I havent got a MW app cause the hospital buggered it up basically. They told me the other day to just come back in 2 weeks - 2 weeks! Thats like 10 days after my due date. Thats when they'll need to induce me, not book an app to induce me. I kept asking the other day, but nobody listened to me.
The only number I have is triage dept at the delivery suite. Should I call them?
Shelley, what about ringing the hospital at a 'quiet time' (e.g. when it's not visiting hours / not shift change etc.) and hoping you get to talk to someone new and explain the whole situation. Hopefully they'll say to come down?
I only had the delivery suite number so I rang them and explained how things have been. As predicted the MW I spoke to (who was very nice) said theres nothing they can do. Its just a waiting game. Hopefully one night they'll start and wont stp like they have been and it'll turn into full blown labour.
After reading about it, there are some good points to be had. Usually established labour is a lot shorter than normal because your body has done so much of the work before hand. I am taking that info and running with it! Lets hope its the case eh.
Loads of other sites have posts from women saying v similar things. They usually have thier LO's within a week of them starting. I would say that felt a long time, but its been 4-5 days now!
Come on weekend babies - lets be havin ya!
Anyone know what time Wishing was going in? Who is she reporting to??
Wishing has just text me to say she is settling down for the night. She's had the first lot of gel put in & they will be putting a second lot it at approx 6.30am.
Hopefully she will start with contractions during the night & won't need the 2nd lot!!
Well 1st bit of gel worked quite well! Been getting pain in waves since 4am & having good show! Been put on monitor 2 check heartbeat again & then more gel x
Text at 7.27am -
Midwife went to put 2nd gel in but waters broke just as she went to do it! Bad news is baby has poo'd in water so will need to be on monitor constantly. Been told it means baby will arrive today! x
And.....Maybethistime text me at 4.37am to say she was on way to hospital as she was getting contractions every 2 mins!!!!
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