I would be interested to know this too as my son is the same. The only thing I can think of is perhaps the coconut yoghurt wouldn't go towards his usual milk intake like a normal yoghurt can for other babies because coconut milk isn't as nutritious as normal dairy products? So I would assume it would be ok so long as you were still giving plenty of formula? Just a guess though, I would be interested to know.
Do you use alternative milks for cereal etc or just formula?
Oh well done you, sorry I missed your ticker (and shouldn't of assumed!), do you have to cut dairy from your own diet? DS wasn't too bad when I was BF, I tried to go dairy free but didn't make much difference, but when I switched to formula after 6 months the more I increased formula the worse he got to the point he's now in prescribed milk.
I'm not sure but always thought they warned against using alternative milks like coconut in young children not because they're "bad" but because they don't have the variety of nutrients in them that cows milk has, so I would give normal yoghurt (non fat of course) if my son could tolerate it. I bet it's tasty though.
If you're happy it doesn't cause a dangerous reaction I would and see, we've been advised to use prescribed milk and then suddenly formula and if all his old symptoms occur we know it's definitely the cause, although we had to do that last week and it most definitely is. For DS his symptoms are diarrhoea which in itself isn't a too bad but it causes him AWFUL nappy rash, but as his symptoms aren't really bad we don't completely avoid dairy, we limit it like you but I don't give big amount a of cheese etc, although he got an upset tummy today so we might have to get stricter.