She's sleeping in our room in her moses basket so is only really in nursery for changing. Have posted a few pics on fb of Holly though, will try and put some up on here too for those ladies who dont have access to fb.
Breastfeeding went terribly so we are now on formula. I was feeling a lot of pressure to bf and always said I would give it a go but it just didnt work for us. She struggled to latch and when she did she would end up falling asleep and took a lot of poking and prodding to wake up and only take another two mouthfuls and would then be asleep. It also caused her to go jaundice because she was dehydrated, so we then had to supplement with formula which made bf even harder as she wailed every time I put her to breast as it was so hard for her to get anything and she just wasnt getting enough. In the end I broke down in tears in front of a very umsympathetic paediatrician (fortunately not mine!) who basically told me breast is best and made me feel worse, but suggested I try expressing and bottle feeding. In the end though we decided to just stick to formula and since I made that decision I have felt so much better and she has been so much happier. I felt like the only moments I was having with her were horrible bf times and i was dreading them, and daddy was getting all the nice cuddle times. Now we share it all and it is fantastic. I just hate the judgement for not bf - the aghast looks on nurses faces when we told them we'd switched to formula! Some were really good and just said its whatever works for us, but you could tell some were tutting behind my back.
Another reason we were glad to get home - no judgement. Anyway sorry that turned out to be a bit of a long answer!!