Is it ever gonna get better


Mummy to 2 boys
Nov 16, 2007
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I feel like charlies sleeping and crying will never get better hes got reflux which i think makes him cry alot but hes on gaviscon for it and hes teething so im giving him the powders and bonjella but some days i cant even get dressed cos he wont stop crying long enough for me to have a bath, yesterday for example i had a bath shaved my legs and he screamed that much i had to get out and have another one hours later to finish off shaving lol and i nearlly had to get out again cos he was screaming again , hes not as bad when ive got him but its when i put him down then to top it off hes still not sleeping proply he has a bottle of formula last thing at about 10.30 and asleep for about 11.30pm then hes up again at about 1.30am for a feed then back up at 5am for a feed then gets up at 8am but can be awake for 45 mins at 5am feed. Do you think the milk isnt enough for him ? i breastfeed and give him only 1 bottle of formula before bed. I just feel he shouldnt be like this at 17 weeks and he crys that much i just sit there and cry with him sometimes :hissy: :cry:xxxx
I'm not sure about the breastfeeding question as Kaleas forumla fed. But I didn't want to read and run. It does get better once the tooth breaks through hun xx
Have you tried putting him to sleep on an incline? I find that has helped Bren sleep at night.

I have been reading the 'No Cry Sleep Solution' and one thing she talks about is that sometimes babies do cry, but are still asleep, about how they can be quite noisy while still sleeping. Being the diligent mother we usually rush and pick them up, something that may not be necessary. Night before last, Bren started fussing a bit, and I just sat and watched, sure enough he settled and slept for another hour. Normally I would have picked him up and fed him, there by waking him, and instilling that he needs to wake up and eat. Last night, he only woke up twice and he slept for 5 hours straight. OMG, this is a total first for us!
I feel like charlies sleeping and crying will never get better hes got reflux which i think makes him cry alot but hes on gaviscon for it and hes teething so im giving him the powders and bonjella but some days i cant even get dressed cos he wont stop crying long enough for me to have a bath, yesterday for example i had a bath shaved my legs and he screamed that much i had to get out and have another one hours later to finish off shaving lol and i nearlly had to get out again cos he was screaming again , hes not as bad when ive got him but its when i put him down then to top it off hes still not sleeping proply he has a bottle of formula last thing at about 10.30 and asleep for about 11.30pm then hes up again at about 1.30am for a feed then back up at 5am for a feed then gets up at 8am but can be awake for 45 mins at 5am feed. Do you think the milk isnt enough for him ? i breastfeed and give him only 1 bottle of formula before bed. I just feel he shouldnt be like this at 17 weeks and he crys that much i just sit there and cry with him sometimes :hissy: :cry:xxxx

Just a question is it mainly in the evenings? like the eg you gave there was that early evening?
no advice i'm afraid, just plenty of :hug: hope he gets better soon
Have you tried putting him to sleep on an incline? I find that has helped Bren sleep at night.

I have been reading the 'No Cry Sleep Solution' and one thing she talks about is that sometimes babies do cry, but are still asleep, about how they can be quite noisy while still sleeping. Being the diligent mother we usually rush and pick them up, something that may not be necessary. Night before last, Bren started fussing a bit, and I just sat and watched, sure enough he settled and slept for another hour. Normally I would have picked him up and fed him, there by waking him, and instilling that he needs to wake up and eat. Last night, he only woke up twice and he slept for 5 hours straight. OMG, this is a total first for us!

yeah he seems a very noisy sleeper and he only has to breath heavy and i wake up which i hate , most the time he wakes but doesnt want feeding but he usually screams the place down twice a night if i dont get up and feed him straight away , i have tilted the matress too so hes not flat cos of his reflux xxx
I feel like charlies sleeping and crying will never get better hes got reflux which i think makes him cry alot but hes on gaviscon for it and hes teething so im giving him the powders and bonjella but some days i cant even get dressed cos he wont stop crying long enough for me to have a bath, yesterday for example i had a bath shaved my legs and he screamed that much i had to get out and have another one hours later to finish off shaving lol and i nearlly had to get out again cos he was screaming again , hes not as bad when ive got him but its when i put him down then to top it off hes still not sleeping proply he has a bottle of formula last thing at about 10.30 and asleep for about 11.30pm then hes up again at about 1.30am for a feed then back up at 5am for a feed then gets up at 8am but can be awake for 45 mins at 5am feed. Do you think the milk isnt enough for him ? i breastfeed and give him only 1 bottle of formula before bed. I just feel he shouldnt be like this at 17 weeks and he crys that much i just sit there and cry with him sometimes :hissy: :cry:xxxx

