Hi all
Am new to the forums but have been lurking around the site for a few days now. Am looking for some advice from you experts lol, if anyone is able to help.
I have mild PCOS and started taking metformin for insulin resistance about 5 weeks ago. I have highly irregular and erratic cycles ranging from anything between 2 and 13 weeks, there isnt really a " trend" with them but the last two cycles have been between 30 & 35 days.
I last had my period on 22 Nov 2008, I ve since had unprotected sex with my partner a couple of times around 9th Dec & 13th Dec, when based on above cycles I MAY have been ovulating or there abouts lol
I started getting stomach cramps three days ago so thought my period may be due, normally I only get a slight cramp but these ones have been more intense with light back ache, also I feel quite tired out and nauseaus but havent actually been sick and also feel really off my food all of which is unusal. However have no other symptoms i.e. sore breasts etc
From what I can gather its most unlikely for those symptoms to be signs of pregnancy this early on and because Im not sure when my period is due Im not sure when to test. Howevere I couldnt resist the urge so brought a superdrug early detection test which says can tell from 4 days before my period.
I followed the test to the letter, it said to leave it on a flat surface and wait 3 mins, if nothing has happened after 3 mins to leave it a further minute but not to read the test after 10 mins.
Within seconds the line in the control window appeared, after about 2 mins nothing was showing in test window so I assumed would be negative. I went out of the room, put my mobile on charge, made the bed and went back into the bathroom, I estimate all in all I it was about 5-6 mins since doing the test. I looked at it and there is the faintest of faintest lines in the test window but def a line in both boxes.
Do you think there is a possibility I am pregnant but because of my irregular periods I ve simply tested too early OR do you think its because I looked at it after more than the stated 4 minutes ??? - hope that bit makes sense.
Would appreciate any thoughts on this as I ve been sat here all day wondering and cant seem to think about anything else let alone do any of my housework !!
Thanks J x
Am new to the forums but have been lurking around the site for a few days now. Am looking for some advice from you experts lol, if anyone is able to help.
I have mild PCOS and started taking metformin for insulin resistance about 5 weeks ago. I have highly irregular and erratic cycles ranging from anything between 2 and 13 weeks, there isnt really a " trend" with them but the last two cycles have been between 30 & 35 days.
I last had my period on 22 Nov 2008, I ve since had unprotected sex with my partner a couple of times around 9th Dec & 13th Dec, when based on above cycles I MAY have been ovulating or there abouts lol
I started getting stomach cramps three days ago so thought my period may be due, normally I only get a slight cramp but these ones have been more intense with light back ache, also I feel quite tired out and nauseaus but havent actually been sick and also feel really off my food all of which is unusal. However have no other symptoms i.e. sore breasts etc
From what I can gather its most unlikely for those symptoms to be signs of pregnancy this early on and because Im not sure when my period is due Im not sure when to test. Howevere I couldnt resist the urge so brought a superdrug early detection test which says can tell from 4 days before my period.
I followed the test to the letter, it said to leave it on a flat surface and wait 3 mins, if nothing has happened after 3 mins to leave it a further minute but not to read the test after 10 mins.
Within seconds the line in the control window appeared, after about 2 mins nothing was showing in test window so I assumed would be negative. I went out of the room, put my mobile on charge, made the bed and went back into the bathroom, I estimate all in all I it was about 5-6 mins since doing the test. I looked at it and there is the faintest of faintest lines in the test window but def a line in both boxes.
Do you think there is a possibility I am pregnant but because of my irregular periods I ve simply tested too early OR do you think its because I looked at it after more than the stated 4 minutes ??? - hope that bit makes sense.
Would appreciate any thoughts on this as I ve been sat here all day wondering and cant seem to think about anything else let alone do any of my housework !!
Thanks J x