I'm the one with the boyfriend in the picture that looks like a girl sure he wont me describing him like that. Am under the London and University of Northampton networks too.
I feel like I am one of the last hold outs in the Western World! I did myspace for about 4 months when it was newish.. but then just didn't feel comfy with it, so got rid of it. Something about broadcasting my personal life worries me when my "real" name is attached. Not to mention all the people I have known and heard about getting in trouble at work for what they put on those sites. There was a BIG stink at the zoo I worked at over the posting of certain pics.
I'm seriously fed up today had pressure and pains all week and today is just as bad i swear he is trying to make me a new hole and i have developed this lovely habit of everytime i eat i have to run to the loo to be sick! This is the first time i have been sick in my entire pregnancy and it happens 3 times in a week!
OH's sister and hubby are reckoning baby will arrive on either the 10th, 12th or 14th! I want him here this weekend am seriously over being pregnant am just fed up with it now.
elley- do you have a panda in your arms on your fb?
i have added the rest of you except you wishing- how do I find you?
I am in quite a bit of pain. Had sore tummy earlier and emptied bowels, but got more pains and need to go again. Also had period like pains earlier, have a sore back and also bump painful! xx
The film 'Angel Eyes' has just started on fiver... i can't make up my mind if i've seen it before or if i'm trying to convince myself i have
is it any good ladies? or shall i turn over to big brother?
ok...i now am certain i've seen it before, but can't remember how it ends... god now i have to decide whether to watch it and hope i don't suddenly remember it all, or just turn over now... my preggo brain can't make big life changing decisions like this!!!
I'm deffo on FB and nope no panda in my arms lol https://www.facebook.com/home.php#/photo.php?pid=1822551&id=666841724 thats the pic your looking for lol
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