July 2009 buddies wanted!!

WL, I posted in your other thread, but will mention it here, too... go by your orginial due date. :) If I went by when my last scans said LO was due, I would be 3-4 weeks overdue :shock: as he has been full term size since 32 weeks! :dohh:

Wishing, good luck with the sweep! I don't want to scare you, but there is a small chance that it might be a bit painful...? I think it depends on how ready you are. My friend had a sweep done, she said the doc put his fingers into her cervix a bit and "swept" his fingers around the edge of it, loosening the membranes there. She probably wasn't ready for that (even though she was 40 weeks) and she said it hurt and she bled alot for the rest of the day. I think that happening is RARE, but on the off chance it happens to you, don't think anything has gone wrong! :hugs:
Thanks for the link WL I'lll have a read now. Its really horrible ATM around here. Nearly everyone you meet has had it or knows someone who has - its a real big deal. Good news is it still seems quite mild. Its a catch 22 situ though, because although you dont want to catch it, you want to get it if/before it mutates.

Ah well, I guess its luck of the draw - but we are being careful.

WL - thats great news your LO has turned. Defo get drinking the tea and pineapple. I'd say have a go at what got you into this state, but I havent tried it myself yet - its on the cards this wknd though!

Hope everything s ok G.... xx

SJK - get on your ball if you have one and start bouncing. That'll move LO's head down a bit. I always feel loads of pressure when I get on my ball. Had lots of BH today, a few painful ones too - fingers crossed!!
twiglet - i too have ignored texts today... i answered the door to my dad (AGAIN!) but explained i wasn't dressed and was having a lazy day so he didnt come in, but i am officially no longer responding to any texts that say 'hurry up and have it' or 'have you had the baby yet' i can't believe these texts are coming in the main from people who already have children so know how unpredictable arrival is! :grr:

whitelilly - defo go by original date else you could build yourself up for early arrival and be disappointed...fantastic news that he turned though :yipee:
thanks tigerlady...with that in mind i shall wear dark bottoms and not plan to do much after in case of bleeding/discomfort
Have rather enjoyed it actually but yeah a fair amount have been from people who have had babies already....that annoys me more! :hissy:
Oh, no Gem! Don't mention dis-engagement. I'm feeling more comfortable again, and less trips to the bathroom, so I'm wondering if LO has moved up again too :cry:

Try not to worry about Swine Flu Shelley. We have it here too but because it's so mild, it's no longer getting that much attention. Just use the hand-sprays while you're out and about.
Hey ladies how is everyone?

I am feeling a little better mentally now - kinda resorted to the attitude of what will be will be and just see what happens!!

Physically though I am in pain!! My back has been horrendous for the past 2 days and all down one side has been agony!! it doesnt seem too bad in the day but I got up at 5.30am today as the pain was just sooooo bad and yesterday it was 3am!!

but yet again, now I feel fine!! I feel a bit guilty as I have gotten my sister to take Lewis to his motorcross today as I was so achey and horrible but now they have gone it seems to have eased and its the first time I have not been to watch my little man! feel like a bad mum, I should be there watching my little fella doing well!!
OMG I have just read that back and realised what a moaning old cow I sound! sorry girls!!
Due date is tomorrow and still no sign. I'm getting to be down right pissy. I am extremely tired but I'm sleeping like crap, and there is still no sign that he's going to budge. I didn't even get an offer for a sweep from the damn OB.

I really am not a happy camper at this point.
I totally sympathise with you godiva - I was overdue with my first and it was horrendous and I didnt have a timescale to work with regarding OH!!

I can imagine you must be getting down in the dumps now, big hugs sweetie - hope he comes soon!!
Ahh Gem, you do not sound moany at all! The last few weeks are horrible and all the hormones and emotions raging around, just not fun :( :hugs:

Boo Godiva, I'll keep my fingers crossed that something will happen today / tomorrow! This waiting game is no fun!
Hey girls,

What is wrong with us for gods sake??! How come on the other July thread people are popping them out and we're not?! haha...

