I just wrote a massive update on growth scan, talked about important things and commented on everything - and then lost the bloody page cause my PC is so slow!
I cant write it again or I'll cry so here is a brief explaination...
Growth is fine - LO is fine - bit small but fine
Met a wonderful MW who has refered me to see a specialist lady with regards to my anxiety (been getting more and more worried about labour recently) I only popped in for a bit of advice and ended up sittin there sobbing! (think her and OH thought I was crazy emotional wreck.. lol)
Anyway, hoping for app early next week to sort my head out. She said they can manage my labour differently if ive had previous trauma etc.. I feel so much better now - although seems to have made it more real- and more scary now!?!
My feet are huge too and I feel fat and unsightly. I am constantly sweaty and no clothes fit anymore. Oh the joys. Just been going through pics to post on here and got depressed - I ve lost my waist!
Hoping to see it again shortly - I had a massive jalfrezi earlier - it was stunning!
Right, need to work out this pic posting business...