Hi, A month ago I could have written this post! Your story is almost exactly the same as mine and the timeframe is also exactly the same. By 8 weeks I could only hand express 10mls in a full day. Now 4wks later I am getting 500mls a day
and it is still increasing daily.
My baby refused my breast and hardly latches any more but if yours will then you will have a much easier task than me.
Three weeks ago I started domperidone tablets to boost milk production and also started expressing with the medela symphony double pump 8 times a day. I got the pump through a surestart centre for free and my GP prescribed the domperidone.
Get in touch with a good breastfeeding support worker/lactation consultant. Keep looking for one that you like and who is very supportive of relactation, it took me a while to find one that actually seemed to listen to what I was wanting to do.
For now if you dont have a breast pump you should manually express as often as possible and latch baby as often as you can. Express until you cant get any more drops out and then continue for another five minutes to stimulate more production. If you can manage it express atleast once between 1am-5am as that is when your prolactin levels are highest.
Start taking fenugreek each day (available from health food stores such as holland and barret) and drink and eat enough during the day.
I think it can be done without the use of domperidone but it will probably take longer to get going.
Offer the breast every opportunity you get either for food or just for comfort, any stimulation will help.
Feel free to message me if you want
and good luck!