July 2009 buddies wanted!!

Babies R Us. About the only baby store around here. The return policy is 90 days from the purchase date.

That's ridiculous, they must know that everyone buys them BEFORE the baby is here, and therefore you won't be using it straight away!!!

Well, 90 days is approximately 3 months, so it's a good amount of time. So, I'm just waiting until a couple weeks before, and then I'll get it. That should give me adequate time to see if it works for us.

I'll still be buying it before the baby is here, just not waaaaaaay before he's here. In a way, it's nice because I've never been the type that likes spending money, so it's a reason not to do it sooner, lol.
Hey ladies,

Ellie - Feeling lots better thanks :)

Have got a bit of a cold or allergy though. Been sneezing all day. I think my nose is super sensitive to the plaster dust in the house!

I just anted to say - Im sorry but I didnt get round to updating the front page and now I cant find the requests!!
Please post them for me and I promise Ill do it asap!

Hope everyone is doing well this weekend. Not long now girls- Im getting more excited/anxious everyday!

No prob Shelley!! Please can you update me to team pink. No scans booked but my next mw appointment is 11th May :hugs:
Hi Shelly... can you update me to team blue please? No more scans either! xx
I have one more scan, at least, since they still haven't been able to get a pic of the kid's heart. 2nd one was blurry, too. I think he just moves too much. I'm being sent somewhere with better equipment.
Will do it now girls,

CAnt believe we have no more scans, and just a few MW appointments left!
Did anyone watch that program about births/deaths/marriage last night? Watching the labours made it seem even more real and imminent - and scary!

Have been getting my hands dirty since Ive been feeling better. Heping with the nursery and doing a mega spring clean today. Definately nesting! My fingers are sooooo dry from all the hand washing and cleaning. Back to work tomorrow though will definately do less then!

Hope everyone is well xxxxx
<--- has a growth/measurement scan on 21 May.

Will probably have others, too, cuz my OB just loves to "take pictures." But I don't list them cuz I never know about them for sure.

What shocks me is that I have no more 4 week gaps in appts! :shock: I have a mw appt today, a scan in 3 weeks, then appts move to every two weeks, then every week! Egads!!
OH! And I was looking at the first page again -- I am pretty sure both Lyns and KKSARAH are pg again!! :dance: KKSARAH is a bit further along (not sure how long) and Lyns is at about 5 weeks maybe?

I think Lyns is having a bit of a spotting scare right now (in her TTC journal), so FX for her that this one sticks and is healthy!!!
Hi All

Shelly, can u update me as a girl at front, I have my next midwife app on the 18th of may and I have parent craft classes start t2mo, hahah cant believe I have 9 weeks left its kinda darnting lol.
Had an "emergency" measurement scan today and non stress test. My stupid, effin' mw panicked when I told her I didn't feel Otter as much the last few weeks as I did the few weeks before that. :hissy: Long, annoying story! :roll:

Anyway, short of it turned out to be this shocker -- Otter is 28 weeks (I know for sure because I know when I o'ed (Nov 2)). But he is measuring over 31 weeks!!!! :shock: :saywhat: :shock:

I hope he slows down or I will be giving birth to a toddler! :rofl:

Though, I sorta expected this -- I am 5'9" and OH is 6'4".

This is kid is supposed to come outta where?!?! :argh:
Glad everything is ok tigerlady

whoo I have one more box left, well 2 if we count the one that I am on already. I tell u wat U cant believe how active aaliyah has been over the past week she dont seem to have any quite periods lol, I mean at night im going bog countless times cos she is wacking and rolling all the time lol
Hi Girls, hope you are all well xx

went to mw today and the bp is back down , so Im happy enough, not back until the 26th may for my 34 week appoint. On the other hand, Im soooo sad, me and dh took the wee man whos 4 out y'day on the train and to the cinema and his behaviour was atrocious, to the point, I was crying eating my lunch and then I walked out of the bulding crying :cry:, I really dont know what to do with him anymore, I know he is a spolit child and that is whats causing it, but I want to fix it before I start to resent him. I have cried all day, as I dont know what to do. :cry::cry:
Oh SJK I dont have any advise but I wanted to give u a :hugs: as he is only four im sure there is still time for u 2 nip it in the but act the way that you want to, (im prob chatting shit as I have no children but I have a newphew who is 3)

My sister was staying with me the other day and she was saying how he has been geting really rude latly so she has started to come down on him, if she threatens to do something to punish him ie naughty corner, step then she has to follow through.

well he started playing up at mine and he ended up in the corner for 3 mins but he was shouting so those three mins started again. It was painfull to watch as he was screming crying etc but he has to learn. he didnt play up again after that I mean he has his moments and he can be spoilt at time by the grand parents etc and me (gulity) but in the long run u will get there.
(hope u dont think im dishing out advise that u prob already tried was just putting my 2 pence in) :hugs:
Oh SJK I dont have any advise but I wanted to give u a :hugs: as he is only four im sure there is still time for u 2 nip it in the but act the way that you want to, (im prob chatting shit as I have no children but I have a newphew who is 3)

My sister was staying with me the other day and she was saying how he has been geting really rude latly so she has started to come down on him, if she threatens to do something to punish him ie naughty corner, step then she has to follow through.

