is it that odd?


Mummy to 1 perfect angel and a 6yr old daughter
Jul 9, 2011
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Jessica is 7.5months. Whenever people find out I'm breastfeeding, the first questions are always "oh really, when do you think you'll stop?" "you not ready to go to formula yet?". Is it really that unusual to still be bf at this point?? It seems that once she was past 6 months, everyone assumes I should stop. I don't get why. We're past the difficult bit now and its normally easy and hassle free (apart from her getting nosey when out). Why would I now want to introduce the hassle of bottles/sterilising, making sure I've got enough when I go out, having to go downstairs to a cold kitchen if she wakes at 3am (which is quite often). Either that, or I'm made to feel guilty with the "I wish I hadn't stopped after x weeks" "you're lucky, I didn't have enough milk". I've even had women at some groups ask me not to bf round them as they get upset that they stopped. How is that my fault?! I've worked bloody hard to get this far, ignored pressure during growth spurts/cluster feeding, had 7.5months worth of sleepless nights, can't leave her with anyone as she won't take a bottle. Why should I let my baby cry and go hungry because it makes them uncomfortable?! It's not something I brag about. I don't mention it. But if someone asks if I bf or ff I obviously say bf. If she's hungry, I'll feed her. All you hear about is bf mums making ff mums feel bad, but I honestly think it's the other way round. I have never heard/seen a bf mum put down/make feel bad, a mum that ff. That was the best/right/only choice for them and their circumstances. Their baby is getting fed. What method they use is of no concern to me. Just hate the fact that I get made to feel bad for bf my daughter :( yes, I'm STILL breastfeeding. No, I don't know when I'll stop. Whenever the time is right for us. Not anyone else. Not going to set a date on it! My initial goal was 6 weeks, and I'm so proud of making it this far, sorry for the rant, just getting fed up of it! I feel sorry for you mums that are bf older ones than Jessica, I dread to think the questions and comments you must get xx
Sadly it does seem to be fairly unusual to bf past 6 months. I agree with you, I worked so hard in the first few months, why would I quit once it got easier? My LO is 13 months now and no longer feeds during the day, so people don't get the opportunity to comment on it. Unfortunately friends still give their opinion on how he doesn't need breast milk and why don't I switch to cow's milk now because I have to do it at some point. I'll do it when I'm ready thanks!
I'm still bf at 13 months too and get asked when she's going to have cow's milk? why would I give her milk made for a different species when I'm still making milk just for her?!when am I going to stop? when we want to stop!
gets on my nerves. the other question is 'when are you going to have the next one?' I don't know!
Im still bf at 15 months only I really wouldnt mind stopping. LO really isnt ready so we will continue a little longer. I have also had alot of comments about stopping since turning 6 months. Its frustrating and none of their buisness!
People do seem to think that stopping at 6 months is the done thing. Lots of people in my life are surprised I didn't swap to formula when Milo turned 6 months. But as you say, why the hell stop when it's so easy? I ff my first and it was a massive pain. Figuring out where I could go to warm upa bottle and making sure I had it all packed. Now it's whip out a boob and job done in 5 minutes!

Plus it's a really emotional thing for me. I'm not ready to give it up yet and doubt it'll be for quite a long time.
I nursed my first for 13 months, and plan to go at least a yr with this second baby. It IS tough, it's a big commitment to our babies, so not every woman makes it this far. Good for you! Don't feel bad or guilty about nursing your baby. Maybe just say " well I'm sorry for your issues, but as my baby is hungry I need to feed her, thank you for understanding". I can not believe people actually ask you not to nurse her around them.
Anyhow, great job, keep it up as long as its working for you and your daughter :)
Across the UK, at three months, the number of mothers breastfeeding exclusively was 17% (up from 13% in 2005) and at four months, it was 12% (up from 7% in 2005). However, exclusive breastfeeding at six months remains at around 1%.

This is why people are so shocked when a baby is BF past 6 months. Shocking statistics!

