Introducing my 3 week early little girl Daisy


Mummy to a little girl
Jun 6, 2010
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I think I will start the birth story on Sunday, when the contractions started to come. On Friday we moved house and on Saturday things started to happen. Mainly just pains. At 8pm on Sunday morning I was woken up by a contraction. It was quite strange. I literally woke up and was wide awake and just felt this pain. It was a bearable pain but it was no where near comfortable! I went to the toilet and when I came back FOB was up. I told him that the first contraction had come and he was seriously bouncing off the walls! We waited for what seemed like ages for the next one and it came about 10ish minutes later. We timed the second one and it was 10 minutes. I called up the midwife and she told me that I could take 2 paracentamol and for us to come down to see her for 10am.
At 10am we went to the hospital (nearly the whole family went to the hospital!) We saw the midwife who said that everything was pretty much in order and it is now just a waiting game! She told me to call her when we are down 7 minutes and when we are 5 minutes to come to the hospital but obviously keep her informed.
We got back home at about midday and the contractions were down to 9 minutes. After having something to eat FOB thought it would be a good idea to take a LOOOOOONG walk. We walked for about 3 miles and as most of you ladies know being pregnant does not make for a joyfull 3 mile walk! More so when you are in labour. By the time we got back the contractions were down to 7 minutes. They still weren't very painful and after I took another 2 paracetamol it really didn't both me much. We called the midwife again and she just asked a few questions and to call at 6 minutes. I went to have a bath at about 5pm as the contractions were still 7 minutes. I spent about 2 hours in the bath! I always thought water would be calming which is why I booked a water birth but the way it just took the pain away and made me feel so much more comfortable was amazing! When I left the bath the contractions were up again to 8 minutes. About an hour later they went back to 7 minutes though.
At 9.30pm I decided to go to bed as I was pretty sure my baby was coming on Monday. I took 2 paracetamol and then went to sleep.
I actually slept really well and woke up at 5am. I was quite suprised I had slept until then as I was sure the contractions were going to go down while I was sleeping. I timed them and they were only 6 minutes apart. They still weren't too bad, they were getting a lot more uncomfortable and the pain was getting worse as the minutes ticked down but it was all what I could manage. FOB came down not too long after but I sent him back to bed to sleep as not much was happening. At 6.30am I had pretty much woke up the whole house as they really wanted to find out what was happening. I had a shower at 7am and then my Mum made us all a big breakfast. I literally ate everything in the kitchen, eggs, beans, toast, loads of orange juice! It was actually the last proper meal I ate before Daisy arrived :) After my huge eating session we timed the contractions again and they were down to 5 minutes. I suddenly felt really unprepared. I got my Mum to call the hospital to tell them we were on our way while I checked my overnight bag and the nursery about 3 times. Then I went to FOB's car and made sure the car seat and all of the little things we have for the car were perfect too. At this point the sudden reality that I was going to be coming home with my baby really scared me if not added to a strange bit of excitement!
We left home around 8am and my Mum and sister travelled up in FOB's car with us while my Dad and brother went to collect my Nan and FOB's parents. It takes us 30mins to drive to the hospital and about 10 minutes from the hospital we got stuck in traffic. The contractions were starting to feel slightly more intense and I was just getting this strange feeling. We were timing the contractions and they were staying at 5 minutes. After about 10 minutes of waiting in the traffic my waters broke! I was like omg get me to the hospital and FOB was saying omg look at the mess in my car! You can tell what he cares about more...hmm. The contractions felt a lot different after my waters broke. I felt like I could cope before. Now I couldn't! They were a lot more painful and intense! I started to tell FOB to just drive and get me to the damn hospital. While he was panicing because there was no way of getting through the traffic. We were about 3 cars away from the bus lane (in use I should add!) so he decided to go up on the pavement and then join the bus lane! He sped along the bus lane and we actually got to the hospital within about 5 minutes. There was one car that wouldn't let us past but then literally everyone in the car started to yell that I was about to give birth. He let us out :dohh:
When we got to the hospital we parked outside and as I got up to walk I realised just how much pain these contractions are. Bit of advice don't get up when another contraction is starting! Luckly a porter saw us get out of the car or at least try and get out of the car and came over with a wheelchair. When we got to the ward I was seen to a room and the midwife came in and asked me a bunch of questions and did a few checks. She said that I was 4cm. She gave me a bit of gas and air but then later took it away again and said that as I was having a water I could have as much gas and air as I want in the pool. I think she was just trying to get me into the pool! At 10am I decided more gas and air was needed so went into the pool. I made sure the right choice to have a water birth. The amount of drugs I thought I needed on dry land was much less than what I needed in the pool. Water is amazing! We also got to have a CD of music which FOB made on as well which actually help make everything seem very relaxed.
