his nappy changed, his rattle, his sleeping bag
Dislikes: Being hungry, being tired, having wind, being taken out of the bath


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Your Name: Gemma
Your Baby's Name: Max Alexander
Age: 10 weeks 3 days
Favourite Foods: Breast milk
Recent Milestones: Laughing, squealing, batting at toys, smiling at Burt the Bee, lifting head whilst having tummy time, grabbing mummy's hair!
Likes: Cuddles, baths, being naked, laying out and kicking legs, smiling at mummy and cooing, cuddles with Mummy, laughing at Daddy being silly
Dislikes: Getting dressed, waking after not enough sleep, being put down before decided cuddles are finished, taking medicine, being tired


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Your name: Christina
Your baby's name: Mia
Age: 3 and a half months
Favourite foods: Boobs!
Recent milestones: Squeaking and squealing and cooing and drooling.
Likes: Hand sucking, mummy kisses, toe tickling, lullabies, bunnies, nakedness and water.
Dislikes: Milky boogers, wet nappies, bulldog snores and old people.
Your name: Victoria
Your baby's name: Amaya
Age: 7 months
Favourite foods: Toast & Marmalade, yogurt & chocolate.
Recent milestones: Moving around on my own, feeding myself and first words :)
Likes: Eating, Playing with Grandma's cat, pulling Mammy's hair when I'm tired, Swimming & Baths
Dislikes : Getting dressed, Nappy changes and Sleeping.
Your name: Jewel
Your baby's name: Jaden
Age: 10 days
Favourite foods: booby juice
Recent milestones: cooing and umbilical cord fell off yesterday!
Likes: listening to my big brother talk to me, nursing, sleeping, my binky
Dislikes : getting diaper changed, when mommy or daddy puts lotion on me, being swaddled


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Your name: Jewel
Your baby's name: Jaden
Age: 10 days
Favourite foods: booby juice
Recent milestones: cooing and umbilical cord fell off yesterday!
Likes: listening to my big brother talk to me, nursing, sleeping, my binky
Dislikes : getting diaper changed, when mommy or daddy puts lotion on me, being swaddled

Hey! I remember you from a threa da while back!

Congratulations!! She is Absolutely gorgeous!! :D
I remember you too! That third trimester FLEW right on by-- even though I went over. Such a blessing to have my second little guy!
Your Name: Alyssa
Your Babys Name: Jayla
Age: 6 Days Old
Favourite Foods: Milk Cocktails
Recent Milestones: Finding her hand.
Likes: Laying on daddy's chest
Dislikes: Getting Baths and Diapers changed.


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Your Name: Alyssa
Your Babys Name: Jayla
Age: 6 Days Old
Favourite Foods: Milk Cocktails
Recent Milestones: Finding her hand.
Likes: Laying on daddy's chest
Dislikes: Getting Baths and Diapers changed.

I remember you from 3rd trimester!! Hi!!! How are things with your precious little one?
Good! Thank You! Things are good. My little one is just so precious, i'm so in love. How about you and your little one?
Your Name: Christine
Your Babys Name: Paige
Age: 2 weeks and 1 day
Favourite Foods: Milk (formula and breastmilk)
Recent Milestones: eating her hand and smiling
Likes: Sleeping on mummy
Dislikes: Getting undressed and changing nappy.


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I don't know if I did this before :)
Your Name: Just call me Ellie :)
Your Babys Name: Claudia Ava
Age: 12 days away from being 1!
Favourite Foods: Cheesey Puffs
Recent Milestones: Learning to climb up everything!
Likes: Banging on the window at everyone and shouting.
Dislikes: Mummy or Daddy leaving the room.
Your Name: Tara
Your Babys Name: Ethan leslie R-B
Age: 6 weeks 5 days
Favourite Foods: Hipp Organic Combiotic stage 1
Recent Milestones: Finding his hands and first smile!
Likes: Sleeping and Eating
Dislikes: Being naked
I think I will join in too :) So many gorgeous babies here! Love them all!

Your Name: Mindy
Your Babys Name: Finn <3
Age: 7 weeks today!
Favourite Foods: Mommy's milk
Recent Milestones: he sucked his thumb for the first time yesterday. Super cute! :)
Likes: Eating and snuggling
Dislikes: not much, we have the most pleasant baby around, I think! :cloud9:

He is my whole heart. I love him to bits!


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Your Name: Becky
Your Babys Name: Douglas
Age: 1 week and 1 day
Favourite Foods: Milk (Expressed breastmilk)
Recent Milestones: Scoffing 4oz per feed! greedy munchkin
Likes: Eating and Snuggles with mummy
Dislikes: Getting undressed and changing nappy


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Your Name: Candice

Your Babys Name: Alyssa

Age: 3weeks & 5days

Favourite Foods: Milk

Recent Milestones: Pooping on me not 1 but 2 in 1 diaper change!!(projectile poo) & peeing on daddy hand!!

Likes: bathing,her disney stuffed animal Nala, her milk.

Dislikes: lying on her tummy & dirty diaper & her hands being covered & her feet & hands being touched

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