well he started playing up at mine and he ended up in the corner for 3 mins but he was shouting so those three mins started again. It was painfull to watch as he was screming crying etc but he has to learn. he didnt play up again after that I mean he has his moments and he can be spoilt at time by the grand parents etc and me (gulity) but in the long run u will get there.
(hope u dont think im dishing out advise that u prob already tried was just putting my 2 pence in) :hugs:

Thankyou so much :hugs:, whenever I try to decipline him or send him to his room, he shouts N O spells no, hes got guts, Ill give him that. He keeps asking why Im crying. He loves doctor who, so now at night when its on bbc3, I show him it and he gets upto watch and I turn it off and make him go to bed, hes not a happy chappy at this stage, but he will learn the hard way. My mum and dad have spolit him for 4 years and now it falls back on me when Im getting ready to leave work and mind him myself :hugs: xxx
Hey ladies,

Firstly, glad to hear everythings ok TL. MW's can scare you sometmes!! As for cubs size, well Im afraid you will probably have to grin and bear it! Williams dad is 6''4 and quite broad. William was a week late and ended up 10lb 4oz. I wasnt even warned he'd be a big baby so at least you have some prior warning!! All I can say is do some perenial massage over the next few weeks hun!!!!

SJK you poor love. I know how you feel. William is now 7 and by no means past the beng a brat stage. I have been lucky enough that he is very well behaved with excellent manners, but boy does he push it sometimes. He stays with his grandma over the holidays, and was there for 2 weeks over easter. She lets him get away with murder Im sure.He has been a brat ever since he came back. It causes all kinds of problems as you end up resenting them, having issues with your OH and generally feeling shitty.

Maybe is right though, there is only one way to get around it and thats by being firm. You have to set guidlines and if they are crossed then bam - he must know it is wrong. I told me OH about the Dr Who thing (funny, William has been obsessed with Dr Who since it started!) He feels you are doing the right thing, whereas I feel he'll make you pay for not letting him watch it?

I would tell him its on, and say when his behaviour improves he can watch it again. Also, anything you do say you must stick to - this is the hard bit!

Again, I dont want to sound like I am teaching you to suck eggs, but its the way Ive dealt with William and it has kind of worked - Fingers crossed for you honey. Try not to dwell on it, it may only be a silly stage he is going through. Hope you feel better soon. I think DS's attitude is affected by the fact im PG. He knows already the emphasis is being taken off him and he doesnt like it. Unfortunatley, theres no going back now so they'll have to get used to the idea wont they! xxxxx

Hope everyone else is alright? Im soooo tired after work. Only 7 weeks left now thank god - roll on I say!!

Thanks shelley and maybe, :hugs:

the thing that really gets to me is he knows hes doing wrong, he told me today I ruined his life !!!!!! Hes 4, for gods sake, I think and hope he will get a big shock in July, its just what he needs as hes always been the centre of attention and doesnt like it when hes not. A boy in his classes mum is going through exactly the same, so I have been ringing her to see what to do next !

thanks again girls, just going to put the boy to bed x
Hey ladies! I am sat here like a big fat pie. Baby is gliding his legs across the very top of my tummy and rolling himself into a tight and very uncomfortable (for me) little ball! I am also about to pee myself.

Anyway, as you might know, I am training to be a clinical psychologist and luckily for me that involves working with children with behavioural problems, from the severe end right down to the terrible 2s!

Children will exhibit challenging behaviour when they get something from it. These are usually for extra attention (so being bad or naughty/ crying), to avoid doing something (running away), sensory reasons (smearing faeces, e.g. when autistic), communication (trying to tell you something, like I am not happy or I am angry) or tangible reinforcement (i.e. to get something, "I want that").

There are various things to do- the most important I believe is not letting them see that they can upset mummy. Mummy is the boss and she is in control... let that slide and they think they rule the roost!!!

The most important thing is not to take away the function of the behaviour (example would be attention. We don't want to remove attention, we just want to reinforce it when it is good attention). So if he acts up, ignore it. And give him extra attention when he is being good. That way he learns he gets extra attention when he is being good. Same for getting things- we can give them what they want only when they are being good. That way, being naughty means he won;t get anything. If it's a sensory thing, like smearing faeces, give him something else that allows him the same sensory feeling, like slime.

Rememebr though, when a new strategy is taken on by mum, kids usually up the ante- and behave even worse. But this is short-lived. I say all this and I make it sound so easy- I am in for a HUGE shock when Mr Man appears, I know that. :rofl: Plus, everything I have just typed will go straight out the window!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
thanks WL, that makes sense too, I mite try that with the slime :hugs: xx
Hi ladies,
SKJ - I agree with WL about the ignoring bad behaviour and re-enforcing the good!! My little man went though a terrible stage when he was about 4 and was an absoloute nightmare!! I actually remember ringing my mum and saying to her please come and pick him up for an hour before I go mad and end up hitting him!! I have never smacked any of my children but that day I really could have!! So believe me you are not alone. All children do it - its just a bad patch, you'll get though it!

Changing the subject tho, I have my pram ladies!! Its a Red/Black travel system and its great!! Just what I wanted!!
I also went into town on Monday and bought all my nightwear/slippers for the hospital so feel like I am nearly ready for him to arrive! All I need now is to get him some more clothes and we'll be ready!! but taking the other kids this weekend I think so they can get him a little present of their own!!

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