Congrats to all the ladies that have had their scans! Lots of pink jellybeans!!!
We had our anomoly scan today. All is fine and dandy. We didn't get to hear the heartbeat though as the sonographers were too preoccupied with trying to measure the little fidget!! I had a few swigs of Coke on the way as i'd read it would get the baby wriggling! Boy did it work! To the point where they couldn't measure anything! Hahahaha.. Luckily after much persevering and moving of bed, rolling onto sides and emptying bladder they got all the info they needed!
It was lovely to see tiny arms and legs kicking and punching! The tiny heart was beating perfectly and we saw the tiny face. I can't believe how much fidget has grown!
So anyway.. we found out, much to our surprise that we are on team....
Which is brilliant but a shock as I felt it was a boy! So now we have to get our thinking caps on for girlie names!!!
Although the sonographer said she couldn't say 100%, which is what they say to everyone. But there were definately no little boy bits there!!
I'm just abit sad that it'll be the last time we see our little pink one til January!
Well I had my scan today and.....
It literally was the most amazing experience of my life. Baby was moving around lots and lots and we even saw it clench its fist and yawn- the detail was incredible. Everything looks to be going good so far.
I have an anterior placenta though which could mean why i have been having trouble with feeling movements.
Its funny cause the baby was kicking and punching and wriggling so much and I couldnt feel a thing!
And we are on team pink! A little baby girl! I am so excited, I was sure it was a boy so it was a really big surprise.
We are thrilled and can't wait to start shopping!!
We now have 18 and 13 !!
We now have 18 and 13 !!
Hi there,
I havent been on the site in a while and after my 12 week scan had a new due date. Could I change it please? It now January the 19th.
We dont have our anomoly scan till the 9th September and are still not sure whether or not to find out the sex (if we even can).
I wondered if I would feel after the initial excitement that I had kinda spoiled the surprise? Has anyone felt this?
We have so many people telling us to wait, it's not that long, it's the biggest surprise of your life, etc, etc..
We now have 18 and 13 !!
YAY! Congrats to everyone who had a good scan this week.
How many Jellybeans are having scans this week? Last week seemed really busy.
thankyou ladies !! very very excited and happy to announce .... on team.............................. we over the moon ,she was perfect ,heartbeat at 144 bpm and all was where it should be
Hi ladies, I had my scan this morning and we are having a girl!! There seems to be a lot of pink bumps about x x
Had my scan yesterday 20 weeks exactly and im on team PINK!!!!! Cant belive it, everyone thought i was having a boy apart form a few people. Had no morning sickness at all. Im just a bit worried coz she said 'looks like your have a little girl' and 'dont rush out buying pink' I mean what if she got it wrong? x