Hey ladies! I am sat here like a big fat pie. Baby is gliding his legs across the very top of my tummy and rolling himself into a tight and very uncomfortable (for me) little ball! I am also about to pee myself.
Anyway, as you might know, I am training to be a clinical psychologist and luckily for me that involves working with children with behavioural problems, from the severe end right down to the terrible 2s!
Children will exhibit challenging behaviour when they get something from it. These are usually for extra attention (so being bad or naughty/ crying), to avoid doing something (running away), sensory reasons (smearing faeces, e.g. when autistic), communication (trying to tell you something, like I am not happy or I am angry) or tangible reinforcement (i.e. to get something, "I want that").
There are various things to do- the most important I believe is not letting them see that they can upset mummy. Mummy is the boss and she is in control... let that slide and they think they rule the roost!!!
The most important thing is not to take away the function of the behaviour (example would be attention. We don't want to remove attention, we just want to reinforce it when it is good attention). So if he acts up, ignore it. And give him extra attention when he is being good. That way he learns he gets extra attention when he is being good. Same for getting things- we can give them what they want only when they are being good. That way, being naughty means he won;t get anything. If it's a sensory thing, like smearing faeces, give him something else that allows him the same sensory feeling, like slime.
Rememebr though, when a new strategy is taken on by mum, kids usually up the ante- and behave even worse. But this is short-lived. I say all this and I make it sound so easy- I am in for a HUGE shock when Mr Man appears, I know that.

Plus, everything I have just typed will go straight out the window!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx