I was also wide awake honey... my hubby was at his friends and came home drunk as a skunk I presume. Light wasn't on so didn't see him but he kept me awake all night talking in his sleep, shouting as weel sometimes, then he coughed from 3-4 and wiggled about lots until I eventually put the light on and shouted at him to get up and take some damn cough medicine and go for a pee (he always talks/wiggles when he needs to pee in his sleep when he has been drinking). He then woke me up this morning at 6 with a massive fart and then started talking again, I want to kill him. I asked him not to get drunk last night as he has some of the boys coming to ours today for football on tv and then they are going to pub. Feel like telling him to sling his hook and that if he has a drink today he can sleep somewhere else. I am soooo tired
