Your Name: Mary
Your Babys Name: Michaela Anya
Age: 7 months on the 5th
Favourite Foods: sweet potatoes, squash, green beans, bananas... pretty much everything she's had so far except peaches (which she tolerates, but doesn't seem to like)
Recent Milestones: She started sitting really well a few weeks ago and does like a 1/4 turn rollover, but not all the way there yet.
Likes: Standing, trying to pet kitty, watching grandma dance, being read to, being sung to, bath time, being nakey (she has giggle fits at bath time)
Dislikes: tummy time, lying down when she's not sleeping
I've never put up an image before so here's hoping I do it right.
Your Babys Name: Michaela Anya
Age: 7 months on the 5th
Favourite Foods: sweet potatoes, squash, green beans, bananas... pretty much everything she's had so far except peaches (which she tolerates, but doesn't seem to like)
Recent Milestones: She started sitting really well a few weeks ago and does like a 1/4 turn rollover, but not all the way there yet.
Likes: Standing, trying to pet kitty, watching grandma dance, being read to, being sung to, bath time, being nakey (she has giggle fits at bath time)
Dislikes: tummy time, lying down when she's not sleeping
I've never put up an image before so here's hoping I do it right.