Is anyone else wtt for #2 and....


Mummy to 2 beauties
Jan 18, 2009
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...feeling worried about what people will say or think?

Poppy is 8 months old, we are ntnp at the minute and planning to ttc baby number 2 in Sept which will mean i will only have been back at work for about 5 months before i am pregnant again (all going well with the ttc of course). Thing is, where i work the majority of people are either young and not even thinking about children or career focused and not thinking about them. I got a few comments about how i was mad for being pregnant at my age (i dont think 26 is young to have your first baby tho) so i worry what on earth people will say when i announce baby #2 is on the way! Also, everyone i know seems to constantly moan about having children and constantly say how hard it is as though it is normal to be miserable and complain about your children but i feel the total opposit to that. I love being a mum but feel im made to feel strange for feeling that way if you get me?!

I know what people think isnt important but i was just wondering if anyone else is feeling the same way? Sorry that was such a ramble but i go back to work on weds and this is really on my mind to the point im not sleeping well because of it. Hubby doesnt understand (as hard as he might try!) but I figured some of you ladies might know where im coming from? xxx
I worry about it a little but not really that much. I am a SAHM though so I have no co-workers to be concerned about.
I sometimes worry about what people will say when my OH and I announce that we're going to try for #3 (won't be for another year or so). We're young (I'll be 20 when we start trying and he'll be 22) so that's my biggest worry that everyone will go on and on about how young we are and everything. :hugs:
I'm a bit worried about telling people that we are TTC baby number 2. Ben is only 9 months old and I know people think we should wait until he is 2 years old. DH wants to starts trying now but i've only been back at work for 5 weeks (part-time). I know my Mum will have the biggest problem, she has already told me that we should rush into having another baby yet we should just enjoy Ben, she thinks we should wait a couple of years before trying. I'm 31 and DH is 35 so we're not spring chickens (we're not old either) but we're married have a very settled life so I don't see the problem. I would love to tell everyone to keep there noses out and when we do concieve baby number 2 we only want to hear positive comments.
I'm a bit worried about telling people that we are TTC baby number 2. Ben is only 9 months old and I know people think we should wait until he is 2 years old. DH wants to starts trying now but i've only been back at work for 5 weeks (part-time). I know my Mum will have the biggest problem, she has already told me that we should rush into having another baby yet we should just enjoy Ben, she thinks we should wait a couple of years before trying. I'm 31 and DH is 35 so we're not spring chickens (we're not old either) but we're married have a very settled life so I don't see the problem. I would love to tell everyone to keep there noses out and when we do concieve baby number 2 we only want to hear positive comments.

Thats how i feel, my mum especially makes comments such as 'Don't even say that!' when i say i want another baby or 'Don't encourage her!' when my sister asks when our next will be. I don't know what the problem is, we are married and settled also so what is the big problem with people?! Its the shock in peoples faces when i say i'm broody that gets me xxxxx
I know my other halfs parents dont think much of the fact that i'm pregnany again, because i said my mum had my brother and i 14months apart, they said she must of been mad-this was before we told them! Ours will be bang on 14months apart, 13 if its early!, i've just turned 27.....and i couldn't give a flying fox glove what they think, i think its really nice how young my mum and dad are, i also wanted to be the same, might be a bit tough at the start but it's worth it i think!
I feel the same ... my SIL waited 18 months between babies (she is on number 3) and makes comments about it being stupid to conceive before then.

We have just decided to NTNP, my periods always have been extremely heavy so much so that i had to take the pill coninously to stop me having any periods because i get so anemaic ... since having sam they are really bad again so we decided we would bring forward TTC because if I have a few more months like this I will have to put TTC on the back burner until my bloods get better.

I generation ago loads of people had babies really close together so I am prepared to tell my SIL if her mother had listened to her advice SHE wouldnt of been born (shame really lol).

I am worried though, altghough I plan to not tell people until I am at least 14 weeks and then tell them my due date is later than it is lol!

At the end of the day its our decisions, i have spent a lot of time deciding whats best for my family and its like you say Kerri that I enjoy having Sam so I am not worried about the extra work ... I know it will be hard but I feel its right for us.

Flip if I get pregnant striaght away Sam wont even be 6 months! :S
Jo i'm so excited for you! I plan to do the same, i will tell people after 12 weeks and perhaps say my due date is earlier than it is depending on the reaction i get. Thing is i am going back to a promotion and pay rise! Ooops! xxx
Jo i'm so excited for you! I plan to do the same, i will tell people after 12 weeks and perhaps say my due date is earlier than it is depending on the reaction i get. Thing is i am going back to a promotion and pay rise! Ooops! xxx

Oh no! lol ... oh well tough ... you family is the most important thing, plus you will still have plenty of time before you start your maternity, my SIL over a year off (with hols) and had been back 5 months before she announced she was pregnant, they cant say or do anything.

I think i want more than just 2 but after number 2 I am def going to make myself wait a long time before getting pregnant again. I dont think getting pregnant as close as i want to do it is great for your body (they say under 6 months and over 5 years isnt the best) so I need to have a long gap if I want anymore after number 2 lol.

