There are slightly increased risks to pregnancy and birth after a section but very small. I would suggest getting a referral to an obstetrician to debrief your section case and discuss future risks but below is what I understand to be the risks.
If you get pregnant quickly after a section there is a slight risk that the placenta could attach to scar tissue still healing. This causes the placenta to attach too deeply sometimes and can result in excess bleeding at birth and possible surgery to remove placenta. I asked the obstetrician who did my debrief as I'd heard online you had to wait a year to ttc but no doctor had specifically told me. She said some doctors recommend it but in her view it wasn't necessary to wait as the chances of problems were so minimal.
Scar rupture during a vbac (vaginal birth after c section) is a slight risk, 0.5% if labour starts naturally. 1% if having an induction. If you have a second section the surgery can be more complicated if there is a lot of internal scarring from the first time, but there's no way of knowing until you're in surgery again. Again the risks are low and generally it would just mean the surgery takes a bit longer, serious issues are rare.
I don't believe there's any reason it would be harder to get pregnant again unless during the surgery there were conplications eg they found a problem with an ovary etc, but they'd tell you if that was the case.
Overall I wouldn't say getting pregnant after a section was "risky". There's a tiny bit more risk than if you had a vaginal birth but so so tiny. Millions of women get pregnant after section and have complication-free pregnancies and births after - myself included. I really wouldn't let it put you off if you want to ttc.