We've been TTC for about six months. This month we were intimate several times before, during and after ovulation. Today I am 6dpo and I swear I feel pregnant. My I never dried up after ovulation, my CM is milkish (sometimes clear) very wet and odorless. Right after ovulation my CP was low soft and slightly open. Yesterday I went to check CP and I could barely reach it (sorry tmi) Now it's super high and slightly open. CM is still that milkish (sometimes clear) very wet and odorless. I'm very nauseated and I've been having "barely there" cramps and pressures. My back slighty aches and I'm beyond tired. I have UTI symptoms but no UTI, also no burning sensations when peeing. I feel odd, I can't really explain it, could it maybe mean I'm pregnant??? help I think I might be going crazy, is it normal to have symptoms this early???