Just a question is it mainly in the evenings? like the eg you gave there was that early evening?

no he seems to cry more in the day but doesnt sleep well at night but he does have about a hour half sleep late morning and hour and half late afternoon, do u think thts why aswell ?
i no how u feel i av sam 10 mths whos got kidney reflux so i no how frustratin it can b t av a c cryin baby all the time somtimes i let im cry for 5 mins n if he doesnt calm down then i pick im up n next time il leave im a bit longer i no its hard t do but it does work
hope this helps
i no how u feel i av sam 10 mths whos got kidney reflux so i no how frustratin it can b t av a c cryin baby all the time somtimes i let im cry for 5 mins n if he doesnt calm down then i pick im up n next time il leave im a bit longer i no its hard t do but it does work
hope this helps

is kidney reflux different to reflux or the same ? :blush:
i know sometimes i leave him for a few minutes but he gets in such a state i cant leave him any longer than that i feel awfull if i dont pick him up when he crys lol xxx
its diff kidney reflux is wen a baby wees it goes bk up into the kidney so they get a lot of infections n needs daily antibiotics
i no how u feel about leavig them t cry but it does get easier it was my hv that told me t do it but i never leave sam more than 5 mins
As odd as this may sound, he may need to sleep a bitmore during the day. I have noticed with Bren when we interupt his schedule, and he does not nap enough, he sleeps really badly at night.

Average daytime naps should/can be 5-6 hours with between 10-11 at night.

I wished I could be of more help. :hug:
i was going to say the same thing as samantha, sometimes babies don't sleep well at night cos they are not getting enough sleep during the day. cos they are over tided.
As odd as this may sound, he may need to sleep a bitmore during the day. I have noticed with Bren when we interupt his schedule, and he does not nap enough, he sleeps really badly at night.

Average daytime naps should/can be 5-6 hours with between 10-11 at night.

I wished I could be of more help. :hug:

really god i didnt know that i allways hope that he doesnt sleep in the day cos i thought hed sleep more in the night if he didnt nap as much in the day xxx
its diff kidney reflux is wen a baby wees it goes bk up into the kidney so they get a lot of infections n needs daily antibiotics
i no how u feel about leavig them t cry but it does get easier it was my hv that told me t do it but i never leave sam more than 5 mins

aw that sounds horrible for him , how did you know he had it are there certain symptoms ? xxx
I think it could be the sleep too,was gonna say the same thing.
When i got home with Tabs i didnt realise babies need that much sleep! :dohh:
she was screaming the house down mainly in the evenings between 6-9 ish until she was so exhausted she conked out. Some days did it all day too though.
Obviously we were thinking its her reflux or maybe its colic etc it wasnt until i read a book which gave an example of a good sleep pattern for night time that it said whatever time they get up in the morning they should be there abouts settled if not asleep by that time in the evening so sure enough tabs gets up between 6-7am (save this week when it went to pot lol) so now i bath her at 6pm and fed at 7pm then sure enough with some rocking she nods off......sometimes just half an hour then a little more milk then nods off for the night but mostly for the night until a night feed which time depends. Hope this is making sense.
What time is Charlie settling down for?

I also read that a baby who sleeps between 7pm and 10pm actually sleeps better at night time.

Also babies are usally tired after being awake for anywhere from an hour after being awake....Tabs awake times limit is usually an hour and a half in the mornings an hour ish at lunchtimes and sometimes awake for 2 hours in the afternoon,i mean thats the time she starts getting fretful and gives off the tired signals then i take her somewhere quiet ish (hard in this house) and rock her gently over my shoulder.....she will then stare for about 5 mins(which is part of the sleeping process) then nods off.
She only naps for half hours at a time.

