HIYA!!! :waves:
Just caught up with everything. Had like 12 or so pages to read so excuse me if I don't mention important stuff lol! Its been like 3 days since I checked on here (Toby has been a demading little monkey with feeding but more of that later) and can't believe the action!
Pinkie, Central Perk and LittleMrs - YAY YAY YAY! You finally have your babies! Congrats!
Beccy, Jo, Susie, MrsPhez, abstermum and anyone else still preggers - sending lots of hugs. I know I only went to +3/4 days over but I was so ready for Toby to come out by then so sympthise totally - and loving the eviction procedures! Still no swallowing though...nobody that desperate hehehehe
Need to check the mummies thread yet but I always come here first even tho Im not preg anymore lol. Like to keep up with those of you still cooking beans!
Toby is still adorable and is starting to look like a proper little person now not just a scrunchy newborn. He is a very demanding feeder tho and cos of that I have been suffering a bit with sore boobies and nipples. He can chomp down hard sometimes and it nearly has me on the ceiling!!! I bought some nipple sheilds which worked for a few days but he doesn't always accept them and tends to knock them off as he is latching on so have resorted to lansinoh cream which seems to work so far as long as I use it lots and after every feed. Started to express too now which helps and he takes a bottle well.
Had a few meltdowns RE feeding over the past few days but thats cos of the pain and the hormones. Was stressing OH out a bit and he just told me to relax and stop over analysing Toby's actions so much. I keep expecting a routine i think but he's only 10 days old lol! High expectations I think.
I love being a mummy tho, when he stares at me my heart melts and I love the cuddles! He was very good yesterday, we went to the pub for dinner for my mum's birthday and he slept the whole time in his car seat. Then had to wake him for a feed and her did a massive dirty nappy which involves a full costume change!
Still need to get aorund to writing my birth story. Have done a censored version for family email so just gonna adapt that. When I get a chance as I'm enjoying a catch up with you lot!
Sending lots of love and luck for labour to start soon!
Good luck MrsPhez for today!