Poor us eh. I sympathise with you all. Big hugs everyone. This has been a horrible week for us all to be pregnant, let alone without the constant pressure of folk asking about due dates, visiting unanounced, swollen body parts, raging hormones and poor Godiva having to worry about giving birth on a time scale. Im suprised we're all still sane!

We need some serious eviction plans to come into play from now on me thinks.

Hope everyone has a birthing ball - lots of fresh pineapple and some RLT handy?!
Gem - this obviously doesnt include you as you want LO to come next week. Fingers crossed Blake is listening!!!

Seriously though. Most first babies are upto 10 days late and the average 2nd baby is 4 days late. With that in mind Im off to eat a big bar of chocolate while I still have the excuse!

I felt so poorly last night and spent from about 4pm in bed. William spent all night coughing, sneezing and complained about a headache. Thankfully he sems a bit better today and I am just tired. My first thought was that bloody flu. Fingers crossed his temp stays down. We can do without that in our house now!!!!

TTFN everyone xxxx
Moaning, chocolate and crisps / cakes are the way forward in my eyes :rofl:

Hope William feels better soon and you :hugs:
Well there is no way on earth this child is going to be late! I do not want an August baby he is already going to be one of the youngest in his class let alone if he is born in August.

I'm in alone all day today as Chris has picked up the 2nd car (Only he has a driving licence but now we have a 57 Reg Astra 3 door and the new Mondeo) so he is off to his mums to strip a crash damaged Mondeo his dad has to put the posh bits on our Mondeo. Boys and their toys. So i'm in the house all day but i wanna go out and do something but then again i need to sort the house out oh i don't know what to do.
Morning! I am also surprised that not one of us has popped yet!!!

I am feeling ok despite being in lots of pain where my skin is strecthing... :(

I have definitely got the cleaning bug... today I have cleaned the kitchen, bathroom, tidied, hoovered, re-packed my hospital bag, packed baby's bag properly, made a list of things to do and plan on getting them all done. I also plan on nipping to shops and getting some fresh new bedding for hubby to put on our bed when I am in hospital.

Chances are though I will do all this and be waiting flipping ages for his arrival!

Ooooh I forgot to mention- at scan yesterday- he had little tufts of hair on his head! I am so excited! I hope it's dark and spiky heehee!

Also, I know I am keeping my 25th july due date (so as not to disappoint myself) but I calculated due date from conception (266 days) as I had kept a record... and guess what date it came out as- 17th July which was the U/S measurements yesterday!

As for the moaning- that's what we are here for :hugs: xxx
Hello, I've not been on for yonks been well rough, had diabetes on insulin 3 times a day, baby footling breech .....tried to turn with no joy, had super sore ribs, spd, couldn't sleep cos of jumpy legs, high BP BUT
Baby Leo is here I had to have a section on june 26th 7lb 9oz and now all is well

Hope all are, well thanks for support, shelly- good luck can't believe how quick journey has gone seems like ages ago we were waiting for that BFP!!!!
Hello, I've not been on for yonks been well rough, had diabetes on insulin 3 times a day, baby footling breech .....tried to turn with no joy, had super sore ribs, spd, couldn't sleep cos of jumpy legs, high BP BUT
Baby Leo is here I had to have a section on june 26th 7lb 9oz and now all is well

Hope all are, well thanks for support, shelly- good luck can't believe how quick journey has gone seems like ages ago we were waiting for that BFP!!!!

congrats , glad all is well now :cloud9::cloud9:
girls, just popping on for a min to say hello , I didnt get to say yesterday and please dont mention on fb, i am being induced tomorrow night, I have to be at the h'pital for 8pm, so I will pop on 2moro to say goodbye for a day or 2 :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: xxx
Ahh yay SJK, looking forward to being kept updated :happydance: best of luck for it!

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