Things then started to speed up once getting in the pool. At 10.30am the midwife did a check and I was 5cm with 5 minute contractions. She came back at 11am and the contractions were down to 4 minutes and I was 6cm! I went up 2 cm in an hour. The contractions were getting a lot more stronger at this point and even though the water was making me feel loads better than before I got in it. The pain was pretty intense. At 12 she came back and by now the contractions were about 3/2 minutes apart and I was 8cm. She asked if I had felt the need to push but I really didn't. She came back at 12.30 and I still didn't need to push and my contractions were down to 2 minutes and I was nearly 10cm. She told me that I really needed to start to push now but I just didn't feel the need too. She decided to monitor Daisy's heartbeat and within about 5 minutes of her monitoring it her heartbeat dipped. It came back within a few seconds but then did the same thing a minute later. This really started to scare me and she told me that I had to push or it was going to be a c-section. I think I said well I would like to see how you would get me out of this pool! :blush: I liked the pool and did not want a c-section! I pushed about 3 times and Daisy's heart beat dipped again and this time didn't come back for about 2 minutes. The midwife became really serious this time and told me if Daisy wasn't born in the next 15 minutes I was going to be in theatre. This was about 12.50. I spent the next 15 minutes nearly dying! The gas and air helped a lot with the pushes but the pain was pretty intense. FOB and my Mum were with me and were such good support. I really couldn't have done it without them! Then at 1.03pm I heard this little baby crying and the midwife saying you have a beautiful baby girl and past her to me. I was in such shock and all the feelings I felt for my little girl were amazing. I didn't wanna let go of her. She is just so perfect. All the pain I had just left and worry was all gone. FOB got to cut the cord and then they cleaned up my little girl. She weighted 7lb 3oz. Now for the even more amazing bit, I DIDN'T RIP! I was so scared of tearing but I didn't :happydance:
I got out the pool not long after and FOB and I just sat down and held our little girl. She was born and then about 15 minutes later decided that she had her excitement for the day so went back to sleep! I went to have a shower while FOB stayed looking after her. After my shower I felt a lot better and some of the yucky feeling and the need to sleep faded but only a little. I went on the bed and nearly all of our families then came in and saw our little girl. The faces when they all saw her were so amazing and special. I can't even describe it. I just feel so happy and lucky that I have such an amazing little girl.
Most people left by 5pm and then it was just me, FOB and Daisy. Daisy had slept most of the time while everyone was looking at her so was wide awake when they all left. It was really nice being a little family. FOB stayed over night and Daisy only woke up once. I was using a hospital express milk as in the morning they said that they would show me how to breastfeed properly.
On Tuesday morning they taught me how to breastfeed and I must say it was really really hard. However by Tuesday afternoon just before I went home I think I knacked it. I am quite proud of myself :)
Daisy has been so good and has had so many visitors! She sleeps a lot which I quite like as I really need to catch up on some sleep! She also doesn't really cry. She crys if she is hungry but apart from that she doesn't really cry. When she wakes up she just lies there staring into space. I hope she stays like this! FOB has also been briliant cleaning nappys and help feeding her. He got up both times when she cried last night. FOB and I have become so much more closer over these last couple of days that we have decided to put the past in the past and get back together. Hopefully things will work better this time. I am literally on cloud 9 :cloud9:

This is a little picture of our little girl. The quality is quite rubbish but I have a polaroid camera which I want all the pictures to be taken with! I think they look a lot better.


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What a beautiful little girl! CONGRATULATIONS! Thanks for sharing such a lovely peaceful story with such a happy ending. Wishing you, FOB and little Daisy lots of love and luck for the future all together. xx
Congrats she is beautiful!!! I am quite partial to the name too :)
What a gorgeous little girl and thank you for sharing your birth story. It all sounded amazing!! Congratulations.
Congratulations, that was a beautiful story.
Aww what a lovely happy story, thanks for sharing... I loved the bit about driving up the bus lane yelling at people that you were in labour lol, its llike something out of the movies. congratulations!!!!! xxxxxx
Congratulations - lovely story and what a fab ending. Wishing all 3 of you a happy future together. x

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