Jacob James 12/02/2010


Mummy to 3 boys
Nov 24, 2007
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So, just 12 hours after my appt at the hospital, the unsuccessful attempt at a stretch and sweep, and being given a date for induction, my waters broke at 0.15am on Friday morning.

The contractions started almost immediately - roughly coming every 5- 7 minutes, lasting for about 30 seconds. They weren't too painful at this stage - just felt like really bad period cramping. By about 6am, they were every 5 minutes, lasting about 1 minute. I rung the hospital, and they told me to come in for an examination. I arrived, and was put on a CTG to check the baby - he was perfectly happy, but the examination showed I was only 1-2cm dilated. I was gutted! They left me for an hour, and the contractions got worse - they examined me again, and I was 3cm this time. They wouldn't admit me to the delivery suite until I was at least 4cm dilated, so they suggest that I go home, and come back later.

I really didn't want to do this, but I didn't really feel like I had much choice. The journey home was traumatic - every traffic light was red, and I obviously couldn't move around much, which made the contractions feel a lot more painful. We got home at about 10am, and I ran a hot bath, and stayed in there for over an hour. The bath definitely helped with pain, but it also slowed the contractions down as well. I tried to have something to eat/drink, but I just couldn't face it. I eventually got out of the bath and laid down in bed. This was when the pain got REALLY bad - the contractions seemed to be coming every couple of minutes, lasting for over a minute. I stayed at home as long as I could, and we eventually made our back to the hospital at about 13.30pm.

The car journey back took 35 minutes, which I can honestly say was horrific. Again, every traffic light was red, and I could not get comfortable. When we arrived at the hospital, I could barely walk - Rob tried to get a wheelchair from the antenatal clinic, but there weren't any around, so I had to hobble my way to the admissions unit. It took us ages though, because I had to stop every couple of minutes and lean against the wall to breathe through the contractions - in retrospect, I must have looked like a right state, but at the time I couldn't have cared less.

When we finally got to the admissions unit, they examined me again, and I was 5-6cm dilated - which meant they weren't going to be sending me home!! It also meant I could finally get some pain relief!!! They gave me gas and air, and I immediately put in a request for an epidural too. The gas and air was amazing - I really didn't think I would like it because I hate feeling drunk, but this was different. It really gave me something else to focus on when I was contracting, and it also made me feel really drunk, but in a good way!! I felt so chilled, and spaced out, it was a relief.

They put me in a wheelchair, and took me up to the delivery suite. Unfortunately, my supply of gas and air had run out, and the room on the delivery suite wasn't ready for me yet. I was sitting in the wheelchair, in a corridor, with no gas and air, and the pain was awful again. I couldn't wait to get in the room and get my hand on more gas and air!!

After about 15 minutes, the room was ready, and I was immediately prepped for the epidural. I had my gas and air, and the anaesthetist gave me the obligatory spiel about the risks etc. He then went to get the stuff ready, and when he came back, I was high on the gas and air again, and was managing to have a laugh and a joke with him. We had quite a good banter going on between us - he was my hero, lol!! It took about 15 minutes to do the epidural - I thought it would be painful, but it was no worse than having an injection, or having blood taken. They anaesthetised the area of my back before inserting the epidural needle, and it just felt like a little scratch. It took about 30 minutes for it to kick in, but once it did, it was heaven. I could still feel my legs and everything - they were just a bit tingly, but the important thing was that I couldn't feel any of the contractions!!

I was also hooked up to the CTG machine, but they weren't getting a very good reading, so they had to put insert a clip to put on the babies head. They did that, and again, I couldn't feel it. Well, I could, but it didn't hurt, and it wasn't uncomfortable like the examinations before were. I also had to have a catheter put in a couple of times, but again, I didn't feel. The atmosphere was also completely different once I had had the epidural. I was relaxed, and could hold a conversation perfectly fine. Rob was definitely happier - he hated seeing me in pain as he felt really useless. In reality though, he was amazing. He helped me breathe through the contractions, and let me squeeze his hand as hard as I wanted, lol.

Anyway, they topped up my epidural every hour, and were regularly checking my blood pressure. Everything was fine, and Jacob's heartbeat was regular, and strong - he was perfectly happy and relaxed, and showing no signs of distress. They then examined me again at about 7.30pm. I was expecting to be about 8cm dilated as I had heard that epidurals can sometimes slow things down. But I was actually fully dilated!! I was so happy! They said they would leave me for an hour so that the baby's head could come down some more, and then I would start pushing.

I started pushing at about 8.30pm. Obviously I couldn't feel the contractions, so the midwives told me when to push. I can honestly say that I REALLY enjoyed the pushing stage (although, I doubt that would have been the case if I hadn't had pain relief!!). I felt like I had a purpose, and I put every single bit of effort and energy into each push. The midwives were really encouraging, and were impressed that I was pushing in the 'right' place. They told me to push as if I was having a big poo, so that's what I did. I was scared that I would poo, but I obviously didn't. I would push about 3-4 times per contraction, for about 15 secs each time. It was tiring, but like I said, I really enjoyed it.

