I've always wanted twins, instant siblings would be wonderful and one of each would be perfect,
But OH doesn't want twins, if he had it his way we'd have one bub and be done with it, and he's scared of the amount of work two babies would be, especially 1st time round (though really, who exactly is going to be doing most of the work? Lol). I don't want to have an 'only child' so if I'm ever blessed I hope it's twice at least, even if they're not at the same time.
Twins run in my family, though survival rate is not good. I have uncles that are identicle, and my grandfather had brothers who were twins, but both myself and my nephew are victims of vanishing-twin-syndrome. Both of us even remember the fact that we had a twin, before we were ever told. I remember telling my cousin about my twin long before I even understood when or how she'd died, though my mother didn't tell me until a few years ago. My nephew recently revealed to his mum (my sister) that he'd had a twin brother called George. She was going to wait until he was older to tell him if he didn't remember, although I'd let her know that he might.
Neither my Mum or my sister knew they were carrying twins until they gave birth though, by then the one that died was nothing but a grey mass.
So as much as I want twins, I worry that the same thing might happen. But in the end I will just let my cards lay were they fall, if God deals to me at all, I'll be happy to have one baby than none at all.