for me that was the beginning of pupps. It covered me from head to toe within a week. Grandpa's pine tar soap is the only thing that helped but it does dry your skin and I was showering four times a day. I told my doctor when it got to be too much. Not sleeping at all obsessively itching everywhere and no relief. She sent me to a dermatologist that recommended taking zyrtec every day but my doctor gave me a prescription for prednisone that cleared it up. I've felt good for a couple of weeks now. I'm currently stepping down off of the prednisone and I will be starting the zyrtec in a few days. The prednisone isn't preferred during pregnancy but it's okay past the first trimester but my doctor said the rash and itching was doing more harm, wearing me down and keeping me from sleep. The zyrtec is completely safe. The dermatologist said I could take two a day if or when the rash comes back. I haven't tried it yet but she was pretty confident. My best advice would be to not wait it out.