Thankfully people don't tend to ask me this as they know my feelings on it already :haha:
The statistics really are shocking. I know no one in real life who breastfeeds apart from a few people I met at a breastfeeding group a couple of times. There is such a lot of misinformation out there about breastfeeding and even midwives and doctors can promote a lot of the myths.

Everyone is always shocked when they hear I was breastfeeding past six months. As time has gone on, the responses have changed from 'wow, well done' to 'what STILL?!' as we approach two years. I know some of my DH's family are against it.

I would continue until you or LO are ready to stop and ignore any negative comments. You're not doing any harm, there are only benefits! :thumbup:
I'm intending to continue so she doesn't need formula. Seems pointless stopping then having to give formula. I'm thinking 14 months like my last child xx
in the UK i think most of the advertising/guidance is for BF only until 6 'obviously' your meant to give up at this point...or so everyone seems to think. Where other countries it 1 and some 2 (think the WHO recommends 2??) - not that ive reached any of these milestones yet. but already got people asking when i am going to give up.
My son is only 3 months old, so i haven't experienced comments like that. What i have experienced, is well intentioned family members or friends asking me when i will introduce formula and constantly implying that he is not getting enough to eat.. it makes me want to scream. my boy is developing beautifully and has doubled his birth weight already. so, obviously he is just fine with his diet.

it's puzzling...what do they think mothers did before formula was around? their babies didn't starve and they surely didn't stop breastfeeding at 6 months.

i dread the day when a mother makes me feel guilty for BFing simply because it didn't work for her. I worked hard through the first few weeks and i understand how a woman would feel awful if she had to stop prematurely. but like you said, that's not my concern. i don't want to hurt anyone's precious feelings, but my baby's hunger is far more important to me.
I'm lucky where I live in uk as it's very normal for people to feed up to 2yrs. Even my midwife fed her lo until age.3... There is lots of support here x
I'm in the UK and I only know of one other person who breastfed past 6 months.
People ask when you're going to give up as if it's a bad habit or addiction.
I stopped at 12/13 m and I wish we hadn't xx
Since becoming a mum for the first time I'm shocked that bf is such a sore point for many people in society and I'm shocked that us bf mums are made to feel uncomfortable, and even made to feel like what we're doing isn't natural or what we're supposed to do. Do not feel guilty at all Lexi; yes it is annoying, but you're doing great and it's up to you to bf until you think it's necessary. I started out wanting to make it to a month and now after 5 months I'm going towards 9 months, with the intention of bf'ing until 12 months. It's not been an easy ride but I'm so glad I managed to stick at it and that I was fortunate in that I was able to provide bf for my baby. Those UK stats are very shocking too! x
I don't know anyone personally that has breastfed as long as I have, unless they've just never mentioned it. I don't go to any mom/baby groups though. Let's just say my pediatrician seems surprised I'm still breastfeeding. I think it's pretty unusual in my area. I can't believe some moms asked you not to breastfeed around them. :( My mom wanted me to introduce formula when LO was young and I did try a little because I thought I needed to, to go back to work, go out etc. Thankfully though he refused it. I'm glad he did and I'm glad I stuck with it.
I like to know where people get the idea it is SOOOO easy to wean at 6 months old???? or when they have teeth
Try not to feel odd or out of place :) I bfed to 12 months, I woulda gone a bit longer however I got pregnant and it just got way too sore! I did get talked into feeding DD formula when she was young, but I in no way would hold that against anyone who bfed exclusively :)
But its bad when society acts like you are crazy for bfing past a certain cut off point.
My family's favorite thing to tell me is that I'm giving my baby brain damage if I exclusively bf. :wacko: :dohh:
As Sophie approached 6 months most people just assumed I would stop. I think they literally thought she would turn 6 months and that would be it. I think it's to do with the recommendation of exclusively breastfeeding until 6 months? I don't think people understand that it then means to introduce solids whilst breastfeeding.

Now it's all 'When are you going to give formula?.' Um probably never! Not that I have anything against it but my goal is now at least a year, probably self weaning.

