Lol. I plan on marrying him... eventually. I'm still a bit jaded from my last marriage and am not eager to jump into it again. I'm oftentimes in the mindset that it's just a piece of paper, and people - if they're in love- will be committed to each other whether they have the paper or not. Or they won't if they don't want to be.
I'm doing ok... contractions aren't very strong right now. (grrr... back to my frustration at no DTD) . The contractions I felt were very much like period pains... but I don't know if your period cramps would be the same as mine. My periods have always been terrible- to the point where I would go to the hospital for pain relief. These contractions aren't as bad as my period... and I hope they don't get that bad, since on a scale from 1-10, my period is a 10 and I would feel physically nauseous and have to literally scream from the pain. (I even begged for death at several periods- it was so bad! One reason why I almost had a hysterectomy a couple years ago, but that's another long story) But as for these contractions, the pain started in my back- felt like I'd been bending over and picking things up all day, but the pain came and went- there wasn't much tightening, though, per-se. After the first pelvic exam, however, the pain shifted to right in the pelvic girdle. Felt like that 2nd day of your period where your body is trying to force your whole uterus out of your body at one go- a combination of that and a big ball trapped wind trying to make it's way out at the same time. Starts slow (like your body is telling you... here comes... get ready!) and then the pain and pressure (more pressure than pain though) builds up to where you have to force yourself to concentrate on something... breathing is good... and it holds there for a while (for me it was about 30-45 seconds) and then it'll get tolerable to where you don't feel like holding your breath so badly anymore (but don't hold your breath, as I was told it can make your contractions feel stronger, and isn't good because it takes oxygen from your baby).
Sorry, just realized it's a bit rambly- I'm just trying to give you a blow-by-blow of how I remember it happening last night.