is this a possible pregnancy?


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2014
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Hi i am quite concerned by my current symptoms.i apologise in advance for the TMI.
since 23.11.14 i have been loosing blood in my discharge, first it was a pinkish colour on my pants when i went to the toilet. i felt a little sick but nothing major.

then 24.11.14 it was blood on my pants and when i wiped each time i went to the toilet. still feeling sick, now also dizzy at times and total loss of appetite but really thirsty. Also started getting abdominal pains.

25.11.14 it was a brownish colour. serious pain in my abdo leaving me breathless, really tired and emotional today. no appetite at all, vomitted at the smell of toast.

26.11.14 it was pinkish again this morning however over the course of the day it has gone back to blood and is every time i go to the toilet, vomitted 4 times today, slightly bloated, pain in abdo is quite bad (not like period cramp), really emotional and restless.

Now all this looks like a possible pregnancy but what worries me is that my period was only on the 14.11.14 and for the previous 2 months i got positive pregnancy tests then days later i bled both times (poss chemical miscarriage according to docs). and the first month i did the pregnancy test i was 8weeks late for period. I never feel like this when ovulating so i dont think its that and from what i have read i wouldnt have bled for 4days and felt like this if it was just ovulation.

Can anyone please help. My docs are so crap and just tell me to monitor things for 6months and wont refer me to a gyno.

many thanks for any advice you can give me
beckie x
If af came on the 14th, it would most likely be too early for you to have ovulated, conceived and implanted by this point. It could be ovulation or could be some other reason. I would find a different doctor and see if you can get some answers.
If af came on the 14th, it would most likely be too early for you to have ovulated, conceived and implanted by this point. It could be ovulation or could be some other reason. I would find a different doctor and see if you can get some answers.

Thanks for your reply. I have been in agony today and decided to go to the walk in centre. I am now more worried than ever, they done a pregnancy test (which i knew would be negative) but there was blood in my urine, sorry for the TMI, so they have ran more tests but they've said i am looking at possible cervical cancer so i have had to have other tests ran first before they will test for that. Im 23 how on earth could i have cervical cancer!

Sosorry to hear that, hopefully they find out it's something else and nothing to worry about.
Awwww I am so so sorry to hear this is happening to you. Hoping everything will be fine for you, I have heard you get blood in your urine if you have a bad uti but not sure. I am praying for you everything turns out okay for you, I'm sending you lots of luck your way. Let me know what goes on :) always hear for you Hun xx
Thank you to you both for your support, i will also update you when i get back from my app. i also have blood in my urine so im slightly more worried now especially as when i asked to cancel my app at the doctors and just have my results over the phone they said the doctor really wants to see me :'( my appointment is at 3.40 today which is in 20 mins time, i swear if i get any more nervous than i already am im going to pass out. I have still had pink when i have wiped over the past few days and sickness so its not looking promising.

I dont know whats worse, the thinking or the knowing.
beckie x
I'm so sorry Beckie. I can't imagine how hard that must be. Keep us posted, we're here for you.
If af came on the 14th, it would most likely be too early for you to have ovulated, conceived and implanted by this point. It could be ovulation or could be some other reason. I would find a different doctor and see if you can get some answers.

Thanks for your reply. I have been in agony today and decided to go to the walk in centre. I am now more worried than ever, they done a pregnancy test (which i knew would be negative) but there was blood in my urine, sorry for the TMI, so they have ran more tests but they've said i am looking at possible cervical cancer so i have had to have other tests ran first before they will test for that. Im 23 how on earth could i have cervical cancer!


OMG I am so sorry:hugs: that sounds like a horrific process to go through. Maybe it will be something else.... I don't know. It seems to always be the young ones who get it, but if you don't mind, I would like to pray for you and I will hope that your test does not come out the worst case scenario...:hugs:
It sounds a lot like a severe UTI to me. Those are horrendous. I had similar symptoms from one that even migrated up to my kidneys for a while. I hope that's all it is, and they give you some antibiotics and that's it!

I was diagnosed with and treated for cervical cancer earlier this year. It was the most terrifying experience... Please let us know what the results were, and if you need a shoulder to lean on!
I didnt want to read and run. Lots of things may cause bleeding, could be an infection. Please dont think the worst just yet. Hugs x
Hi thanks all for your support. sorry for you all waiting so long for my reply. But i went to the docs and he said i had an infection so i needed antibiotics, so i thought oh well thats better than what the nurse said... then he said the word everyone hates 'but' he needed to feel my stomach, so he did.... He said because i was so swollen down there near my pubic bone and because AF has started mucking around that he needed to send me for an internal scan as he thinks my tubes etc could be damaged OR i have something more sinister going on :( i have to wait for a letter in the post for my scan but i have to go back to doctors next monday (15.12.14) for more checks again. So i have had a whole week left to wait still and i have worried all week about what on earth is going on, to make it worse AF is due again on 12.12.14 and i feel like crap, Hes advised until i find out whats wrong we stop trying to get pregnant as if i need any treatment for anything it could really harm baby :(. i feel so deflated.

Thank you so much for all your responses i am so sorry ireadyermind to hear about your problem earlier this year i hope you are all well now though??

Cutestuff thank you for preying for me i hope it has helped me, and i hope if there is anything wrong it will give me the strength to deal with it :).

Many thanks for the support i will keep you updated
beckie xx
This sounds so difficult Beckie, sending you lots of hugs <3

I truly hope they are able to find out what is going on for you and help you through it xxx
Beckie -- Thank you so much for asking. :) I'm officially cancer free as of October, but I just wanted you to know that I can completely relate to the stress and worrying that happens when doctors give you that terrible "BUT..!" and then make you wait a week or longer before they give you any definite answers! If you need someone to vent to or something, feel free to PM me, okay? :)

I hope it all works out for you and everything's fine once that infection clears up!

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