I'm dreading the comments that are going to come when she's a toddler :haha:

The statistics don't really shock me. I don't know anyone who breastfeeds! The most people seem to do here is a few weeks then they switch to formula :shrug:
Jessica is 7.5months. Whenever people find out I'm breastfeeding, the first questions are always "oh really, when do you think you'll stop?" "you not ready to go to formula yet?". Is it really that unusual to still be bf at this point?? It seems that once she was past 6 months, everyone assumes I should stop. I don't get why. We're past the difficult bit now and its normally easy and hassle free (apart from her getting nosey when out). Why would I now want to introduce the hassle of bottles/sterilising, making sure I've got enough when I go out, having to go downstairs to a cold kitchen if she wakes at 3am (which is quite often). Either that, or I'm made to feel guilty with the "I wish I hadn't stopped after x weeks" "you're lucky, I didn't have enough milk". I've even had women at some groups ask me not to bf round them as they get upset that they stopped. How is that my fault?! I've worked bloody hard to get this far, ignored pressure during growth spurts/cluster feeding, had 7.5months worth of sleepless nights, can't leave her with anyone as she won't take a bottle. Why should I let my baby cry and go hungry because it makes them uncomfortable?! It's not something I brag about. I don't mention it. But if someone asks if I bf or ff I obviously say bf. If she's hungry, I'll feed her. All you hear about is bf mums making ff mums feel bad, but I honestly think it's the other way round. I have never heard/seen a bf mum put down/make feel bad, a mum that ff. That was the best/right/only choice for them and their circumstances. Their baby is getting fed. What method they use is of no concern to me. Just hate the fact that I get made to feel bad for bf my daughter :( yes, I'm STILL breastfeeding. No, I don't know when I'll stop. Whenever the time is right for us. Not anyone else. Not going to set a date on it! My initial goal was 6 weeks, and I'm so proud of making it this far, sorry for the rant, just getting fed up of it! I feel sorry for you mums that are bf older ones than Jessica, I dread to think the questions and comments you must get xx

Gosh I could of wrote this word for word!
You are so right!
Jessica is 7.5months. Whenever people find out I'm breastfeeding, the first questions are always "oh really, when do you think you'll stop?" "you not ready to go to formula yet?". Is it really that unusual to still be bf at this point?? It seems that once she was past 6 months, everyone assumes I should stop. I don't get why. We're past the difficult bit now and its normally easy and hassle free (apart from her getting nosey when out). Why would I now want to introduce the hassle of bottles/sterilising, making sure I've got enough when I go out, having to go downstairs to a cold kitchen if she wakes at 3am (which is quite often). Either that, or I'm made to feel guilty with the "I wish I hadn't stopped after x weeks" "you're lucky, I didn't have enough milk". I've even had women at some groups ask me not to bf round them as they get upset that they stopped. How is that my fault?! I've worked bloody hard to get this far, ignored pressure during growth spurts/cluster feeding, had 7.5months worth of sleepless nights, can't leave her with anyone as she won't take a bottle. Why should I let my baby cry and go hungry because it makes them uncomfortable?! It's not something I brag about. I don't mention it. But if someone asks if I bf or ff I obviously say bf. If she's hungry, I'll feed her. All you hear about is bf mums making ff mums feel bad, but I honestly think it's the other way round. I have never heard/seen a bf mum put down/make feel bad, a mum that ff. That was the best/right/only choice for them and their circumstances. Their baby is getting fed. What method they use is of no concern to me. Just hate the fact that I get made to feel bad for bf my daughter :( yes, I'm STILL breastfeeding. No, I don't know when I'll stop. Whenever the time is right for us. Not anyone else. Not going to set a date on it! My initial goal was 6 weeks, and I'm so proud of making it this far, sorry for the rant, just getting fed up of it! I feel sorry for you mums that are bf older ones than Jessica, I dread to think the questions and comments you must get xx

Gosh I could of wrote this word for word!
You are so right!

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