IVF Buddies 2012 - all got our BFPs now awaiting the bubbas. Sticking together x

Emma, good luck! Cant wait for ur update!:)

Kelky, could def be uti causing the pain dtd, hope u feel better soon! Lexi is getting soo big.. Yay! Good job!
The squat challence is 30 days.. First day u start with 50 squats.. Yeh I know, ouch! Ill try to post it tomorroww!:)
50 would hurt! I did 30 mins of P90X yoga last night out of the 90 minute dvd and I am so sore today!

Emma is little boy here yet?
Ladies, i was wondering pooped wise, cedrik used to poop pretty much everytime id change him so every 3 hrs and more but now he didnt poop since yesterday.. Is it normal to be less after 6 weeks?
Yes perfectly normal rox! Skyler used to poop once every 3 days. Even Lexi is having a few pee diaper with no poop every now and then.
just catching up!!! Hi ladies :wave: Yes, Eva used to popp every few days for the first month or so. Even now she might only poop once a day.

I havent started exercise or dtd yet :blush: It really bothers me have baby in the room! We are planning on moving her to her own room soon!!!

GL Emma
Well our baby boy arrived by c section at 1am this morning! Elijah Taylor Griffith, 7lbs and 6oz (I think, need to confirm). Was disappointed to end up with a section after trying to induce for over 24 hours, but my BP was getting high, baby was having massive decelerations with almost every contraction, and I was not progressing past 4cm. When they did the section we learned there was a knot in the cord which may have caused the decelerations. Anyways we're just thrilled he is here however he got here! He is a good eater and generally is
a good baby ( based on the last 11hrs)!

Won't be on here much but wanted to give an update!

X emma
congratulations Emma - glad Elijah arrived safely if a little dramatically! I love the name. :bunny: Glad all good so far. :kiss:
Huge congrats emma!! Hope you have a fast recovery! Take care! Cant wait to see pictures of your lil guy!
Congrats Emma! I totally called his labour and birthday date wise lol. I love that name too! Rest up and come on when you're feelin better.
Congrats Emma! Love the name and so glad he's here safe and sound, whatever the mode of delivery. Me next, me next!
yay Daisy - not long now!!! How many more after you? Or are we nearly there with all our lovely babies? Thinking I will have to change the title again after that happens :hugs:
I think I'm the last one?? Due date is may 10th, and I'm officially out on maternity leave. No progress yet, as of last Friday - still fingertip dilated, 50% effaced and baby's head is "ballotable" (not yet engaged). Trying to find a balance between taking it easy, and doing things to help myself along. Would like to walk, but my feet are so damn swollen and painful, not sure I can even put sneakers on. Spending some time each day on hands and knees, and on my ball doing hip circles. Might go to prenatal yoga later this week. And will try having sex more frequently. And my friend swears by pineapple - like one a day! So I'll start trying that soon.
Emma - CONGRATS!!!! SO SO SO happy for you!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo - Now get resting!!

DQ - Cmon! I want to meet little man already!!!

AFM - things are going well, posted in my journal finally. Life with twins is CUCKOO.
Daisy, try to rest as much as you can cause the first few months with baby are pretty demanding! Youll wish you rested more! I bet your having a big baby since your feet are so swollen!
Eek. That's what the nurse at my OB's office said. She thinks based on how I'm carrying, it's a big baby. YIKES.
Doula has recommended seeing a chiropractor to help me align/loosen pelvis to help this baby descend. Going tomorrow. It's worth a shot. Also gave me some excercises to do on my ball.

After a fairly busy day doing chores (punctuated by a two hour nap), I am now relaxing in front of the TV. Just caught the end of the movie In America, and was just BAWLING. Omg.
Love maternity leave Daisy - enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

So excited just one more baby to arrive! Good luck with the chiropractor - they can work miracles.

babies are def demanding - Everyone says you get overwhelmed by advice but personally I couldnt get too much advice on getting baby to sleep! It is totally crazy. I cant tell yoou how many nights I googled (with one hand as baby in the other) "How to I get my newborn to sleep/sleep in her crib" or "Help, my baby only wants to sleep whilst being held...") Wish I had looked at those things before baby arrived ;)

Hope everyone is dong ok - I have been reading most of the journals but usually whilst I am feeding Eva so dont have a spare hand to type! It seems the sleep issue is plaguing most of you - but I promise it gets better. Eva now sleeps from about 7,30pm to about 6pm most nights, with the occassional 4am waking! It does happen I promise :kiss:

Also, another tip - go to mother and baby groups - they have saved my sanity. Meeting other new mums and also once babies want entertaining it helps to have a class or two too go to as they give you new ideas and a bit of a break from cycling on the mat or cooing on the baby gym :blush:

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