ok...here's my journal entry so it saves me typing it all out again...
no sweep
so let's rewind to last tue...
midwife: right if baby goes overdue would you like sweep before induction?
me: yes please, sweep first then induction if that doesn't work
midwife: ok see you in a week (writes in my notes i said sweep)
midwife: so did you decide if you wanted sweep before induction?
me: umm...yes i want sweep please and induction if that doesn't work
midwife: ok would you like sweep next mon or tue then?
me: (pissed off but knowing there's nothing i can now do about it books a sweep for monday afternoon clearly stating whilst doing so that i want it done asap)
now call me stupid but last tue we agreed on a sweep... seriously i will be sooooo glad when midwife appointments are over with. guess the plus point is by doing it on the monday she comes to my house rather than me to the surgery...
OH unimpressed too when i told him...though i suspect thats also cos his chances of winning sweepstake just went down (his dates are today and tomorrow)
i thought about saying something to midwife but then figured what's the point...she's clearly not booked me in today for sweep so i'm not gonna get one
bought some evening primrose capsules though so will try and loosen things up with them!