July 2009 buddies wanted!!

Poor SJK :( hope things speed up for her soon!

Shelley glad your feeling a little better! :hugs:

I seem to have lost all ability to sleep at night, I even let Liam sleep in our bed last night as I knew he wouldn't be keeping me awake :rofl:

Who's going to be the next to pop? :D
Stupid comment alert...........

I walked into my nans today after not seeing her or my grandad since last Tuesday and immediately she said "omg look at the size of you" i was like "erm why what?" "your huge you have gone massive" me "nope i haven't i'm the same as i was last week." Not very impressed by this point. She then decides to say "That's definately a baby that's due" Well erm DUH! every baby is due just happens to be mine is due in 2 weeks talk about stating the obvious! Even my grandad had a WTF moment when she said that lol!

I've started getting really strong stabby type pains in my bump today my back yesterday and my bump today! My mum phoned last night asking if i was in the hospital or having any pains or anything so i said no (didnt wanna tell her about the back pains because she would of ust panicked) So she said ok just wanted to check. Thought that was quite strange tbh then Chris got a text off his mum "is Leish in labour? I've got the can't sit still bug an have had to do loads today like i did when i had you and mel so just wondered" replied and said i wasn't in labour but was having back pains.

I find it really strange that both mums asked the same question with in an hour of eachother
Wow that is weird!!! Could mean something!! I think yr gonna have yr baby in the next few days.

:rofl: at yr Nan, she sounds just like mine. Mine just refers to me as 'The Bump' now. She same round last week & managed to worry my Mum & Dad as she told them I looked pale & didn't look well.....it was only cos I didn't have any make up on!!!
I think i'll still be here on the 27th fed up waiting and getting ready to kill the doctors lol!

My nan and grandad ALWAYS tell me i look pale. My reply is usually along the lines of well not going anywhere near the front door in weeks does that to you lol
Yeah that is odd! Maybe its a sign! :D

I forgot to mention my mum and Liam get back pain and "bump" pains :rofl: now watching Liam get pains is hilarious! I sound like a horrid girlfriend but seriously if I could video it without him feeling silly I would!

When my mum went into labour with my youngest sibling my nan had labour pains...these little things are so weird but funny :)
Chris has got a "bump" it just sot of appeared one day lol it's quite cute.

I just found it really strange they both asked the same question with in an hour or so of eachother and it's the first time either of them have asked. They usually just ask how i am.
Maybe your little boy will be putting in an appearance sooner rather than later.

I've taken to ignoring my mum as everyday I get a text, then a facebook message, then a home phone call...she's my birthing partner too! so if there were any signs she'd be the first to know :rofl: I love her though.

At this rate I think Liam will give birth before me.
I have a feeling that in the next couple of wks my Dad will take to asking me if there are any signs every time I speak to him....my Mum is my birthing partner with Chris too so I will have to gently point out that they will be the first people I ring if I do get any signs so stop asking!!!!
I doubt he will be here before the 27th i really do. I think he is taking after his father in the lazy dept.

My mum is cool not asking i think she knows it does my head in lol! Plus she'd be the first one to know as i would be knocking on her door saying give me your badge for work i'm not paying to park at the hospital lol (my mum is payroll manager and my little bro works in records so they get to pak for nothing in the staff car parks and like hell i'm paying if i don't have to!)
:rofl: good benefit to knowing people that work at the hospital!

I love that people ask if we have signs out of concern but when they're your birthing partners and they ask everyday it gets silly :lol:

Liam asked me the other day when I was gonna give birth...when I replied with I dunno, he said its your body though....I thought you'd just know! If only Liam...if only! If that was the case I'm sure there'd be more happy pregnant ladies out there who are at term / beyond term. Bless him :dohh:
Liam asked me the other day when I was gonna give birth...when I replied with I dunno, he said its your body though....I thought you'd just know! If only Liam...if only! If that was the case I'm sure there'd be more happy pregnant ladies out there who are at term / beyond term. Bless him :dohh:

LOL out of the mouth of........men eh! :rofl:
That's great that Gem had her little man :wohoo:

I have been having the strongest braxton hicks yesterday and today. Todays feel like the baby is rising to the very top of my uterus when I am contracting and they are lasting ages :(

I have had a few BHs on and off the past few weeks but nothing like this! I have also been having gas and BMs regularly past week or so so I reckon my body is getting ready... could still be 4 flippin weeks though! xx
Liam asked me the other day when I was gonna give birth...when I replied with I dunno, he said its your body though....I thought you'd just know! If only Liam...if only! If that was the case I'm sure there'd be more happy pregnant ladies out there who are at term / beyond term. Bless him :dohh:

LOL out of the mouth of........men eh! :rofl:

Exactly! Their wisdom is beyond me :rofl:

Sounds exciting WL :D its always annoying when you sit back and think though that it could still be 4 weeks eh? I am not wanting to be an August mum! I'll proclaim myself a July mummy at heart!
ARG! :hissy: I wish I could tell if I were getting BH! :hissy:

My bump is really achy today (like it had a work out), and I swear if felt hard when I woke up to pee last night. But I can't tell for sure! Does your bump really feel super rock hard like a wall when you get them???
Yep, I always get one when I'm on the loo. Not fun as I cant lean down to get to the loo roll sometimes. Whoever invented this house did not have pregnant ladies in mind when he put the loo roll holder up!
Mine just now is going really hard and the baby is rising right up to the top of my uterus, it actually is quite sore up there. My belly feels like a rock. Then it is getting sorer and tightening more before releasing. I am really uncomfortable. I also have a sore back :(

Just going to get up and get my dinner and a big glass of juice... xx
Hmm.. maybe I am not getting them then. My bump goes a bit hard and tight, but not like a wall! :shock:
They can vary in strength, when I had them at 20 weeks it was literally that my bump was hard all over. Its only the last few days or so that mine have got so tight that my bump is rock hard.

Hmm, WL hope it eases up for you soon or if its labour hope it speeds up :hugs:
Thanks! I am sure they are BHs... although a black cat crossed in front of me earlier :rofl: (<---- yeah right like that means anything!) xx

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