Jarrett Nicolas - Born Dec 4th 2010


mommmy of 1
Mar 19, 2010
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Finally getting on to write up my birth story, it's a little overdue

So, my contractions started on Nov 30 .. they were very mild and irregular, they came for a few hours at a time and then stopped.
By dec 2nd I was getting extremely fed up, so I went into the Early Labour Assesment Unit at my hospital. They put me on the monitor, but no contractions showed up. The doctor said "it's most likely what you're experiencing are braxton hicks, and your baby isn't going to come for a few more weeks, but I can check your cervix to assure you that you arn't in labour" ... well he checked me, and what a surprise I was 4 cm dilated 100% effaced and my membranes were bulging .. he couldn't believe it and actually got 2 of the nurses on staff to check me as well to make sure he wasn't crazy.

So he sent me out to walk for 2 hours and be rechecked ... no change. I was sent home.

I had no contractions at all the next day, went for a 3 hour walk (or waddle i should say) around the mall .. nothing. So OH decided I was not having a baby and went to work.
He wasn't gone from the house for 5 minutes when I had a HORRIBLE contraction .. I jumped in the bath tub right away to relieve the pain. I soaked for about ten minutes and then when I stood up to get out a huge blood clot like the size of a plum fell out of me into the tub!
I Immediately burst into hysterics and called OHs boss and said "TELL DANIEL TO GO STRAIGHT TO THE HOSPITAL WHEN HE GETS TO WORK" and then i got in the car with my neighbour and headed back to the hospital as fast as I could. I was crying the whole time and when I got to the hospital I ran right in without stopping at the desk to check in.

A doctor seen me right away, put me on the monitor and LO was fine thank god. He did a speculum exam and couldn't see any reason for bleeding .. he said some times if the bloody show doesn't come out right away it will get darker and darker untill it looks like a huge clot.

Anyways he checked my cervix and I was now 5 cm dilated. He said I could walk around or go home, my choice. I was going to go home because i wasn't having contractions but the doctor convinced me to give walking a try.

I walked for 2 hours, came back ... I was now 6 cm. He said He couldn't do anything to bring my labour on faster because I was only 36 weeks + 6 days, but he couldn't send me home either or I might not end up having baby at the hospital.

I walked around for another 4 hours .. came back. It was now 1 in the morning. He checked me again .. 6 cm. He stretched me to 7 cm. Then I told him I was having a small contraction but it didn't hurt. He felt my stomach and said "yeah .. that's not really a small contraction, that's HUGE, labour just doesn't seem to bother you for some reason"

I was told I could have a birth room but once I was in it I couldn't leave, so I chose to walk some more since I wasn't in pain. I came back an hour later and heard a nurse say "check the girl in the other room first, she's actually labouring" the doctor said "trust me, Nicole is labouring too" .. no one believed I was in labour I was so calm. I remember hearing the doctor saying "she's going to be one of those people i've only heard stories about, where I go check her and it's time for her to push and i've never even seen her flinch ... 90% of the other women in this ward would want to attack her right now if they know how far along she was!"

So he checked me again and I was now 8 cm. He said "wouldn't it be a shame if your water broke... well it is after midnight now so you are 37 weeks and technically full term .... OOPS!" and then i felt a pinch and felt my water gush everywhere! he said "well we better get you to a birth room now!"

I got to the room and got on the bed and then BAM i had a contraction and did it EVER hurt! The nurse passed me some gas and air which I didn't like at all! It made me feel soo sick! I had another contraction and she gave me some morphine which I also didn't like so I told her to stop. I remember saying I felt like I was stoned..and then I said "i don't like this shit! get me something else!" so I asked for an epidural and she checked me and said I was full dilated and it was too late. Then I heard OH say "WELL JESUS CHRIST CAN YOU TRY" :haha: so she told me not to say I had to push and she would get it.

I got the epidural in and then started pushing right away (which I was upset about because it takes 15 minutes to work!) and LOs head started crowning . She checked his heart beat and saw it had dropped to 50 bmp, so ordered me to get on all 4's. I pushed from this position but his heart kept dropping so she called in the doctor.

He came in straight away and I had to have an episiotomy and they put the suction cup on his head. I pushed again and his head and shoulders all popped out at once!! OH cut his cord but then they had to take him away because his breathing was a little off.
Total time from water breaking untill he was born .. 35 minutes! Less than 15 minutes of pushing.

OH went up to the NICU with LO and they cleaned me up and then I headed up too.

They did an x-ray on his chest and poor little guy had a pneumothroax .. its a puncture in his lung which they think was a result of him being born so fast. He spent 4 days in the NICU getting all better and then we finally came home.

He's doing great now and OH and I absolutly looooove being parents :) We're already talking about when we shouldd start trying for another.

All the doctors said I was going to be the story of the week where I had a painfree labour up untill I was about 9 cm along .. and that epi never relaly did kick in, it did enough to take the edge off, but I could still feel him being born, which i'm kind of glad :)

So there it is, sorry it's long, and thanks if you made it this far.

Jarrett Nicolas Bonin, born on Dec 4th 2010 at 4:04 a.m. He weighed in at 6lbs 2 oz. and he only lost 20 grams after he is born, and was 6lbs 3 at 4 days old :)

i'm having technical difficulties with my camera, but here are a few pics taken with my phone the morning he was born
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and here he is at 17 days old :)
View attachment 149179
Fantastic read, so glad everything went ok!

What a unique birth story! and lots of us will be very jealous with the lack of pain :haha:

Congrats and well done :hugs:
aww wow :) big congrats to you :hugs: x
Congratulations- interesting read :)
Congrats! What a cutie!
Aw, congratulations! xx

And wow - it's so weird seeing people I recognise from the various trimesters having their babies already!

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