lol, ok shelly ill go get her now lol, I hope everything comes in2 plan she is a fighter she proved that so far I had the weirdest feeling the other day, I walked in the nusery and went to pick up baby and there was nothing there lol then I got all upset about fact we still have 5 weeks left i just want to see her xx
oh yeh ur right there but if she is anything like her daddy she will be late he would be late for his own funeral lol. lucky cow lol, Iv had heart burn all the tme everytime I eat and I dread eatting then realise i fancy a snack or a drink and say know cos iv just taken gavoson lol
Yeah thats why I'm not trying to get my hopes up too high as Liam will be late to things / cut it very fine as opposed to early.
Aww, mine was awful a few days ago...even drinking water gave me it!! Hope yours disappears soon...wonder if its a sign she's dropped or something, I was too lazy to monitor how high my bump went etc...its never been overly high though so hmm.
lol mine has dropped but still in pain lol. its horrible, shelly Ive just sent merv for some ice cream after he finishes work ur fault I just pictured ben and jerrys ice cream mmm nice lol xx
haha he phone me at asda and I ended up asking for rasberry ripple cos its 2 litres hahah, I also got apple crumble and custard but I did have chicken for tea so i balances it out a bit lol.
I have my last exam 2mo I have been a good girl and done the notes for the open book bit well proud lol
aww shelley i'm sorry about what you're going through...i can only imagine the worry but everyone's right, she sounds like a fighter!
also please please keep an eye on the symptoms you gave (itching, high pressure and so on) my SIL had very severe form of pre-eclampsia that the midwife (who happens to now be my midwife!) completely missed and both her and baby nearly died so you gotta be on your toes and make them follow things up if symptoms persist
Thanks for the tip Wishing my friend had pre-eclampsia and she was reallyreally ill! She didn't realise she had it till she went to the MW and if she hadn't of gone on that day they basically said her and Leo would not have survived
Thankfully she and Leo are fine! She had to stay in hospital for a week and a half afterwards though cause of complications...not fun
Doubt it...if family is anything to go by, then I'd be at least a week late. But, doc said as long as my cervix is ripe and I'm 39 weeks they can "socially" induce me, because if I'm late, there's a good chance OH would miss everything.
Sooo, let's hope my body cooperates with me...even though I won't mind having a day or two with just OH and I before the ball drops, so to speak.
I hear you. I've done the same thing for a long time, but I guess I better start thinking about it because I still have yet to get anything other than the baby clothes I inherited.
And I haven't even thought about packing a hospital bag, and I think I'll be filling it mostly with movies...I plan on getting an epidural and I have a feeling I'll be very, very bored.
I know the worry about pre eclampsia. POne of my mates had it last year so badly she and her LO nearly died. Its very dangerous..
BP was fine at hospital today, but I have a monitor at home and it was waaaay too high yesterday. Ive been told to keep an eye on it at home myself. TBH, all this stress makes it much worse.
Maybe - hope you enjoyed your ice cream - i know I did..
But crikey, what Id give for a bacon and egg sandwich now!!! I told OH I obviously need to eat more of th good stuff to fatten LO up bit. Bring on the sarnies and cakes!
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