It really works!


Mom to Harley & Piper
Apr 17, 2008
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ok so after weeks on end of not being able to sleep because I'm just so damn uncomfortable. I tried it laying down with a pillow between my legs......and it worked!!! I was able to get comfortable enough to fall asleep!!:happydance:

just had to share:blush:
Glad you got a good sleep :) XxxX
Glad you got some sleep.

I don't have a problem getting comfy or falling asleep it's just managing to stay asleep. I get 2 hours at a time. I just take wht I can get now and rest when I can x
Glad you got some kip! I wish that worked for me but it just makes my knees ache like hell.
That doesn't work for me!!! I have extreme pain in my legs, pelvis and pubic bone region. I can't sleep with straight legs, and I can't sleep with bent legs! I pretty much just have to keep wriggling til I find a position that's semi comfortable and stick to it!
That doesn't work for me!!! I have extreme pain in my legs, pelvis and pubic bone region. I can't sleep with straight legs, and I can't sleep with bent legs! I pretty much just have to keep wriggling til I find a position that's semi comfortable and stick to it!

I'm the same with the straight/bent legs! I also can't sleep on either side nor my back! :dohh:
I found that having 3 pillows at my head, and one big one under my shoulders/back (so you're lying at a downward incline) helped my ribs and pelvis. Might be worth trying?
I've tried every pillow arrangement known to man (or pregnant woman lol)! There is no getting comfy enough for me to sleep.
I wouldn't get any sleep at all if ot wasn't for the numerous pillows I strategically place around me in bed! But when I need to turn over it is a mission to rearrange them all again!
I'm not comfy in bed anymore and have moved onto the sofa.. its not the falling asleep part thats the problem for me.. its the waking up with searing agony in my back.. my bed doesn't like me :cry:
That doesn't work for me!!! I have extreme pain in my legs, pelvis and pubic bone region. I can't sleep with straight legs, and I can't sleep with bent legs! I pretty much just have to keep wriggling til I find a position that's semi comfortable and stick to it!
Ditto with me! My physio advised me to sleep with the pillow between my legs but it does jack all to help.

Glad it worked for you though Novababy :)
I find that helps me as well - or putting a pillow slightly under my bump. The Dream Genii pillow is quite good as well.
I find a pillow between my legs makes my hips/knees/legs hurt more.

The only way I can sleep is if I lay on my front with my knee bent up so its by my hip and taking all of my weight. Or if I sit up
I use the pillow but it doesnt help me sleep any lol! I usually wake up not being able to walk barely.
I've tried every pillow arrangement known to man (or pregnant woman lol)! There is no getting comfy enough for me to sleep.

I can so relate!

I've tried body pillows, standard pillows, wedge pillows, feather pillows, memory foam pillows. I tried so many ways and methods...its just not working for me. :-(
I've tried every pillow arrangement known to man (or pregnant woman lol)! There is no getting comfy enough for me to sleep.

I can so relate!

I've tried body pillows, standard pillows, wedge pillows, feather pillows, memory foam pillows. I tried so many ways and methods...its just not working for me. :-(

Glad it's not just me then! The only useful pillow is my wedge under my bump but that doesn't help my joints, only stops it feeling like my internal organs are being pulled out of my side! Don't worry, we've not so long left now and we can sleep then right? ;)

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