Jacob Leo Anthony, 15/10. Traumatic birth and really long!


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2009
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I decided i had to write this down and 'let it out' as such as its only now when i think about it i realise how bad it was!
Jacob is my second Baby, my first Joshua was born at 40+6 with me using only g&a and having a fab labour and he weighed 8lb 8oz..
With Jacob i developed GD but it was diet controlled and my sugars were normal 98% of the time, i had regular growth scans and had been told the week before he was born that he was 7lb 8oz. I went to my GD clinic on Weds 13th Jan at 40+1 and was told i would be induced the following morning at 8am..obv we didnt sleep much that night and we arrived at the hospital at 8.30am (late due to no taxis lol), i was then shown to my bed.
A MW examined me and said my cervix was soft but closed and then at 10.10am she inserted the pessary and i stayed on the ctg for an hour. Baby was fine and i was too.
At 11am i went down to the cafe with my OH and stayed down
there until 12.30pm then went back up. My OH then decided to come home to catch up on work as nothing was happening. So i sat on my bed and read a book. It turns out a friend was also in the hospital that day so i spent time talking to her as she was admitted to the same ward. We ate tea at 5pm and it was awful so we went downstairs and got another meal each (pigs!). When i returned upstairs they put me on the ctg and i was having tightnings and the MW decided baby could be breech and i needed a scan before my second pessary..she then changed her mind..and said i would be monitored then given the 2nd.On monitoring me they saw i was having a contraction every 1-2 mins though to me it felt like period pain..eventually they said the pessary had hyper stimulated my uterus and i was rushed over to delivery..i was in bad pain at this point, it was now around 7pm.
On arrival at delivery i was put into a hospital gown and i told OH they thought i would end up with a section as i was given the Sister MW on a 1-2-1 basis and from the things they did.
I was hooked up to the CTG and given a pethidine shot and a anti-sickness shot at this point for the pain and on examination by a consultant it was discovered i was only 1cm..i then found the g&a and my god i puffed on it..the first time it kicked in the world went funny and i actually felt like i was slipping away and dying but it was a nice feeling. The contractions were still back to back at this point so i was using the g&a a lot and eventually the vomiting started..between this point and birth i filled about 8 bed pans of sick until it was watery yellow stuff, not nice at all. I fell asleep at around 3am until 4am as did Paul who was sat in a really uncomftable chair. When i
awoke i just 'coped' on my own until it got to around 8am and i told Paul to get a MW as i wanted to push..so he got one who examined me and told me i was still the same as the night before, i was gutted and it sunk in that i couldnt do this any longer. The MW told me that the DR would be there soon and would scan me to check Baby wasnt breech as he still hadn't engaged and i wasnt dilating. Around 9am DR came and scanned me and said Baby wasnt breech and they would be giving me another pessary, i said no. I tried to say that after what the 1st had done to me there was no way i wanted a second, he told me i was being silly and that it would be a C-section then, i said that was fine..the MW left with him and came back shortly after and offered me a epidural, even though i really didnt want this i knew i had no choice now, so i said yes.
The anethatist arrived shortly later and started the epi, half way through Paul announced he needed the loo and left the room (Later telling me the huge needle had made him feel so sick he had to leave the room!). Soon the epi was in and it felt better than it had in hours.
After giving me a short while to kick in my Consultant, MW and student DR arrived back in the room to break my waters,this was uncomftable but didnt hurt, felt nice to have the warm water out lol..this was the 'start' of my established labour (ha, amazing how the MW's just forget the previous 18hrs of back to back contractions lol) it was now 12.30pm on the 15th Jan.
The day continued in a haze of pain, i had my epi topped up and continued to use the g&a and to throw even though i had another ant-sickness jab!At some point around now my epidural stopped working properly on the right hand side of me so i had pain in the right and could also now move my right leg but my left one was still dead!
Later in the afternoon i was on another planet and aware that with some contractions Jacobs HR would drop to 80ish then go back up so they out the clip onto his head to monitor his HR better, i was then examined at 5pm and given another epi top up and informed i was now 7cm and would
'probably' have the Baby that day..so Paul sent out texts saying i would hopefully start pushing in a few hours.At around half past 5 Jacobs heart was dropping with every contraction and the consultant said to get someone in the room and that it was looking like a EMCS was necessary but then she decided to have a look first and then told me she could see his head in the canal and i was fully dilated and did i want to push? I didnt but knew it was now serious and that i had to even though my body didnt want to. It was now 17.40pm, i had dilated the 3cms in 40mins, so i started to push.
The pushing was the easiest part of my labour, i knew i had to do it to get him out safe and it was only me that could do it, so i did.
A couple of pushes later i hear them mutter to the student
that the cord was around Jacobs neck, so i automatically stopped pushing to let them take it off..then started to give another push, then they told me his head was out.
They then dropped the bad to flat and made me put my legs up and muttered about him being stuck, his HR was still dropping with contracions at this point so i knew i had to push with everything i had, so i did and out he came..
At 17.54pm on the 15th January Jacob Leo Anthony Bay was born.
It then got worse.
He came out floppy and unresponsive and barely breathing so was taking to the baby table whilst they gave him oxygen, whilst i lay looking to the left hand side of me all i could see was a bit of his head. They bleeped the pead registrar then to come and see him. I got to hold him for
about a min until they arrived and took him back to the table..it was then decided his stats were too low and his apgars were 4 then 6 and they were taking my Baby to SCBU..and off they went.
The MW then told me i had a 3rd degree tear so she stitched me up and sorted me out.
The student DR and Paul then went to SCBU to check on Jacob, DR came back and told us that Jacob was 10lb 3oz (!!)and his stats had gone up but he had a slight temperature so was having blood tests for infection but
should be back with me soon and Paul said he was gorgeous and had taken a pic of him for me.
Then came the tea and toast, which i ate then promptly threw back up!Me and Paul were left in delivery until Jacob would be returned to us. My mum and brother then arrived to see me, Paul then took them to see Jacob in SCBU..they then left.
Eventually around 9-10pm Jacob was brought back to me..he was gorgeous! We then spent time as a family until 11.30pm when me and Jacob were transfered to the post-natal ward and Paul went home. Throught the night Jacob had his blood sugar/temperature monitored due to the gestational diabetes and at 5.30am he was declared fit and well. I had my
catheter removed at 7am..and was walking round by midday.
At 2.50pm on the 16th Jan we were released from hospital and told Jacobs bloods were fine..just had to wait for anti-d injection..i had that
and we left the hospital at 5pmish and came home.
Well done and congratulations, what a strapping big boy. You did so well to get through it all ok xxxx
Wel done:flower:
Great name btw....my LO's is Leo Anthony Paul:thumbup:
sorry you had such a bad time. big congrats to you and your family.
Love his name, and congrats hunny you done so well!! Big hugs!! xxx

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