Jake Mannering has arrived!! 11/12/08. Long birth story and photos


Proud single mummy!
Nov 6, 2008
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Hiya ladies.

My darling baby boy is now here!

I had a very traumatic birth experience.
I had a midwife appointment on the 10th, I hadn't been feeling well at all for a few days, terrible headache, dizziness, spots in front of eyes etc, the midwife found +3 protein in my urine and high blood pressure so I was sent straight up to the hospital to get checked out.
They monitored baby for about 20 minutes and I had blood and urine tests.
A consultant then came to see me and I was admitted to the labour ward.
After about 3 hours of more monitoring and tests it was decided that I was to be induced, I had a sweep and the cream to try and start labour off, a few hours later and nothing so they popped my waters and just left me laying there in all the water and blood so my mum had to change the bed!
The midwifes weren't friendly at all, I'm just so glad my mum and friend was there with me, I couldn't of done it without them!
A doctor came to take more blood tests, he couldn't find a vein, tried 4 times, made a right mess to both arms, dropped the cotton wool, was about it apply it to my skin! When my mum told him he simply said "thanks for reminding me!" :saywhat:
It was all down hill from there for my health.
We were then told that I had pre eclampsia.
There was a change of midwifes and luckily a really caring but firm, no nonsense midwife was looking after me, she ordered the other midwifes around and things suddenly but dramaticly started to happen.
I was given a drug that would stop me fitting because of the pre eclampsia which made me go really hot all of a sudden and made me pass out, I felt so ill and weak, I thought I was going to die because of the pre eclampsia at that point!
My liquid intake was limited to just 80ml an hour!
I was given morphine and gas and air but was only 2cm dilated.
My blood pressure and pulse now dangerously high.
We were then all of a sudden told I needed an epidural and an emergency caesarean because that was the only way to cure pre eclampsia.
This really distraught me because all I wanted was a natural birth with the shortest stay in hospital as possible.
My mum and friend kept comforting me throughout the epidural which I didn't find too painful, probably due to all the other drugs I was on, it just felt really hot.
I was then taken into theatre, only one person could be with me so it was my mum, comforting me as best she could the whole way through.
By now I was traumatised but still just wanted my baby out safely.
My Mum said that caesareans are nothing like on T.V, they are much more brutal and I was basically treated like a piece of meat, the bed was rocking with the force!
I felt a lot of pressure, like they were taking heavy weights out of me and putting them on my stomach.
The next thing I knew it was 1:45am on 11th December and Jake made his appearance into the world, weighing 6lbs 6oz.
Me and Jake was then taken into recovery before being taken back onto the labour ward, in own room.
I was still on a lot of drugs and couldn't hold him for long because of the pain but the midwife took care of him over night whilst I got very little broken sleep.
The next day I was then taken up to the maternity ward where my stay became even more traumatic!
The staff (apart from one and a lovely student midwife) were horrible, made me feel really judged, that night I was winding Jake and asked nicely for some tissue because he had been a bit sick, the midwife turned around and said "no, you get it, it's day 2, you should be doing everything for yourself now!"
I burst into tears, how dare she say that, midwifes are meant to be caring and supportive, that is what they get paid for after all!
She knew I had a traumatic time already with being so ill with pre eclampsia and having the emergency caesarean.
She then just walked off.
I called my mum in tears, she got me to calm down and said to press the buzzer for midwife and call her back, so I did, my mum then had a go at midwife saying she knows how ill I am and how much pain I'm in and how could she expect me to get off the bed and walk with Jake to the other end of the room, the midwife then said to my mum what she had said to me!
I often heard them talking about me, the reception was right outside the ward I was on.
Saying things like "oh I don't care how old or how ill she is, she isn't a special case" and "oh she's single, how is she going to cope"
I was even told that I couldn't use the buzzer and had to walk to find someone to help me!
By this time my blood pressure and heart rate was still remaining high, I kept telling them it was because of the hospital and if they just let me go home they would go down, they wouldn't listen.
3 more days of this hell passed.
Then I was reviewed by the doctor who said (without even checking my blood pressure and pulse) that I could go home so I was really happy then and felt immediately relaxed.
However he came back about 10 minutes later he said that I couldn't because my pulse was high.
Me and my mum then both looked at each other, laughed and she said "no she has had enough of this hell here, she is going home"
The doctor then said about my pulse and it might be higher at home.
To which we just both laughed again and I said "oh trust me, once I get out of here I will calm down so much"
On which he allowed me to go!
Me and my mum went out of there as fast as we could, my shoulders dropped as soon as I was out of the hospital doors!
It was the most traumatic and the most painful (both physically and mentally) thing that I have ever had to go through, on talking about it to some friends and my support worker I found that the hospital has a track record for judging younger mums and not being caring and of basically ignoring patients for as long as they could!
I'm still recovering from the experience and still healing and on tablets but having Jake is just so amazing, I must admit I never thought he would be this gorgeous! :blush:
I am in love! :cloud9:



Oh my goodness that does sound traumatic. Well done for getting through it. You should make a complaint about them talking about you like that. Thats truly awful, Im sorry you had to go through that. Congratulations on the beautiful baby boy.
i would go mad for them talking about me hun what nasty people they are

congratlions on your son hes so cute well done xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:
sorry u had such a bad experiance. but he is beautiful hun x x
Congratulations sorry you had such a rough time. Jake is gorgeous.
Congratulations. I'm sorry your experience was so awful xx
congrats he is beautiful:baby:
Sorry you had such a bad experience. What hospital was it? Congratulations though :)
Congratulations! Your baby boy is beautiful.

I am sorry your birth experience was so traumatic. You should definately lodge a complaint about how you were treated in the hospital. Yes, midwives are very busy, but to expecting someone who has just had a c-section and has pre-eclampsia to be up and about on day 2 is rediculous. You could have really done yourself some damage if you had passed out or hurt your wound.

You did so well though - your mum seems really supportive and lovely.

congratulations hun he is beautiful,

sorry you went through that experience at the hospital they should not treat people like that.
Congratulations, he's gorgeous.

Sorry you had such a rough time, midwives shouldnt treat you like that at all
Congratulations :) Happy you are finally home safe:)
I'm so sorry for your experience, but congrats on your beautiful little man!
Very cute :) sorry about the birth experience xx just enjoy what you have now :)
you shouldnt be treated like that, i'd put a complaint in.

Congratulations Jodie! So so sorry to hear about your horrible treatment. Thats such a shame that a few people can spoil what is meant to be a beautiful experience! Your son is beautiful and healthy! thats all that matters :)

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