My son has/had epilepsy. He was diagnosed at age 5, but looking back, I'm pretty sure his (atonic) seizures started when he was 4 at the most, maybe even earlier. He was put on lamactrin, and then years later on topomax. When he was 12, his EEG's came back clear, so he was taken off his medication. He hasn't had a seizure (that we know of) since. He's turning 13.
We were extremely lucky. His epilepsy was idiopathic, he never had a grand mal and he seemed to have outgrown it all now. I know how hard this is, though. Adjusting to awful medication side effects, having your whole world turn upside down. Trying to keep a balance at not spoiling him but not disciplining when it was the medication causing the behaviour, etc. It was a couple of very hard years. The website meant alot to me in those years. I used to chat online with other mommies and they kept me sane and I learned so much from them.
Good luck!