Isabel's birth story, born 29/06/09


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
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Well it all began on Monday June 22nd when they admitted me for Induction. They give me the gel and within an hour I was having pains and contractions so I expected to be in full blown labour by the next day. They checked me on the Tuesday morning and nothing had changed so they gave me some more gel which ultimately brought with it more contractions. I was checked again later that evening and still hadn’t made any progress and was given a third dose of gel. Wednesday morning arrived and a consultant was called to speak to me because they could only give three doses of gel without it having to be administered by a doctor. We discussed my options and I informed him that I really wanted to avoid a C section if I could and we decided to keep trying with the induction for a little longer. He said as I hadn’t slept properly for the last 48 hours (due to the contractions which didn’t bloody do anything other than hurt a lot lol) he wanted me to have a 24hour rest period before they try again.

So Wednesday I returned home ready to go back in on the Thursday night. Another dose of gel was given and I was checked Friday and had made some progress as my cervix was now ready & ripe and I was nearly 2 cm. They gave me some more gel in the hope that it would get me to 2cm so they could break my waters. Friday afternoon they pronouned that they would be able to break my waters and would take me up to the labour ward when they have a room available. Saturday morning and my consultant promises me that I will be taken upstairs very soon........same thing is said Saturday afternoon............and Saturday evening. Sunday morning and guess what my consultant promises thing I know I am informed that they are on their way for me and to pack up my bag ready. I rang Jay and mum and everyone got excited. Sunday afternoon arrived...... Sunday tea time......Sunday evening..... A midwife came to tell me at 8pm that they were that busy upstairs on delivery that they had pinched a midwife off the ward so I probably wouldn’t make it upstairs after all (all I was thinking was &^%&*&^^).

Around 9pm I start to get some weak contractions again, which seemed a little weird as I hadn’t had any gel for at least over 24 hours. Around 3am they were getting more painful but not regular, I mentioned them to the midwife who said I should try all the usual of a bath etc. Then around half 4 they start to be really painful and seem to be within a range of every 5 to 7 minutes. So I joking asked the midwife if she would mind checking me ‘just incase’ I was making any progress as these contractions seemed a little different from the ones I had been having all week. As she wasn’t busy she said she would as long as I was willing to go on the monitor for a bit so that they could check Issy’s heart rate and my contractions etc. This is where the real fun began.

She put me on the machine and she struggled to get Isabel’s heart rate properly. It was there but she kept losing it, also the machine wasn’t picking up the contractions. She said she could see and feel the contractions as she put her hand on my tummy to check them but they just weren’t registering on the machine. Anyway, finally she admitted that she could hear Isabel and she was happy with what she had heard even though she didn’t have a good monitoring. I was feeling a little uneasy with this as we hadn’t had any problem with it before. She started to check me and said that if I hadn’t made any progress not to get upset, she could see I was in pain and would give me some pain relief anyway. I was in total shock when she proudly announced that I was actually 4 cm and should be upstairs as I was now classed as being in established labour!! She rang Jay and mum and said I could get some pain relief as soon as I get upstairs.

So we arrive upstairs and I am again attached to a monitor as this midwife wasn’t happy with the monitoring that had been done downstairs. Again Isabel’s heart rate was really difficult to pick up and my contractions weren’t showing on the monitor either. A consultant was called as the midwife wasn’t happy. She arrived and said that as my contractions were still irregular she would break my waters and while doing that she wanted to attach a scalp monitor to Isabel’s head so that they could check how she was coping. Everything was agreed and she started to carry it all out.

As soon as she had a look she was shocked to find I was now 7 cm! She broke my waters and attached the monitor. Isabel seemed fine but I still hadn’t had any pain relief and it became unbearable as soon as she broke my waters as the contractions were so intense. I was given gas and air to try while the midwife carried on with her paperwork (she was coming to the end of her shift). The next thing I know I had an urge to push, she checked and sure enough I was fully dilated. She had another look and announced that it still may be a while as Isabel was still high up in the birth canal and need to move down quite a lot before she would be born. The midwife’s swapped shifts and a lovely midwife took over who was being shadowed by a student. My pushing urges were uncontrollable at this point and my body took over and tried pushing for me etc. The worst part of this was the pain near my pelvis region every time I pushed ( I had SPD). I became so scared by it that I was trying not to push.

Everything went a little blurry at this point as I was constantly on the gas and air but I remember lots of people rushing into the room and everyone trying to get my attention. The nice midwife managed to get me to focus and said that Isabel was struggling and needed to get out now and if I didn’t push they would have to get her out by taking me to theatre. I looked at Jay and he was crying and kept saying ‘Kat you’ve got to push, she needs to get out’. Little did I know at the time but he was crying as he was watching Issy’s heart rate dropping to 12 beats per minute. I had never seen him look so worried in his life and knew then that things were going badly wrong. I heard someone say ‘ok get everything prepped and we will see how she does on the next push.........then someone else chirped up ‘yes but the baby is still too high up she needs to go to theatre now!’.

With that I gave one god almighty push and someone shouted ‘bloody hell she has pushed her half way down!’ The midwife was brilliant and she kept the doctor at bay who was still insisting that I be moved to theatre. I heard her say ‘Just give her chance, I know she can do this, you saw how much progress she made on that last push. Watch and be in awe of what a woman can do when her child is in danger’.....the doctor mumbled something back but I didn’t catch what. With that she talked to me constantly and it took another two pushes and Isabel was delivered safe and sound straight onto me at 08:19 on the 29th of June. Isabel even attached herself to my boob and went on to have a massive feed while the room calmed down and people left us all to it. They gave me the injection to deliver the placenta and the midwife was talking to the student about how to pull the cord to help it come out etc. The student then had a go at pulling it gently but the cord came away without any placenta!

This then led to me being asked to push the placenta out, what a weird feeling that was. With no urge to push and nothing to actually push it was so bizarre. They had me in a number of positions and after 40 minutes I just couldn’t do it anymore. My legs were still weak, and I was feeling very sore so they called the doctor back in. He said I had two options, one was to let him have a try to manually remove it or take the other option which was surgery. So off he went manually removing it, gas and air became my best friend once again. It came out in three pieces but looked very battered and bitty. The midwife explained that it should have been nice and smooth and all attached together. I never thought anymore of it as I was just glad to have that part over with.

So we moved onto the stitches, which I needed mostly on the inside as I had tore my muscles apparently (haven’t a clue how I managed that one lol). She injected me to numb it all up but as soon as she started I cried out in pain. She left it a little longer but I could still feel the needle being threaded through. So I went back on the gas and air (constantly) and had my mum gripping my hand so that we could get it all over with once and for all.

We had a few issues after the birth with retained placenta but am happy to report that hopefully it has all been sorted now. My uterus is finally back to its correct size after two courses of anti b’s and my bleeding is now minimal. They gave me an ultrasound and everything appeared normal finally.

Isabel is such a quiet baby I couldn’t ask for a more laid back child. I would do it all again if given the chance!

:cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9:


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Omg, I am shattered after reading your story, am so glad for you, that you were able to deliver her naturally. Congratulations on your adorable daughter x
Congrats - glad shes safe and sound in mummy and daddy's arms :)

Hope you are both relaxing now x
awww she's gorgeous, congratulations x
WOW - well done, you did fantastic!! She is beautiful x
What a story. And what a fab midwife saving you from theatre and forceps. Congratulations x

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