Introduce YOURSELF - Very Important Parent...


Mummy to Matthew & Daniel
Nov 6, 2008
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So we all know all the babies well now and sooo excited they are are all coming on great but what about each other? Think its time us yummy mummies had a bit of 'me' time. I'll start:

My name is Gillian and I am a BnB-aholic :haha: Iam 28 my DH is Chris who will be 30 in a few months :haha: we live in Greenock, Scotland (about 60 miles outside Glasgow).

I work in social care supporting adults with living disabilities to maintain life in the community which I love (although dreading going back and leaving my little Matty-man)

We were ttc for 3 years with a cycle of IVF in there, fell preg naturally while on a 'break' between cycles 10 weeks bedfore my wedding last Sept :happydance:. 26th Sept will be our first wedding anniversary and 13 years to the day we met (childhood sweethearts)

Ok who's next dont be shy............. x

Hiya Gillian-I am Donna and am 23 from Bracknell in Berkshire (Darn Sarf to you! :lol:)

I live with Brooke's Daddy who is Alan, 29. We have just celebrated our 3rd year together.:cloud9: Brooke was a planned (and very much wanted!) baby, we concieved on our 3rd cycle of 'trying'. Unfortunatly I suffered 2 miscarriages before her so she really does feel like she was meant to be.

Nice to 'meet' you all :thumbup:

:hi: everyone. I'm Emma. I'm 26 and I'm from Portsmouth. I live with Molly's Daddy, his name is Dave and he is 30. We have been married for two years and together for 9 years. My husband does the same job as you Gillian! I'm on maternity leave until November then I'll be going back to work as a deputy manager in a call centre. I love my job but I'm dreading leaving Molly, but I know she will be safe with my mum. We conceived Molly the first month I came off the pill, we were very lucky :cloud9: Matthew and Brooke are gorgeous :happydance:
I'm Bec, I'm 34 and am married to Paul and living in Manchester. We were trying for 15 months before we were lucky enough to conceive Poppy.

I'm going back to work as an Office Manager in October and am dreading it, even though my mum and dad will look after Poppy and it will be for 2 days a week.

Big :hugs: to you all :)
hi ladies, great idea for post,

Danielle, 27 from very rainy Kilmarnock, ayrshire and my dh, Kevin and i will be celebrating our first wedding anniversary on the 18th sept! Had Emma four weeks later though that was highly unexpected lol!!

Very lucky to conceive on first cycle though was mega surprised and had to bring the wedding forward or i would have waddled down the aisle, that decision was major blessing as low and behold Emma came 14 weeks early.

Work as a mental health nurse and due back two days a week first week October!! Good that grandparents be watching Em but still gonna be hard, only got her home end of June, but needs must eh!!

Cant wait to celebrate ems birthday and 2nd but proper xmas, never thought ad see the day!! ok am going on now......!!! xxx
Hi ladies...I'm Nicola, I'm married to Kyle..we have been together for over 12 years. I'm 30..we live in North Vancouver, B.C. (Canada). We had one late miscarriage at 19 years old...another missed miscarriage in 2007 after they failed to find the babies heartbeat on our second ultrasound. We decided to stop trying when we found out we were pregnant with Lakai.

I worked as an accountant before having Lakai, but will not be returning to work when my maternity leave is up. I just feel its pointless for me to work to pay for daycare alone..when I could just stay home. My hubby is self employed so I will be helping him out from time to time with grant writing. So I will have some income.

Nice to meet you all.
Hi !! Im Leanne i am 26 and been married to rob for 6 years (together for 9)
we had our angel phoebe in 2007 and were ttc since we lost her, i went on the cambridge diet and lost over 4 stone and fell pregnant with Alex
I am a Midwife, we are ttc #2 in december (hopefully) im on maternity leave untill a week after alex's first birthday so will hopefully go back to work 18ish weeks pregnant xxx

Lovely to meet everyone and their babies xx
Hey there,

My name is Dona and I am married to Gordon and live in Edinburgh. We have been married for 12 wedding was the day Lady Diana died. Anyway, we planned to have Archie but had a miscarriage. 4 Months later we were blessed with falling again and Archie was born on 8th February 2009 13 weeks early. I work for a large Life Assurance Company in Edinburgh as a Sales Manager and go back in Jan or Feb...can't decide yet, and Gordon is a Sheriff Clark in the Sheriff court.

Archie will be going into full time nursery upon my return to work. I am a bit nervous but I know its for the best.

Nice to meet you all!

D xx
I'm Lottie and I'm 23 and originally from Reading in Berkshire, went to uni in Leicester but I'm now living in a small village in Aberdeenshire with my partner Dave (28) who is an Aberdeen born and bred instrument engineer for an oil company and my 4 Norwegian Forest Cats.

Dave and I have been together for nearly 4 1/2 years but Findlay was a total surprise (I'd never wanted children) when Dave was on one of his his two weeks field breaks home from Norway, oops!!