I really hope im making sense as i really feel for you as my past with Tabs sounds very similar to you. once we realised what bedtime she wanted things SOSOSOSOSO improved DRASTICALLY!

I also now write everything down that she does and when,feeds,how long it took and how much etc,sleeps how long and when etc and chart it so i can see a whole week on one page with coloured columns lol i know im pedantic but i assure you it works really well and i can now see her tired patterns etc and that helps me to know when to get her off.

Sorry if some of this is irrelevant but just trying to get everything over at once lol
also when he gets fretful can you hear his reflux? if he was severely crying you could probably hear it from across the room or a few feet....its like a clunking glugging noise gluk gluk gluk thats the only way i can describe it.........if it is you seriously need to get the domperidone and ranitidine as that would prevent it sooooooo much.....tabs has grown 2lb since her last dosage was upped and sure enough this week her reflux has been 100% more noticeable as she has been screaming the house down so i got the dose upped.
thanks for that sonny thats interesting he gets up at 8am ish but doesnt go to bed till 11.30pm his last feed is about 10.30pm he naps about 3 times a day usually at 11.30am for about 2 hours then at about 3pm for an hour or 2 and somtimes has about an hour at 7pm then has a bad nights sleep he usually wakes up making noises every hour and half and never usually sleeps longer than 3 and half hours he seems just very restless at night like hes tossing and turning but obvioulsy doesnt turn right over lol , i can sometimes here the gulping noise like sick coming up and back down but not very often maybe once a day xxx
Yeah, it could be sleep..
Colton sleeps 8-9pm until 6-7am. He also sleeps for about 5-7 hours during the day.

For instance, today:
6:45am: wake
8:45am: nap
11:30am: woke
3pm: nap

and he is still napping right now (3.30pm)
I had Connor sleeping through for about a month and now we are back to waking 3-4 times a night. I'm really hoping that eventually this will get better because the days I have to get up early for work I can barely function. Today our pediatrician told us to give him rice cereal mixed with breast milk right before he wakes up and goes to bed, so I'm hoping it works. The other day I only got to shave one leg because Connor started crying, I think my husband was a little confused when he saw only one furry leg. I really hope things get better for you soon :hugs::hugs:I hope that his reflux gets under control soon as well!
thanks for that sonny thats interesting he gets up at 8am ish but doesnt go to bed till 11.30pm his last feed is about 10.30pm he naps about 3 times a day usually at 11.30am for about 2 hours then at about 3pm for an hour or 2 and somtimes has about an hour at 7pm then has a bad nights sleep he usually wakes up making noises every hour and half and never usually sleeps longer than 3 and half hours he seems just very restless at night like hes tossing and turning but obvioulsy doesnt turn right over lol , i can sometimes here the gulping noise like sick coming up and back down but not very often maybe once a day xxx

Try a new routine tomorrow then depending what time he gets up get ready for winding him down in the evening to be all settled and cosy at that time,it might take a couple of nights but worth it for your sanity! write it down too in case it works for you :)
Tabs sleeps in her buggy with us downstairs until we go up then i top her up then for her last feed. She still doesnt sleep through but only wakes for a feed then straight off again.

There is a book called the secrets of the baby whisperer which has a section on baby cues like for tiredness/hungry etc (cues are very similar) once i cracked that thinkgs improved also. the section in the book is good but some of it was bollocks to me lol as Tabs only has power naps but so long as she gets those power naps she is a happy girlie inbetween most of the time,thinkgs are not perfect but they are now more bearable.
I had Connor sleeping through for about a month and now we are back to waking 3-4 times a night. I'm really hoping that eventually this will get better because the days I have to get up early for work I can barely function. Today our pediatrician told us to give him rice cereal mixed with breast milk right before he wakes up and goes to bed, so I'm hoping it works. The other day I only got to shave one leg because Connor started crying, I think my husband was a little confused when he saw only one furry leg. I really hope things get better for you soon :hugs::hugs:I hope that his reflux gets under control soon as well!

:rofl: that was like me with the shaving the other day ,ive just given him some baby rice before bed to see it it helps xxx

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