Introducing Charlie - labour, birth and the hospital stay!


Mummy to 2
Oct 31, 2010
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Okay so finally 5 days later with charlie fast asleep in his crib i get to sit down and write my birth story for you all, i'll also try include a bit about the hospital stay after as i loved reading these stories when i was pregnant and found reading others experiences very helpful. Its a tale of two halves, it got pretty scary so if you're best off not reading that kind of story then skip to the cute pics at the bottom as its going to be an honest account!

So.. all started on sunday at 40+6. Earlier in the day we'd been for a walk, id been bouncing on my ball, tried relflexology and rubbed clary sage in my bump but for those of you who believe you can induce i'll point out that was no different to what id been doing for the past 3 weeks! There was nothing to suggest to me that would be the day, id had braxton hicks and period pains/shooting pains for the past few weeks but sunday seemed no different. Around 5pm the pains where getting worse and i noticed they were at the same time as the contractions, i had a little niggly feeling but thought 'yeah right, dont build your hopes up'. Within an hour i'd been to the loo twice and low and behold blood when i wiped, the start of my show. Told oh i thought this might be it and we started up the contraction timer. By 6pm they were coming every 3 -5 minutes lasting about 30 seconds. I decided now would be a good time to have a freshen up as we could be in for a long night then we put the tens on and this along with the timer prooved good distraction from the uncomfortable contractions. I couldnt get comfy and found myself pacing around the flat, leaning over the kitchen counter each time i had a contraction was the best possible solution for me. By 10pm contractions were coming 45 seconds every 2.5 minutes and i decided i wanted to go to the hospital to get checked (this from the girl that was adament she'd want to labour at home as long as poss). Contractions hurt but i was also excited so was coping. I have to say i think the tens did very little for me. The car journey was fortunately only 5 minutes but felt forever, we got in and went to the birth centre where i was booked in and met by a midwife who showed me to a room, got me to do a urine sample, did some basic checks and told me she would examine me, i asked oh to leave the room at this point as id never had anyone check me down there before and felt uncomfortable, on reflection this was a little silly as everyone was soon to see alot worse! 'Posterior and 1cm'.. i could of cried!! 'we recommend you go home, try and sleep, have a bath and take these codydramol'. Feeling defeated back we went, i was feeling very tired and would loved to of slept but contractions were worse when i laid down and sleep, yeah right! I was at the point of crying through each of them. Oh got some sleep as i was purswaded to try the bath, it provided some comfort if not pain relief, i dozed with my head up against the tiles inbetween! By 4am i could take no more and rung the hospital back saying i was coming in, luckily i got a diff midwife to the one that checked me as everytime i got her on the phone she just said 'try to sleep'. The midwife said come in so we made our way again. Contractions were up to a minute now but a little further apart, about 5 minutes. When we got there i was checked again, oh the fustration.. 1.5cms!! Tough, im staying! I say. I was given a shot of pethadine in the bum and gas and air to use, wow it makes you out of it! Not amazing pain relief but an air of calm came over me allowing me to sleep inbetween which definately allowed me to regenerate and feel alot more positive, so much so i sent oh off to get some sleep and i was left with the g+a on a bed to doze.

About 10:30 i asked to be checked again and was dreading bad news 'do you work in millimetres?' i ask.. 'No, you're 5 cms, in established labour'.. i told her i could kiss her! lol. Rung oh to come back in and felt very positive, i was proud of how well i was doing. Had another shot of pethadine and continued as i was. The contractions were still regularly about a minute long every 4 minutes but getting more intense, i spent my time leaning over the bed dozing on it inbetween then taking the g+a for each one. I had a lovely midwife with me and a student in with my all the time now aswell as oh since i was in established labour. Inbetween contractions i was so out of it in my own world when a contraction started and i came too they made me jump being there cos i had no awareness! If you thought needing to wee in pregnancny was bad wait till labour, i tried to go every few contractions but it just wasnt happening so they did and 'in out catheter', that did hurt. The next few hours drifted by, i was rechecked around 14:00 and was told i was 8cms, fantastic.. the contractions werent getting much worse and the end was in sight.. and best of all they were running the pool for me! They took me through and i got in on all fours, oh held the g+a air for me and i felt calm, though there was one thing really holding me back i felt, i really needed to poo! And from worrying all pregnancy about doing it when time came i just did not care, i would loved to of done it but just couldnt! God did i try, it was like it was stopping me from pushing him out. What did happen though was my waters broke, it really is like a water balloon going pop inside you! This is the turning point of the story.. Meconium stained!