I'll be staying at home to look after Findlay. Good to 'meet' you all :) xxx
Hi :hi:

I'm Sandi (23) and live in Edinburgh, with my OH (27). We have been together for 4 years (and as some of you know we were engaged but I have now put this on hold)

I was a administrator for a nursery franchise - we are still unsure whether i will return however due to Alex's crazy arrival. (12+4 weeks early)

We had two miscarriages before having Alex. (one 'blighted ovum' and one very early m/c) We were starting fertility testing and OH started to have tests and I was having scans.

I had basically given up all hope until I discovered I was having Alex just a few weeks after my last m/c. Of course I was very tentitive about the whole thing. But finally seeing a heartbeat at 6weeks was a huge deal. I was even told at 8 weeks the pregnancy was unlikely to last - but here we are. :cloud9:

Nice to meet you all!!!!
Hi:hi: Im lisa from west mids 30yrs old was with oh for over 4yrs until recently :cry:, have very poor history in regards to pregnancys! Have 1 angel baby who sadly wouldnt survive past 20wks if i had carried on with the pregnancy due to severe abnormalilties had mt at 13wks :cry:.
Ive just finished college did Health and Social care started my access to health studies as my dream would be to become a nicu nurse.
Hello all,

I'm Kelly and I'm 32. I'm from Runcorn in Cheshire. I have a very poor obstetric histoy but last year decided I would love one more baby - and fell pregnant the one night that cycle we tried wihtout using anything!!!

I met my hubby on holiday 13 years ago and we have been married for over 9 years.

We have a total of 7 babies. 3 angels miscarried, 1 angel Shauna died when she was 6 weeks old, Isobel is 6, Louie is 4 and Mikayla is now 7 months

I'm really really new, but thought i'd introduce myself too!

My name is Nikki, im 24, i am an Australian, Living in Cornwall with Freya and Flyn's daddy, Rob. He is 30. I am a hotel receptionist, and am planning to return to work part time in December ... BOO!!!

We sadly lost Freya at 21+1, she is my angel is the clouds and we miss her desperatley.

Flyn was born 15 weeks early at 25 weeks and is now a very happy & healthy 7 and a half month old.

We would love more children, but due to my cervix being extremly incompetent, we will wait until Flyn is independant as ill be on bedrest for most of my pregnancy (if not all).

Ummm, not sure what else to write! Hope to get to know you all better! Its nice to meet you!

Nik xxx
hello all. I am Dianna, 23, and madly in love with my fiance of almost two years, michael who is 27. We live in south carolina and were planning a family one day but neither of us were expecting it to happen so soon and with me having diabetes since i was 7, we didn't think it was possible without help. so our little Abigail is truely our miracle baby.

Luckily, my other half has a great job which allows me to be a stay at home mom and spend my days fawning all over my now VERY spoiled baby. haha.

Its great to meet all of you and glad I FINALLY found a forum for parents of premature babies!
Hey, I never did this yet, how remiss of me.....:dohh:

I'm Gayle, born in Southampton, grew up in North East of Scotland, currently living in Falkirk with Alan (who I actually met through a website.....) We've been together nearly ten years and married for 3 and a bit.

We started trying on our honeymoon (in a rather chilly Banff, Canada!) After a couple of wee false starts, we had Abby 11 weeks early, in April 09.

I'm currently on maternity leave from being a Chartered Quantity Surveyor in Edinburgh and am planning to go back but not looking forward to getting up in the mornings!!
I haven't introduced myself name is Sue, I am 35 (still coming to terms with being classed as mid thirties!!) I live in Surrey with my Partner Darren.

Our decision to try was spontaneous (we decided over tapas and a glass of vino) but we stopped a few days later as my father was dying, by then it was too late, our little bean was growing.
Emily is our miracle baby, in losing my father I gained a wonderful daughter so she will always be special because of that but also because she was an extreme premmie and a little fighter (born 14 weeks early due to placenta abruption). So we have had a year of it and can't wait to wave goodbye to 2009.

I am going back to work in February full time to the world of IT and Daddy is staying at home as a SAHD, he can't wait and I am dreading it, but needs must...

Great to read about you all...x
Oooh, I've never seen this thread before.

I'm Emma, 17 and I live in Lancashire with my parents and obviously Harry, lol. Me and my partner, Ben, 18 have been together just over 2 years (if you don't count when we split for a few months in July), although we have known each other for 6 years.

We were stupidly trying and fell quite quickly. Had I seen into the future, I would have waited a while but I obviously wouldn't change my life now, Harry's the centre of my World.

I am a full-time student at College :D
hi im sian, 22 fom kent! i have 4 children lily who is four oliver and finley who are 2 and they are definatly in the terrible twos!!!!!! lol and then there max which u all know about!!!
ive been with my partner for a 2 and ahalf years and max is his first child!! im a stay at home mum and my oh works really hard! (or so he says lol)!!!!!!!!!!!

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