Well ladies had my MW appointment today and Caitlyn is 3/5ths engaged and once again there's confusion over my dates! I'm just gonna go with the flow and let my daughter come when she's ready. Midwife wrote in my notes today for an early discharge from hospital, so long as all is well, as I dont want to stay in at all
Have been having lots of backache and pains down in my woowoo lately so am glad thats been explained by bubba girl engaging. Other than that all is well with me. Finished uni and move house on friday! Woop.
Oh, that sounds painful
DH and I were having dinner the other night, baked chicken and potatoes, and I finished mine and he was only halfway through. Suddenly he said, "Are you right there?" Apparently I was was staring at the untouched drumstick on his plate He passed it over using cutlery, but I was so hungry I just picked it up with my hands! I finished off his potato too.... then went back for Jelly, cheese and crackers and a banana. I just felt like everything I ate was disappearing out of my stomach.
Ha ha - does anybody think its funny how any funny pains and twinges we get we start thinking about giving birth!!
I did this last week, was getting a few twinges and had a thought hey - this could be it , then thought shut up you silly cow its the same ones you've been getting all the way through!!
I have decided tho ignorance is definately bliss - I was never this petrified with the first!!
Oh well still feeling good - aches have definately eased this week and starting to feel human again!! to the point where some days I dont even feel pregnant til I get a limb sticking out of my belly!!