I really want Sam to have a play mate!
Me too, i am almost certain i want more than 2 and i want a gap between the next one and any future babies so i suppose i have little thinking time really! I want Poppy to have a playmate as well, i have friends who have siblings close in age and are very close but there is 5 years between my sister and i and 8 between my brother and i and as much as we get on well we don't have that close bond. I want that sibling connection for Poppy xxxx
I'm a bit worried about telling people that we are TTC baby number 2. Ben is only 9 months old and I know people think we should wait until he is 2 years old. DH wants to starts trying now but i've only been back at work for 5 weeks (part-time). I know my Mum will have the biggest problem, she has already told me that we should rush into having another baby yet we should just enjoy Ben, she thinks we should wait a couple of years before trying. I'm 31 and DH is 35 so we're not spring chickens (we're not old either) but we're married have a very settled life so I don't see the problem. I would love to tell everyone to keep there noses out and when we do concieve baby number 2 we only want to hear positive comments.

Thats how i feel, my mum especially makes comments such as 'Don't even say that!' when i say i want another baby or 'Don't encourage her!' when my sister asks when our next will be. I don't know what the problem is, we are married and settled also so what is the big problem with people?! Its the shock in peoples faces when i say i'm broody that gets me xxxxx

My mum is a complete hypocrite though, I was only 15months old when she fell pregnant with my brother, so if I fell pregnant in September then my children will have the same age gap as me and my brother, but she doesn't agree with that now and thinks that there should be a 3 year age gap. My Dad is so different, I spoke to him the other day and he asked when we were going to have a 2nd, he said he thinks it should be soon so they can play together when they're older.

It annoys me that my Mum still manages to bully me even though i'm 31, and she lives 100 miles away from me. She always seems to have to make a comment about Ben's weight, he's 9 months old for goodness sake, can you really have a fat 9 month old baby? but I won't start on all that or else I won't stop.:trouble:
me! My bubs is 4.5 months and we are NTNP at the mo. I am due to go back to work in Nov and i would like to be pregnant when i go back. It does worry me about everyone else tho, what they may think and my boss will not be happy. I am 27 too and it is our right as women to have our babies whenever we like.

Please don't spend too much time worrying about it, if you want another baby now then it is none of anyone else's business.Personally, it appeals to me to have the sleepless nights over quicker, then waiting 5 years and going through it all again :)

Good luck hun, and liek you say don't tell people till your 12 weeks then it will seem like you've left it longer ! x
No Louiseclare he cannot be fat grrrrrrr, that annoys me too.Not my mum-but complete strangers say " oo isn't he big for 4.5 months" he';s bloody not.He's 15 pounds, some of his friends are already 19 pounds it makes me madddddd !
Firstly i love that there are so many other women feeling the same as me! Thank you Babyblog!

Secondly, Louise, i think we may have the same mother...maybe you're her love child?! Haha! I swear she sounds exactly the same! Poppy is a little chunk but babies are supposed to be chubby for Gods sake! It drives me potty! Also i get 'Check that isn't too hot' when i'm feeding her! Like i usually don't bother! Jesus H Christ i'm a grown woman with a healthy, happy baby, stop criticising and start giving me some credit for the good job i am doing!xx
Sam is pritty big, he is 4 months and over 16lbs lol, but he is healthy and happy, and HV says its normal and what if it wasnt, Do people actually think I should just stave him and let him scream when he is hungry? grrr ....

With me its not really my mum but all my in-laws, I was an only child so my mum cant quite understand wanting more children but she is supportive none the less, my in-law on the other hand always have something to say or comparing my and my bloody SIL. Grrrr ....

Babyblog, glad to see someone else NTNP and baby is under 6 months :D I sometimes feel like i am being crazy but i know its right, its hard to explain really.

We should have a group for crazy women TTC #2 in under 1 year lol!
Eternal - yes we should have a group for crazy women TTC #2 in under 1 year, i'll join!

Armywife - we could be half sisters! is your Mum a firey red head?

I get so defensive when anyone mentions how chubby Ben is. I don't stuff his face full of food, he eats when he's hungry. I changed Ben's nappy infront of my Mum and Sister a little while a go and they both burst out laughing, saying "look at his chubby legs", I turned around and said "well you two are not exactly twiggy" My Mum and Sister are both larger ladies so isn't that pot calling the kettle black?

I love my little chubby baby.
babies are supposed to be chubby anyway ... Sam was 9lb born so he isntr going to be small ... dont let them get to you, our babies are beautiful :D
I've already warned work I intend to come back from maternity leave already pregnant! We are gonna start TTC in August, so if all goes quickly then Abigail would only be 14 months old.
I get so defensive too, i mean i honestly love the fact that Poppy is chubby (mainly because when she was so poorly she lost loads of weight and i never thought i'd see the day she got to chubby!) I honestly think chubby babies are adorable. Fact is people just love telling you how you should do things. Ooooh, i'm all stressed now thinking about it! :dohh: xx
Yes let's start a club! Yeah they are meant to be chubba chubba, they can'tr exactly burn it off yet can they!And they only eat when they're hungry :)

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