josephine3 - bfp progression pics!

Thanks @JuniBjones
Im suprised you say girl I think boy but I'm having boy vibes throughout so I'm biased already!
It's interesting because I think girl as well! Lol Lovely scan btw, and I hope your mind has eased a bit about the news. Hoping it absorbs nicely with no issues.
What are your kids hoping for? The usual? Girl wants a girl and boy wants a boy? :rofl:
Just read through your thread. Congratulations! Beautifully clear scan photos, especially the really early ones - I don’t think I have seen a scan picture clearer. Really pleased for you <3
Awww thanks @happycupcake you are so sweet. @Momof2onetube actually I think they both want a boy, cos my lil girl doesn't want a girl stealing her stuff haha. Neither are thrilled though tbh x
If it’s any consolation, my 11yo girl is absolutely obsessed with her baby brother. She constantly asks if he’s happy enough for snuggles (she doesn’t want him to cry on her) :rofl: I didn’t expect her to be so close to him, she wasn’t over the moon during my pregnancy either, it’s a tricky age
It's crazy this thread feels so long ago and yet my pregnsncy is going so fast x

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