Hi girls, Im back, bloody pc at home wouldnt work, hope you are all doing well

well girls I had the 4d scan and tbh I was very disappointed , the girl wasnt very nice, didnt have any chat and when we asked her a question, it was such a hassle for her to even answer, so it got to the stage I was afraid to open my mouth

, well she got worse and because baby wouldnt lie rough, she started to shake my stomach over and over, she then pointed out the cord up at the neck and when I asked would it move ok, she spoke down to me like a child as if I shouldve known better. At this stage I was in tears. Twice at the start I made a point of saying We didnt want to know the sex and guess what, she specifically went to that area and then asked was I crying because I was dissapointed in the sex. I am making an offical complaint, not because I want a refund or a free scan, but of the way she treated me and her whole attitude, BITCH !! Not all is bad, I am trying to upload a pic here, I got a yawn and a smirk from