So gently the midwife broke it to me id have to get out the pool and be transferred to the hospital unit as it could be a sign baby was in distress, i was absolutely gutted but in a little way relieved as i was in alot of pain by now, i was so proud of how far id got on that pain relief but it was like the epidural was forgiven as it wasnt my choice but if i had to go and had the option i could take it, i told them to get it ready as i know there can be a wait. I might aswell finish this in a little comfort i thought. Up in the hospital unit by now i was so tired and in pain i just wanted to lay on the bed, i knew active and movement was best but i was 22 hours into labour and feeling it! I was hooked up to continous monitoring and checked at 3pm and just had a lip of cervix to go, they told me to start pushing with each contraction. 'Wheres my epidural, i want my epidural' i was crying out, they assured it would be soon but i might deliver without. I spent the next 4 hours trying for my life to push this baby out getting more and more distressed waiting for pain relief, yes, 4 hours! Apparently everytime theatre became empty someone else was taken in and they had nothing else to give me, to add to it after 5 they only run one theatre instead of two.. something i cannot understand. I was in absolute agony just crying out and begging 'please, how long'. I'd later discovered I'd burst blood vessels in my face and got a fat lip from all the pushing, oh how glamourous my hospital stay after was! Poor oh it must of been awful to watch me with nothing he could do. They told me baby wasnt descending properly and i would need help to deliver him but unfortunately your body doesnt recognise this and stop contractions whilst you wait! Finally at 7pm i was told theatre was free and i was wheeled off, it was finally going to be over. I had to sign to say they could take further action and was taken into the room, it was surreally calm with music playing in the background, there was im told 14 people in there and actually i might just see the end of this but please could they be a little less calm and hurry up, less introductions more action! I was hooked up to all sorts and given a spinal, it was like my legs didnt belong to my body i could see them up infront of me but they didnt feel like mine! Instantly i felt i came back to me, oh appeared to my side in scrubs and i was good to go, they did an episiotomy and put on the ventouse, I was told to push as hard as i could, 3 big pushes and pulls and at 20:20 he was out! He didnt cry which panicked me but he was just looking round a little shocked, his apgar was 6 then 10. My first vision of him was his poor little head which was so elongated from the suction, never forget that. It was all over and my little man was here safe and sound! I was 'repaired' and taken off to recovery, we were given lots of time together, made the important phone calls and just recomposed!

The spinal lasted a good 8 hours or so, we were left till about 1am when oh was sent on his way and i was taken off to my ward, id dozed for about an hour but was too excited to do anymore and lay there awake just looking at this baby looking at me, we tried feeding but it didnt go great, i had to buzz to get help as obviously i was immobile.. they didnt seem to take kindly to this. Oh arrived the next morning and everything got a bit busy, - breakfast, midwife checks, bounty photographer, breastfeeding support, newborn hearing check.. it felt like we had no time just to be. There were two lovely nursery nurses who did really help me, they assisted me to get mobile which was scary and hurt after the cathether came out cos of my stitches.. i showered and felt so much more human! Time just passed, i slept for 2 hours, had some dinner and then before i knew it it was 'night time' again. Id had to stay again as he was on monitoring for his meconium waters and wasnt feeding well breast or bottle. This night i had no support at all, i guess as i was 'mobile' (didnt feel mobile, i couldnt sit down and still cant) i didnt warrant it but i felt i needed some.. never mind, it was the first moment of realisation 'okay hes crying, he needs his mummy and thats me!' i just laid there most the night cuddling him. I worked out i'd slept 7 hours between sunday 10am and wednesday 8pm, you'll be amazed how your body copes. Wednesday morning came, i felt bright and excited to be going home, final checks, paediatric check and we were discharged at 2pm. Charlie was home!! Time has gone so quick since, savour every second!

Weighing 8lb 6 heres my little bundle of joy, hes amazing, he feeds like a pro now (doing a combination of both) and only really wakes for this so mummy and daddy are getting lots of sleep so far! Life is amazing x

(Pics left to right are: being weighed after birth, meeting daddy in theatre, coming home from hospital, 3 days old, 12 days old)


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Wow, looking at the pic in your avatar he looks so much older :)

Congrats :)
congrats lovely story and hjes soo beautiful :D cant wait for my turn xx
Wow, what a time you had:flower: He is so cute!! Congrats!!
Congrats! He is adorable! =] His head doesn't like misshapen at all! xx
It went down after a few days thankfully, he still has a round bruise where the suction cap was but the 'cone' look is a thing of the past! :)
Congratulations. You did so well. Charlie is gorgeous. X

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