There is just no excuse for being rude to the OP with statements like how rubbish it is and smilies used in a negative way. The OP didn't suggest at any point it was a miracle cure just shared her story adding positive to what can seem like a long emotional journey when you don't see hope... a little of that for whatever journey you are on, that's just hers. It's obvious she meant no harm.
You don't have to pass a certain month before you can use the LTTTC for support, many will use it when various medical situations are likely to be a problem compared to statistics of the average couple. Please don't use this approach on our forums again, it's not nice and certainly not acceptable.
I understand the bumpy journey I really do but most times I do not understand the hostile replies.
If it really bothered you then why not point out our Success Stories forum and pop us a report to move it instead of completely bashing this member. Not everyone notices the sub-forums.