After about an hour, I could feel the head crowning, and then with the next couple of pushes, he was out and put straight on my chest at 21.44pm, weighing 8lbs 7oz. It was overwhelming. I immediately started crying (as did Jacob!), and he was perfect, and completely alert. He had opened his eyes straight away, and was looking around being nosy. His apgar score was 9 at one minute, and 10 at 5 minutes, so that was wicked :) We had skin-to-skin contact whilst the midwife delivered the placenta (I barely even noticed this happening). She then examined me, and told me that I hadn't torn! Yay! I had a graze, and a small internal cut, but as it wasn't bleeding, I didn't need stitches. It is a little bit sore now when I pee, but it isn't too bad. The heavy bleeding is annoying though, especially as I can't use tampons. I hate sanitary pads.

After about half hour of skin-to-skin, Jacob went straight onto my breast. He fed for a little while - it felt weird, but wonderful. We then put some clothes on him, and got ourselves ready to be transferred to the ward. Luckily, there were no beds on the general ward, so I was transferred to the new swanky midwifery-led ward instead! I had my own room, and my own bathroom and toilet. It was like a hotel - it was lush! I had a shower, and I felt so much better for it! I was feeling really sweaty and horrible!!

At about 1am, Rob and my Mum left, and Jacob and I were left alone together. I couldn't sleep all night - I just kept looking at him, and checking that he was still breathing (paranoid I know!). I fed him a couple of times, and just gave him lots of cuddles. Rob came back at about 9am, and we spent the day together in the room. We were shown how to give him a bath etc, and we were finally discharged at about 17.00pm after he had been checked over by the midwife.

Sorry if this makes no sense, and is full of typos. My head is still all over the place, and I wanted to get this down whilst I remembered it. I don't have time to edit it, so I apologise.


  • th_Jacob.jpg
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aww, i really enjoyed reading that, what a positive experience!!

congratulations on your lil man, he's so cute...and well done you! x
Congratulations!! That's a great story! You made me smile with the line about tampons and pads - I'm not even thinking about the pain of labour and birth as having to wear pads is stressing me out so much more!! xxx
So, just 12 hours after my appt at the hospital, the unsuccessful attempt at a stretch and sweep, and being given a date for induction, my waters broke at 0.15am on Friday morning.

The contractions started almost immediately - roughly coming every 5- 7 minutes, lasting for about 30 seconds. They weren't too painful at this stage - just felt like really bad period cramping. By about 6am, they were every 5 minutes, lasting about 1 minute. I rung the hospital, and they told me to come in for an examination. I arrived, and was put on a CTG to check the baby - he was perfectly happy, but the examination showed I was only 1-2cm dilated. I was gutted! They left me for an hour, and the contractions got worse - they examined me again, and I was 3cm this time. They wouldn't admit me to the delivery suite until I was at least 4cm dilated, so they suggest that I go home, and come back later.

I really didn't want to do this, but I didn't really feel like I had much choice. The journey home was traumatic - every traffic light was red, and I obviously couldn't move around much, which made the contractions feel a lot more painful. We got home at about 10am, and I ran a hot bath, and stayed in there for over an hour. The bath definitely helped with pain, but it also slowed the contractions down as well. I tried to have something to eat/drink, but I just couldn't face it. I eventually got out of the bath and laid down in bed. This was when the pain got REALLY bad - the contractions seemed to be coming every couple of minutes, lasting for over a minute. I stayed at home as long as I could, and we eventually made our back to the hospital at about 13.30pm.

The car journey back took 35 minutes, which I can honestly say was horrific. Again, every traffic light was red, and I could not get comfortable. When we arrived at the hospital, I could barely walk - Rob tried to get a wheelchair from the antenatal clinic, but there weren't any around, so I had to hobble my way to the admissions unit. It took us ages though, because I had to stop every couple of minutes and lean against the wall to breathe through the contractions - in retrospect, I must have looked like a right state, but at the time I couldn't have cared less.

When we finally got to the admissions unit, they examined me again, and I was 5-6cm dilated - which meant they weren't going to be sending me home!! It also meant I could finally get some pain relief!!! They gave me gas and air, and I immediately put in a request for an epidural too. The gas and air was amazing - I really didn't think I would like it because I hate feeling drunk, but this was different. It really gave me something else to focus on when I was contracting, and it also made me feel really drunk, but in a good way!! I felt so chilled, and spaced out, it was a relief.

