Is anyone else sick of hearing it?

Orange lady

Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2008
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So I'm 38 weeks pregnant today. So hubby and I are waiting for baby number one to arrive at anytime. We are both in our mid 30's, and have thought long and hard about this baby. It's not something that we have ventured in to lightly. When we are together talking about our new arrival, I am confident that we are going to be just fine and will make great parents. However....
Why is it that other people have nothing nice to say? All I get to hear is "enjoy the peace while it lasts. Oh you will never sleep again. Life as you know it will come to an end." and so on. It gets on my nerves. What are they hoping to achieve with this nonsense?
My little girl is less than 3 weeks old... but this is what I say to those people....

Life as I knew it did come to an end - its like Im living a brand new life now that she is here. My life just became great!

I'm up at 3:45 am... and I couldnt be happier. Sleep is overrated when you get to hold a miracle in your arms.

Having a baby is the most precious and wonderful gift that God can give us. I have never felt such love and a sense of awe in all of my 31 years of life. Don't listen to all the negativity - don't let it put a downer on this great experience that you and your dh have decided to start!
I've had this non stop as well! I'm sure people mean well - they can just be insensitive!

I'm fed up with "how huge are you? Are you sure it's not twins!?" type comments.

I feel like shouting "NO IT'S NOT TWINS - now leave me alone!!!!" (or words to that effect which are far less polite!) :growlmad:
most people think that a pregnant lady is fair game and say whatever they like, form what you've mentioned to telling you they dont like your choice of name? i mean wtf - i have had people ask outright if this one was an accident (well she wasnt exactly planned but to be fair we both knew what we were doing) in fact my gran even said i would have been stupid to have tried for another - despite the fact that we are happily married with 2 los already, own our own house and dh works full time while i was running my business!!!! i find mostly its easier to say nothing and just laugh inwardly at their ignorance x
I hate hearing this to. It annoys the heck outta me. Why cant people just be happy for you, they always have to try and bring you down 1 way or another.

:hugs: dont let it bring you down hun.
I am glad you have bought this up as I have found this sooooooooooooo annoying!

One min they say their kids aer the best things in their lives and then the next that to make the most of the peace and quiet and the sleep!

BRING IT ON i say I have been wanting this child forever and I dont care!!!!
my friend says it but shes just had her baby herself so i dont let it bother me lol! x
I dont get those comments as of yet, but a bit fed up with two girls at my work commenting on how much weight I am putting on :( I see them once in two weeks or so normally and obviously my bump has been growing rapidly at this stage. Also the coat I wear makes me look square lol... Why can't they keep it to themselves. I have enough on my plate already, but for the first time in my life it seems like others worry about my weight more than I do hehehe....
I've learnt to not be bothered. Who cares if you have sleepless nights and don't get to go out much? Atleast we'll have our own beautiful children to keep us happy enough.

Don't let it bother you :hugs:
Best thing is to ignore. Our LO'S are much more precious than sleep anyway. I think most people dont no wat to say.. So they make a light joke about it or some will give a compliment-Ive had the 'glowing' ones before now.. Oh and the big bump ones are annoying! Everyones convinced theres 2 cooking in me lol x
It makes me so cross. They tell you to enjoy the peace. Well I'm the size of a hippo, I'm not sleeping anyway and just bored. I'm so ready to meet my baby girl.
Ignore hunny and im sorry if i have done it . Life as you know it will end very soon but it will be replaced by something so wonderful you wont be able to understand how your life was before . when i had my boys i was knackered and very busy but so fullfilled and could not believe that my life had any meaning before . You will make wonderful parents and will love it . As for those who say those things its prob not meant nasty ,just a little insensitive to new parents xxxxx ;)
I don't respond any longer. Their lives are theirs, ours are ours. We might be different to them, we might handle it better, we might enjoy it more, guess we'll see. If we don't, i will just remind myself not to say those types of things to anyone in my position in the future. Half the time i think people just don't know what to say to people expecting and they just wanna make conversation. I'd sooner they didn't say owt to me. :shrug: xx
YES - I'm a bit surprised at how many negative remarks of this nature I've had.

"You won't have time to eat/sleep/wash your hair..."
"the first 100 days of hell .."

To be completely honest, it has got to me a little - quite a few of these are coming from friends who've had their babies in the last year.

When I push them on it/get worried they then admit that they love their babies/are really happy etc..

.. but it does seem a bit bizarre. I also had the doctors receptionist even be like this..

her: "when do you want your appointment, 8:30am, 9am, 10am, 11am, 12am".
me: "Well I'll be on maternity so I may as well have a lie in ... 11am please" (after years and years of getting the earliest/latest possible appt to fit round my extremely demanding job!)
her (disapproving): "you should be getting the earliest one - get yourself used to sleep deprivation before the baby comes"...

eh? Thanks all the same, but I'm stocking up on as much flipping sleep as I can get - I've got about 5 years of backlog as it is and I want to be in good shape to birth my child!!

sorry - rant over... :wacko::winkwink:
My little girl is less than 3 weeks old... but this is what I say to those people....

Life as I knew it did come to an end - its like Im living a brand new life now that she is here. My life just became great!

I'm up at 3:45 am... and I couldnt be happier. Sleep is overrated when you get to hold a miracle in your arms.

Having a baby is the most precious and wonderful gift that God can give us. I have never felt such love and a sense of awe in all of my 31 years of life. Don't listen to all the negativity - don't let it put a downer on this great experience that you and your dh have decided to start!

I LOVE this...thank you so much for your positive words, let me tell u how refreshing it is...

im also sick of hearing these negative 'no sleep' and 'no life' comments...i used to humour them but dont bother anymore. I just give them a serious look (making sure they know they have offended me) and make sure there is an awkward silence when i dont reply anything!
her: "when do you want your appointment, 8:30am, 9am, 10am, 11am, 12am".
me: "Well I'll be on maternity so I may as well have a lie in ... 11am please" (after years and years of getting the earliest/latest possible appt to fit round my extremely demanding job!)
her (disapproving): "you should be getting the earliest one - get yourself used to sleep deprivation before the baby comes"...

eh? Thanks all the same, but I'm stocking up on as much flipping sleep as I can get - I've got about 5 years of backlog as it is and I want to be in good shape to birth my child!!

sorry - rant over... :wacko::winkwink:

LOL. Cheeky mare! I'd have been inclined to reply "well if it's alright by you love i'll sleep when i like but if you want an itinerary of how i'll be spending the rest of my time, just let me know and i'll happily come back and tell you to shove it, again." Interfering moo :growlmad::growlmad: xx
I just ingore people who say stuff like that.Dont let it get to you hun :) xxx
I am surrounded at work by people with no interest in children. I' ve been told that my life is over etc etc. But for me it is just beginning. We didnt take the decision lightly to have a child but I am ready for a lifechanging experience and have been for a while. This is the biggest thing I will ever do in my life, its scary but I wouldnt want to not have a child. Its a blessing to have one, so many people struggle, so Im thankful that motherhood has found me and hope that I can handle all that comes with it. I cant wait to meet this little life inside of me!
Ugh, I get this all the time. I'm 36! Changing our lives was the intent when we decided to have a child!!
I also find, oddly enough, that the ones who are most negative are the ones who don't have any children!! My Mother-in-law's boyfriend goes on a rant every time he sees me about how my life is over etc. etc....and I'm like, how would you even know???

I don't know why people must be so negative about it- it really does get on one's nerves at times!

Well I'm thrilled, and don't sleep much anyhow so I'm sure I'll adjust just fine :)

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