Is it classed as bullying when the children are only 7/8


Trying Hard
Sep 15, 2010
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My little girl who's 7 and also the youngest in her class has found the last year or so difficult at school. She's not miles behind children in anyway maybe just a little more sensitive.

Ever since a major incident at school where two older girls stopped her using a toilet, to the point where he then wet herself, and continued to do so for a few weeks afterwards school has been become a nightmare for her. She gets picked on often, and it may seem silly to us but being called 'baby' 'stupid' or being picked on maybe because her cardigan doesn't have the school logo on it means a lot to her and quite often I have picked my daughter up from school in tears.

Putting her in a different scenario away from the children at school i.e golf lessons or just playing at the park, she's fine, she socialises and mixes with others well. She's not an angel by any means but she is a sensitive polite caring little girl, who loves to mix with other people in general. It really gets to me to see her getting so upset over children who are rude to everyone including their parents, having no respect for anyone :cry:

Sorry to rant but it really does bother me

Holly xxx
Most definitely is bullying, have you spoken to any of the teachers or the parents of these other children?

It needs to be stopped before it becomes even worse and destroys her confidence.

Kids are not always nice but this IMO is more than childish playing, it is bullying.

I would suggest meeting with the teachers and seeing what steps they can put in place to stop this behaviour, and then have regular meetings to make sure things are improving.

Your little girl should not have to deal with that in a place she should feel safe and at ease.

Hope things get sorted. x
Thank you for your post whisper I have spoken to teachers throughout the year last year and I dont feel as though I'm being listened to or maybe they think I'm being over protective ( to extent maybe I am). I believe my daughter should be able to go to school and learn in a safe and happy environment and as I said to her teacher only last week I'm not asking that she needs wrapping up in cotton wool but she should feel able to speak out if someone/something has bothered her and she's upset.

I don't expect her to have a great day every day but when the bad days out way the good surely you'd think the teachers would re act and make sure that something is done to make her feel safer in school?

Getting me very down thats without the stresses of pregnancy lol

It does sound as if the teachers are not doing enough. I would maybe go and speak to the head teacher?

Stopping your little girl from going to the toilet to the point that she wets herself is absolutely disgusting behaviour from those girls and tbh if i was their mum i would be soo ashamed!

Maybe you need to keep a diary of all the incidents when they happen so things can be seen clearly and as i said before maybe have a weekly/fortnightly meeting to see how things are improving.

Perhaps the bullies are having a hard time at home, but either way it needs to be addressed.

I definitely class that as bullying. Gosh, it's starting so young nowadays and it makes me sick.

If the teachers won't do anything about it, I'd then meet with the parents. And then if they don't do anything about it, I'd be thinking of pulling her from that school if it was possible.
Hello Leanne

I didn't think it was possible so young but proven different. I think i'll have to kick up a fuss at the school see what reaction i get from then maybe the threat of pulling her out and home tutoring her might be enough to make them take notice :hugs:
It's certainly bullying.
Only last month my lil sister, whos turning 7, was being strangled by her own belt. SHes had things stolen too, and been physically hit....all by the same little girl. And the school is bareky taking it seriously and her mother doesnt seen to give a monkeys.
My mum is on the end of her tether.
:shock: your poor daughter!!

My daughters 7 and if she did anything like that to another girl in her class id be furious! not to mention ashamed.

I know in her class that do have social groups .. one girl once had head lice and i know the other mums were terrible telling there children to stay away from her .. i told my daughter to have a good heart and play nicely with her and look after her, i HATE bullying.

If i was you id be insisting this got looked into seriously, your daughters education is so precious even at this age, she shouldn't be coming home upset, she should love school at this age.

Does she see any of her class mates out of school, play sessions, sleepovers etc etc?
Yes definitely bullying. I was bullied from age 7 and it wasn't appropriately dealt with - I was removed from lessons that the bullies were in, rather than the other way round, which made it look like I was the problem, and the issues didn't go away. I also socialised well outside of the school environment but has a lot of trouble in school until I was 15.

I would go and speak to the head about what they intend to do about it. Best of luck, I really feel for both you and your daughter as I have been there, it is truly horrible. Schools should not under estimate how damaging bullying (verbal and physical) is to a child's self esteem, which is difficult to recover. I needed counselling to get over my experience of being bullied and it is in no way an acceptable part of growing up, it is behaviour that MUST be stopped.
OOOh awful, I would be down to see head and would write it all down. Need to tackle it I would be fuming. I would write to head of governers if no joy as well.
My 6 year old was being picked on , not to your daughters degree, I went into playground where the 2 boys were and said loudly' If you are bullied by anyone ,remember the police will be speaking to them and their parents, they will find themselves in big trouble". I looked straight at the boys , they knew I was saying it to them and that I knew what was going on. Made me feel better, but guess I did not handle it properly!!!
If you dont feel like the school are being helpful, write to the governers! xxx
I was bullied at school and know how hard it can be. I didn't tell my mum and just kept it to myself to avoid upsetting her. I mentioned it year's later when I was worried about my younger brother and was trying to do things to help him. She was upset that I hadn't told her. It's good that you know and can help your daughter.

The cardigan might sound small to us, but a big part of what I went through was because my mum couldn't afford to buy me the latest toys, brand trainers for PE etc. It can be all it takes.

If you aren't getting anywhere with the teachers, try the Head. As others have said, if still no joy, go to the governors.

An old boss of mine had a husband who had a breakdown. His daugter was bullied and the school did nothing, even when the bullies tries to throw her off a 3 storey building! They chose to punish her instead (great message to the bullies!). In the end the police got involved and were able to work from logs and saved text messages.

Even though 7 is young, the kids need to learn not to do it before they are capable of even worse.

I hope this is sorted for your's and your daughter's sake. :hugs:
Oh god how awful hun. I'd class that as bullying yes. My heart is breaking for her so i can't imagine what your going through. My daughter is 5 and i'd be devistated if i thought she was being bullied at school. Talk to the school again and kick up a fuss anything you can to get them to step in and help you sort this out. All the best hun to you and your daughter, i hope it stops really soon xx
Yes, this is bullying, very much so.

I was bullied slightly at nursery(!!) and badly from my first day at primary school onward and didn't get appropriate help because we were seen as 'too young' for it to be real bullying.

Things like not having the lastest toy or brand name clothes a 'real' school uniform with the badge etc is a HUGE deal to this age group but once the child has been outcasted no amount of brandwear will make them cool...
but I suggest talking to the parents as they should be outraged and hopefully punish their child I know I would and making sure your daughter knows there is nothing wrong with standing up for herself, oh and she could take up a self defence class like karate? I wish I had!

However I feel awful for your child as although its been years since I was at school I still remember and know how it feels and worse, I know there isn't much that can be done as those children will always be like that no matter how many times they are told will just quiet it down for a while but they tend to start again.

Sorry, I'm not being very helpful but I do hope you get this sorted xxx
What happened after the toilet incident? was it the school who told you or your daughter?
if the school werent aware of it i would have been straight to the school.
If her class teacher isn't helping i would speak to the head.
definately bullying hun,get the teacher,the head and the parents involved if i was you!tell your daughter she has much right to go to school as them to girls,if someone does do anything mean to her no matter small to tell the teacher its not ratting out its building her confidence to stand up for herself and trust.
Definately get the other parents involved! As well as the school.. but I would defo talk to the parents of those girls that stopped her using the toilet.. grrrrrrrr.
Its definately bullying my daughter is 9 and they have been bully aware in the school system here starting in kindergarten(im in Canada) by 7 or 8 they defo know what they are doing.

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