They put me in a wheelchair, and took me up to the delivery suite. Unfortunately, my supply of gas and air had run out, and the room on the delivery suite wasn't ready for me yet. I was sitting in the wheelchair, in a corridor, with no gas and air, and the pain was awful again. I couldn't wait to get in the room and get my hand on more gas and air!!

After about 15 minutes, the room was ready, and I was immediately prepped for the epidural. I had my gas and air, and the anaesthetist gave me the obligatory spiel about the risks etc. He then went to get the stuff ready, and when he came back, I was high on the gas and air again, and was managing to have a laugh and a joke with him. We had quite a good banter going on between us - he was my hero, lol!! It took about 15 minutes to do the epidural - I thought it would be painful, but it was no worse than having an injection, or having blood taken. They anaesthetised the area of my back before inserting the epidural needle, and it just felt like a little scratch. It took about 30 minutes for it to kick in, but once it did, it was heaven. I could still feel my legs and everything - they were just a bit tingly, but the important thing was that I couldn't feel any of the contractions!!

I was also hooked up to the CTG machine, but they weren't getting a very good reading, so they had to put insert a clip to put on the babies head. They did that, and again, I couldn't feel it. Well, I could, but it didn't hurt, and it wasn't uncomfortable like the examinations before were. I also had to have a catheter put in a couple of times, but again, I didn't feel. The atmosphere was also completely different once I had had the epidural. I was relaxed, and could hold a conversation perfectly fine. Rob was definitely happier - he hated seeing me in pain as he felt really useless. In reality though, he was amazing. He helped me breathe through the contractions, and let me squeeze his hand as hard as I wanted, lol.

Anyway, they topped up my epidural every hour, and were regularly checking my blood pressure. Everything was fine, and Jacob's heartbeat was regular, and strong - he was perfectly happy and relaxed, and showing no signs of distress. They then examined me again at about 7.30pm. I was expecting to be about 8cm dilated as I had heard that epidurals can sometimes slow things down. But I was actually fully dilated!! I was so happy! They said they would leave me for an hour so that the baby's head could come down some more, and then I would start pushing.

I started pushing at about 8.30pm. Obviously I couldn't feel the contractions, so the midwives told me when to push. I can honestly say that I REALLY enjoyed the pushing stage (although, I doubt that would have been the case if I hadn't had pain relief!!). I felt like I had a purpose, and I put every single bit of effort and energy into each push. The midwives were really encouraging, and were impressed that I was pushing in the 'right' place. They told me to push as if I was having a big poo, so that's what I did. I was scared that I would poo, but I obviously didn't. I would push about 3-4 times per contraction, for about 15 secs each time. It was tiring, but like I said, I really enjoyed it.

After about an hour, I could feel the head crowning, and then with the next couple of pushes, he was out and put straight on my chest at 21.44pm, weighing 8lbs 7oz. It was overwhelming. I immediately started crying (as did Jacob!), and he was perfect, and completely alert. He had opened his eyes straight away, and was looking around being nosy. His apgar score was 9 at one minute, and 10 at 5 minutes, so that was wicked :) We had skin-to-skin contact whilst the midwife delivered the placenta (I barely even noticed this happening). She then examined me, and told me that I hadn't torn! Yay! I had a graze, and a small internal cut, but as it wasn't bleeding, I didn't need stitches. It is a little bit sore now when I pee, but it isn't too bad. The heavy bleeding is annoying though, especially as I can't use tampons. I hate sanitary pads.

After about half hour of skin-to-skin, Jacob went straight onto my breast. He fed for a little while - it felt weird, but wonderful. We then put some clothes on him, and got ourselves ready to be transferred to the ward. Luckily, there were no beds on the general ward, so I was transferred to the new swanky midwifery-led ward instead! I had my own room, and my own bathroom and toilet. It was like a hotel - it was lush! I had a shower, and I felt so much better for it! I was feeling really sweaty and horrible!!

At about 1am, Rob and my Mum left, and Jacob and I were left alone together. I couldn't sleep all night - I just kept looking at him, and checking that he was still breathing (paranoid I know!). I fed him a couple of times, and just gave him lots of cuddles. Rob came back at about 9am, and we spent the day together in the room. We were shown how to give him a bath etc, and we were finally discharged at about 17.00pm after he had been checked over by the midwife.

Sorry if this makes no sense, and is full of typos. My head is still all over the place, and I wanted to get this down whilst I remembered it. I don't have time to edit it, so I apologise.

Congrats on the baby! How sweet!:hugs:
A great birth story- congratulations. xx
Congrats on your little man - he is a real cutie!
what a great story - sounds exactly like the birth that I want!!! x
Goodness, I feel a fool, I thought you were someone else, but anyway,
Congratulations on your gorgeous baby! :flower:

Fantastic news and congrats lovely, Jacob is absolutely beautiful - you are a mummy at last! xxxx
Glad it went so well hun! He's so lovely :cloud9:

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