IVF Roll Call - July/August


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
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Looking for a few buddies to start the IVF journey with! CD1 should be here any day now!!

Good vibes to all,
I just started my injections last night! First IVF cycle, I could definitely use a buddy as well!
Hi Erin,

Sorry for the delayed response but I was out of town for a few days! Do you know if there is an app for this forum?

How are the shots going? I remember bruising a lot near the end and it was a little painful but I didn't have any other side effects, which was nice. This time around we switched clinics and they are increasing my meds by 50%, eek.

I started my bcp's last night and as of now my egg retrieval will be on 8/11. When are you scheduled?

Baby dust to you!
Hi ladies- I'm new here and just created an account.

I should be starting IVF #5 at the beginning/middle of August. I am currently in my priming month.

I CANNOT believe I am going through this a 5th time, but I am optimistic as I am now seeking treatment at CCRM.

Is this the first IVF cycle for both of you? Feel free to ask me questions if you have any.

Good luck to you all!

A quick intro to my background: 4 egg retrievals, 2 fresh transfers, 4 cancelled FETs, 1 frozen transfer during a fresh cycle, and 1 normal FET. All resulted in BFNs except the fresh stim cycle with frozen transfer. That resulted in a positive with slow-rising beta and had to be ended with methotrexate.
I had transfer on 7/06 FET. I got my positive! Just wanted to wish y'all good luck and baby dust!
Hi RPDP - I have a feeling that #5 is your lucky number!!! It is my second round of IVF. I went to a clinic close to home for my first round, we transferred 2 embryos that round and came out with a BFN :( This time around we are going to a clinic in Maryland that has a high success rate and a shared risk program which is super helpful since our insurance covers zero. Anyway, this time around they are upping my meds by 50%, so I am nervous of OHSS.

I feel way calmer this time around. Last cycle I felt like a lunatic and couldn't stop thinking about it. It consumed my life.

One of my friends mothers just gave me a name of a doctor at CCRM. Since it is on the other side of the country we decided to go with SGF.

What is your protocol?

Allison- Thanks for the positive attitude!

CCRM is actually using the same protocol that my 2 local REs used, but with a few minor changes. I am priming with estrogen and Ganirelix.

I won't start stims until Cycle Day 6 (I've always started on Day 2). I'm using Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix, and Dexamethasone. For the trigger, they're having me use Pregnyl AND Lupron. The Lupron as a trigger and the Dexamethasone are new to me.

The other changes are the LONG list of supplements and they are pretty strict about no caffeine, alcohol, or chocolate after starting stims. I've always stayed away from caffeine and alcohol, but I never thought about chocolate.

I usually do pretty well during stims, but it's the transfer part that is tough as I have a thin lining. We'll be doing an FET and the CCRM doctor thinks my lining is compacting too early so we need to transfer the embryo(s) earlier than the average patient.

I had asked my local RE (RE#2 for me) why my lining would shrink right before transfers and she said it was not an issue and possibly just different measurements from using different machines. When I brought this up on my CCRM phone call, the doctor immediately said that a shrinking lining is bad and since it's happened to me so many times, we need to watch out for it. I was pretty frustrated since I had brought up this issue so many times! Hopefully it's the missing piece of the puzzle though.

Oh- and I hope you don't get OHSS. I have all the risk factors (except PCOS) so I started at a really low dose. We doubled the dose and I was still fine!
NO CHOCOLATE?!?!?!? I have never heard of that. Thanks for the tip, I will steer clear as well. Anything can help, right?

I am getting quotes from different pharmacies as we speak. They are putting me on Follistim or Gonal, Menopur and ganirelix to cetrotide. They are not sure what I will trigger with yet. They said they are going to wait to see how I react to the drugs. I have never been on ganirelix to cetrotide.

RPDP - I hope the lining issue is the problem and transferring early is the resolution. Wouldn't it be nice to know what the problem really is :) CCRM seems to be the right place for you!

Keep me posted on your dates! I go in on 7/28 for my pre-IVF evaluation so I will know more then. Do you have to travel far to go to CCRM?

What supplements did they put you on? SGF told me not to take DHEA this time around (something about a new study that came out). They told me to continue taking my prenatal, vitamin D and CoQ10.
I think the no-chocolate thing is b/c chocolate has a small amount of caffeine in it and caffeine can restrict your blood flow. It seems overly-cautious, but if they recommend it, I'll do it.

Both the doctor and nurse said that I can take their list of supplements if I wanted to, but they don't have much proof that they do anything. The list is: Vitamins C, D, E, Myo Inositol, Pycnogenol, L Arginine, CoQ10, Folic Acid, Prenatal, Omega 3 Fatty Acid, and Melatonin at night.

Their research department is doing a study on acai berries and they manufacture their own acai pills. I take that 3 times a day. All supplements, except the prenatal, have to be stopped once priming starts.

I made sooo many calls to pharmacies about 2 weeks ago. If you'd like my price list, let me know! For 2 cycles, I ordered my meds from London. The meds worked great and were so much cheaper. CCRM does not want patients to order meds from overseas so I had to start from scratch this time.

I got a new calendar today and start stims on 8/3!
I would love to get your price list! I sent you a private message with my email address.

And I start stims on 8/3 too!
No, the supplement/dosage list was given to me with a lot of other information and the doctor said "You don't have to take these, but it won't hurt anything."

It is a lot of pills!

We are heading to Maryland on Friday for our pre-IVF evaluation! Things are getting real!!!!

How is everyone doing? Any new updates?

Hi ladies. I started stims yesterday. Just wanted to pop in and say hi.
Hi ladies! I'd love to join, I start stims 8/14 on my first ivf cycle, currently on bcp.
Hope everyone is doing well! I started stims today and travel to Denver on Tuesday!
Welcome Nolimitxox and babylights!

I hope everyone is doing well!

Today is day 4 on stims. I got to Maryland last night and had my first appointment today. They decided to increase my Gonal-F from 300 to 450 IU. My levels are not increasing as quickly as they would like them to :(

Fingers crossed that does the trick. Safe Travels RPDR!!

I will remember to check in more now that things are starting to happen :)
Hope everything is progressing nicely! I'm on Day 8 of stims (I think). I always respond really slowly so it looks like I'm going to be out here for a few extra days.

It's nice being away from home, but at the same time, by the end of the day, I wish I could be in my own house and bed!!

It has been awhile since I have checked in. I was on stims for 17 days.... It felt like 2 months. I triggered last Wednesday and ER was Friday. We currently have 6 embryos and will go in on Wednesday to do our fresh transfer, if our embryos make it. Fingers crossed a few of them get to blast and we have some to freeze.

I feel your pain RPDR, I was in Maryland for 2.5 weeks. I came home on Saturday. It is really nice to be home and to get back into my daily routine.

RPDR, how did your egg retrieval go?

Babylights & Nolimitxox, how are things going?

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