check you lot out this morning, I been away for a couple of hours and you've been chatting up a storm! I think I'll be next week very much around my due date, not that i'm about to give up ball bouncing, dtd, walks etc to try hurry things up! Jade, nipple stimulation whilst bouncing??? Must say I'll pretty much give anything a go by this point (must remember to shut the curtains!)
Leanne you are so allowed to be next though I think it will be fraggles, then you the day after.
Sarah you should totally stay around here til there are more of us over on the birth side!
that has come around very quick! can't wait for the announcement! I'll have my phone at the ready for any updates you need me to do!
Hope none of you ladies craving your pop corn chicken give yourself food poisoning, our local KFC is shocking! they never get your order right and most people get sick after eating there! I'm pretty sure it needs shutting down, none of the staff speak a word of english so not sure how they have been trained to use the kitchen and taught how long to cook things for! yuk!
Been to see my friends new baby this morning, he's so lovely. The 4 hour feeds and her horrendous birth experience is making me a bit nervous though, this is her 4th baby and should by rights have sneezed him out! x